CSCI 490M/580M
Exam 2 Review
PowerPoint Lectures covered:
- Cascading Style Sheets, PowerPoint file 04
- JavaScript, PowerPoint files 05-07.
Point breakdown:
- short answer (not coding) – approximately 20-25%
- short coding – approximately 60-70%
- one or two essay questions – approximately 10%
There will not be a long coding question on this exam (but I probably will do something like that on the final exam). Also, although HTML will not specifically be covered in this exam, it is used extensively because it is needed for JavaScript and CSS. The relevant HTML must be correct for the question to be graded as correct.
- Terminology throughout the CSS and JavaScript lectures, for short answer and essay questions.
- Almost any topic can be eligible for an essay question.
- Cascading Style Sheets
- Terminology and concepts
- Precedence rules
- Writing code to:
- Create external, global, and local styles, know how to use them, and be able to code any of the attributes/rules for any example given in the PowerPoint lectures.
- Create a text link style to show mouseover/mouseout characteristics.
- Create class selectors, contextual selectors, andid selectors, and know how and when to use them.
- Create styles specifically for color, underline/no underline, converting text to all uppercase, font sizes in points, and indents.
- JavaScript
- Terminology and concepts, including all about the DOM.
- Evaluate expressions like addition, multiplication, comparisons, etc., keeping in mind that JavaScript is loosely-typed.
- Know what escape characters are and how to use them, although the only ones you need to know off the top of your head are the apostrophe (') and double quotes().
- Write code to: (some of these might be cancelled, depending upon Thursday’s lecture)
- Open a new window, with a specified document in it.
- Set a timer.
- Create a button to print a page.
- Trace theDOM to change the value of DOM elements, such as changing the value of an input field in a form.
- Create, load values into, convert, and manipulate vars.
- Create alert, confirm, and prompt boxes, and use values that are entered into prompt boxes.
- Create mouseover/mouseout/mousedown/mouseup/onclick effects to change the link itself, or to change an image elsewhere on the page.
- Capture user input from a form and auto-email it, in terms a human can understand.
- Save a cookie (just one line of code, not the entire function)