RPEMS Wellness Committee Meeting Minutes
Friday, September 20, 2013 at 8:15 am
PPrincipal’s Conference Room
Attending: Maiju Lehmijoki-Gardner, Angela Fulmer, Elisha Hawk, Luke Hollis, Caroline Wayner, Kate Walsh-Little, Sonia Thompson, Nancy Lewin, Kirigo Kabuga, Melina Turtle, Katie Krouse, Nancy Kass (recording secretary), Cortney Chaite
Guests: Jeremy Kasper and Josh Levinson (of Charm City Run) and Erica Gordon from Marathon Kids
Elisha Hawk joined the committee
Marathon Kids
- Kids walk or run the equivalent of a marathon 26.2 miles. Kick off is tomorrow Saturday Sept 21 for kick off mile. Physical education teacher can implement at the school however it works best at the school. At kick off the kids run a lap and get water bottle, etc.
- Mileage and fuel log throughout, and then a closing event.
- Mr. Hollis said that usually flyers get sent home rather than doing most of it in school, although the kids all start together in school. Mr. Hollis mentioned maybe working more with Playworks to do more of the running/walking during school hours.
- Banner, many posters, and laniers arrived from Alliance for a Healthier Generation.
- On September 29, Mr. Hollis will be flying to receive National Recognition at the Clinton Library from the Clinton Foundation. There is a tour and event. Photo opportunity, networking sessions. There are several schools going from Maryland; we are the only school from Baltimore City that has received this recognition.
- Publicity
- Nancy Lewin and Amy Bonitz are in charge of media aspect of recognition
- Mr. D. and Maiju will be doing publicity within the school system
- Kate Walsh-Little is in charge of celebration within the school
- Caroline, Sonia Thompson, and CorneyChaite are in charge of healthy school newsletter
- Maiju has created a fact sheet to be used for publicity
- We cannot release any press release before Monday September 30, although we can do a lot of background conversation before then
- Nancy and Amy will create a press release based on the information Maiju put together.
- Nancy is working with the Alliance to find out what they’re doing, and Kate Walsh-Little has reached out to Erica Green of Baltimore Sun who seems interested.
- On Friday September 27, Mr. D and Luke and Maiju will send an email to the RPEMS community about the award.
- School celebration:
- Maybe a table with apple slices and orange slices with banners—maybe on October 4th.
- Mr. Hollis said teachers should prep the kids for the event or the kids will have no idea what is going on.
- It will vary with grade what teachers will be able to do in terms of engaging the kids about the wellness celebration
- Paper plate with drawing of favorite fruit or healthy food
- Nancy Kass will look on internet to see if there are some ideas for arts activities for elementary kids; could be put on the back of a flyer given to teachers
- Maiju will post on classroom parent to seek fruit donations
- Caroline, Sonia, and Cortney doing great with newsletter progress!
Mission Statement: Angela did a draft mission statement for us; drafts were distributed for everyone’s reaction.
- Much enthusiasm for statement #1 with addition of the word “policies” and maybe to “make and to model healthy choices at school and in the community”. Angela and Maiju will make some changes and will distribute again.
- Fresh salads in cafeteria for students and staff. Next week it starts “full day” for all. It has been once a day for a grade each day. Would be great to send an email to parents about the salad bar and how to sign your child up for lunch.
- Recess changes- great partnership with Playworks led by Ms. Furno. Sean Keelan (?) from Playworks is working on evaluation and he comes to check in periodically. Some kids don’t like not being able to bring their own soccer balls to school but otherwise big success. Concerns about kids being called out to stand against the wall and lining up. Sean’s recommendation has been the kids getting on knees at end of recess. Maybe we can brainstorm with him.
- Running festival: training, raising funds. $9458 so far. Cortney is leading with fundraising. Will call for a hospitality person. Maybe Caroline. Balloons and banners and lawn chairs in the runners’ village.
- Walk to school day October 9. Lots of volunteers at different spots for walking. We wanted to figure out how many people were walking but missed a lot last year. Maybe just have someone at the main “arteries” to give stickers out and count. Luke, Caroline, Angela can help. Caroline can talk to Amy about doing Wyndhurst station. Close the loop here by email. Commit to helping Amy with outcomes.
- October 24—we will skip food day this year
Teachers have a hard time coming to mornings, maybe we can alternate morning vs. afternoon meetings
Friday October 25 at 8:15am will be next meeting.