Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette
Fact Sheet
Our Mission:
- To provide, promote, and protect access to sexual and reproductive health care.
About PPCW:
- Founded in 1963, Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette (PPCW) is dedicated to providing expert sexual and reproductive health care to people in Oregon and Southwest Washington.
- PPCW provides a broad range of sexual and reproductive health care, family planning and other medical services; trains and educates community members on issues of sexuality; and advocates for the protection of reproductive rights and freedom in Oregon and Southwest Washington.
- PPCW currently has 189.55 FTE’s and a budgeted revenue of $21,097,900
- PPCW is one of 68 independent affiliates of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
PPCW Health Care:
- PPCW serves more than 55,000 people each year at our health centers inBeaverton, Bend, NE Portland, SE Portland, and Salem, OR; and Vancouver, WA.
- Eighty-nine percent (89%) of our patients are low-income (below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level)
- Seventy-two percent (72%) of our patients are between the ages of 18 and 29.
- Ninety-five percent (95%) of all patient visits to PPCW are for preventive sexual health care, including birth control, gynecological exams, screenings for breast and cervical cancer, STD testing and treatment, HIV testing and counseling, and safer sex counseling.
- Less than five percent of PPCW services are for abortion care.
- Services available atPPCW health centers include:
-Family planning and counseling
-Birth control and contraceptives
-Gynecological exams & Pap tests
-Breast and cervical cancer screening
-STD testing and treatment
-HIV testing and counseling / -HPV vaccinations
-Emergency contraception (EC)
-Colposcopy and LEEP procedures
-Vasectomy (male sterilization)
-Free pregnancy testing and options information
-In-clinic abortion and abortion pill
PPCW Education:
- PPCW provides age-appropriate, evidence-based, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health educationto schools, community groups, youth serving agencies, and communities of faith.
- PPCW’s Education programs align with state health education content standards, providing youth with tools to make informed and healthy life choices
- More than 1,400 teens are enrolled in a PPCW Education program each year, reaching more than 8,000 young people annually.
PPCW Advocacy:
- PPCW partners with Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon and Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest to protect access to sexual and reproductive health care, and defend women and families. These organizations are visible and powerful advocates for reproductive rights and reproductive health issues in Oregon and SW Washington.
- Together, Planned Parenthood has a grassroots network of thousands of local supporters to help ensure that Oregon and Washington remain among the leading states for reproductive freedom and family planning services.
Updated October 2014