Powerpoint Notes on Ancient Greece

Powerpoint Notes on Ancient Greece

PowerPoint Notes on Ancient Greece


1. Zeus- He is the ______king______god of the Olympians. He and his brothers ____divided______up creation. Zeus received the ______sky and earth__.

*What is Mount Olympus? ____place where the gods live in Greece __

2. Hera-She is the goddess of ______marriage______. She is married to ______Zeus______. Her symbol is often a ____peacock_.

*Which mortal son of Zeus did she detest? ____Hercules______

3. Poseidon- God of the ______Sea____, earthquakes, and _horses____.

*Who beat Poseidon in becoming the ruler of Athens? __Athena_____

4.Hermes- He was the ___messenger______of the gods. He guided dead souls to the ___underworld____.

He created the first ___ lyre__ out of a _____tortoise shell______.

5. Artemis-Goddess of the _____hunt______. She helped women with ______childbirth_____ but also brought death with her _____arrows______.

*Who did Apollo trick her into killing? ______Orion______Why?

___Apollo was jealous of the time Artemis spent with Orion. ______

6.Ares-God of ______War_____. Main God of ____Sparta_____.

*Who almost killed Ares in battle? ______Hercules______

7. Hephaestus-He is the lame god of ____fire ___ and crafts. He was married to ______Aphrodite_____.

*What caused his limp? ______Hera or Zeus threw him off of Mount Olympus because he was ugly_____

8. Dionysus-God of __wine__. He saved his mother from the ______underworld______.

9. Demeter-goddess of ___harvest______. She often is carrying a bundle of ______grain______.

*Who was her daughter? ______Persephone______

*How do they explain the seasons? Fall and winter occur when Persephone is down in the underworld with Hades. Spring and summer occur when Persephone is with Demeter once again on earth.

10. Apollo- God of poetry, ____music ______, and ______healing_____.

Invented the ______lute______.

11. Aphrodite- Goddess of __love______, beauty and Fertility.

*Who judged Aphrodite to be the most beautiful over Hera and Athena?

______Prince Paris____

12. Athena- Goddess of _____wisdom ______and war. Her symbol is the _____owl____.

*How was she born? __Sprang out of Zeus’s head


1. The first Olympics were started in 776 BC.

2. They were held to honor Zeus.

3. They determined which city-state had the greatest warriors.

4. The first Olympic event was the 200 yard dash. They ran both naked and fully armored.

5. Some other events were boxing, wrestling, chariot racing, pakration, discus, spear throwing, etc.

6. Only men were allowed to compete in the original games.

7. Women weren’t even allowed to watch the games.

8. How then was a woman able to win the Olympics?

Predict answer? ______

Real Reason? She owned the horse that won the chariot race. She was from Sparta.

She won a chariot race.

9. Victors of the events received a crown of laurel leaves.

10. They were regarded as heroes of their city-state. A new entrance was cut into the winning city-states wall to show they could defend their city-state well. Sparta did not do this because they didn’t build walls around their city-state.