MDM 4U – Test

MS Excel


1. An inspector at a packaging facility selected a sample of 20 packages of corn chips from the day shift and 20 from the afternoon shift. The packages had these masses in grams.

Day Shift

Afternoon Shift

a)  Determine the mean and the standard deviation to one decimal place for the day shift.


b)  Determine the mean and standard deviation to one decimal place for the afternoon shift.


c)  Each package of corn chips is supposed to have a mass of 151 g. Which shift is doing the best job? Explain.


2.  Data on a particular model of used car was collected from the classified section of a newspaper.

a)  Insert the scatterplot, with the equations of the line of best fit and the correlation coefficient. Explain what the line of best fit represents in this model.


b)  Use the equation of the line of best fit to predict the asking price for a 2-year-old car of the same model. How sure are you that your calculation is accurate?


c) When would you expect the value of the car to be $3500?


3. After conducting a survey the following table was made.

10.1 to 10.5 / 5
10.6 to 11 / 8
11.1 to 11.5 / 12
11.6 to 12 / 9
12.1 to 12.5 / 6

Find the following

a)  mode

b)  median

c)  mean and standard deviation for the grouped data and insert your table to show your calculations


4.  Use the NBA STATS excel file and to analyze why Steph Curry is predicted to be the Most Valuable Player this year for the NBA. AND look at the SALARIES file and give your statistical opinion on whether some of these players deserve their salaries. The categories are as follows

MIN – minutes played per game

PTS – points scored per game

FG% - field goal - shooting percentage from the floor

3P% - three point shooting percentage

FT% - free throw - foul shots percentage


5. A firm that conducts business with a ISO 9000 company has done a statistical analysis on its production levels and have found that the mean width of a product is 46 cm with a standard deviation of 0.025 cm. Their customer will not deal with them if the reject rate is below 98%. The cost of manufacturing the product is $37 and sells for $155 and the company knows that the cost of purchasing new equipment is $220 000 and the standard deviation is 0.021. If a product is rejected if it falls outside the range of 45.94 < X < 46.06 and this firm makes 100 000 products a year, then should they buy the new equipment? Explain your decision using statistics.


6.  After the test, the average was calculated to be 73 with a standard deviation of 6. Determine the test score that would represent the top 5% of the class.


7.  You are asked by the McDonald’s corporation to design a drink machine that dispenses cola in a 340 ml cup such that there are no overflow mishaps, or customer complaints for not enough cola in the cup. Discuss how you would design this machine such that the ownership and customers would be happy.


8. We have discussed the importance of certain tests for a potential employee to take before being granted an interview. Your marks do not give the employer an overall picture of the employee. Discuss some tests that the future employee may have to take and include in your explanation the reasoning behind the tests. Do you think it is reasonable and useful to follow this process? Explain.


9. Make a bar and pie graph that is properly labeled for the following data that shows the coal production for each country. Copy and paste your graphs below.

Canada / 125
United States / 185
Ireland / 95
England / 106
France / 145
