Protection and Permanency Transmittal LETTER PPTL 04-23

TO: Service Region Administrators

Service Region Administrator Associates

Regional Program Specialists

Family Services Office Supervisors

FROM: Barbara Carter, Director

Division of Protection and Permanency

DATE: June 18, 2004

SUBJECT: New/revised SOP added to Chapter 7B – CPS Investigation based on revisions to Administrative Regulation 922 KAR 1:330 Child Protective Services and new CAPTA requirements

The purpose of this transmittal letter is to notify staff of new and revised SOPs as a result of amendments to 922 KAR 1:330 – Child protective services and new CAPTA requirements pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 5106a to include:

·  Clarification on timeframes for initiation of the Investigation / FINSA;

·  Clarification/revision to notifications and the Distribution Chart;

·  Procedures to notify the alleged perpetrator subject to an Investigation/FINSA during initial face-to face contact (New CAPTA requirement);

·  Procedures involving coordination of Investigations/FINSA with local Children’s Advocacy Center, when applicable;

·  New procedures involving investigations of Supports for Community Living (SCL) and Community Mental Health / Mental Retardation Center (CMHC) per Memorandum of Understanding (MOU);

·  Use of the new DPP-155 for notification of investigation and rights to a CAPTA appeal if the allegations is substantiated; and

·  Procedures for referral to Early Intervention Services for all child(ren) under the age of three (3) upon a substantiation of abuse or neglect (New CAPTA requirement).

To comply with the new CAPTA requirements, which become effective June 25, 2004 and amendments to 922 KAR 1:330, which became effective June 16, 2004 the new/revised SOPs will have an effective date of June 25, 2004 and supercedes all previously issued Standards of Practice or policy regarding this topic. Implementation of these SOP revisions impact federal funding.

Due to the numerous changes throughout, it is highly recommended that all staff review Chapter 7B—CPS Investigation in its entirety. The revised SOPs are indicated by red print and are found in Chapter 7B – CPS Investigation, located on the DPP online manual website at: /dpp/chapters/7/7B%20CPS%20Investigation.doc

If you have any questions concerning this transmittal letter, please contact Jeff Wright at or (502) 564-6852 (x-4464).

An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D

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