Powerpoint Homework – Tropical Horticulture

Powerpoint – This needs to be well organized. It needs to include the following parts

Title – Needs to describe your topic and be interesting.

Introduction – 1-5 slides

This should include the following

1.  Objective – A statement which gives the reason you are developing this presentation. What are you trying to communicate to your audience.

2.  The basic background information to get your audience ready to read the rest of your paper.

3.  Tell your audience how you have your presentation organized


Body – 15-25 slides

This is a series of subtopics that all support your objective. These all should be interrelated. Each subtopic should have various points.

Conclusion – 1 – 3 slides

A slide or two should bring it all together. You need to tell your audience specifically how all the points previously discussed support your thesis.

Total length – 17-33 slides

Requirements for Powerpoint

1.  For every slide, you need to indicate what you will say in the notes section of the slide.

2.  If you use a picture from an internet site or scanned from a book, you need to indicate its source either on the slide or in the notes section below the slide.

3.  Please check the size of the pictures before you use them. If they are larger than 200 kb, please reduce them down to this size using a graphics software. Otherwise the size of your powerpoint presentation will be too large. All powerpoint presentations will be sent to me via email.

4.  A powerpoint is a visual media so you need to use pictures, tables, and graphs to demonstrate your points as much as possible.

5.  Use words sparingly. I do not want to read your paper on the screen. The slides should consist of bullets.. much like an outline. The words should only guide you in the talk not give all the details. The details will be in the notes section.

6.  Do not use a font size smaller than 20. Font size of 20 is not recommended and should be used sparingly. It is better to use 24 or larger.

CONTENT (slides/notes) / POINTS / Points earned
General organization / 5
Introduction / 5
Body / 15
Conclusion / 5
FORMAT of slides
Use of pictures/ tables/graphs / 5
Font size/words per slide / 5
Picture/table/graph references / 5
Other / 5
TOTAL / 50

Powerpoint Homework.doc