PowerBuilder Legacy Modernization per Reverse Modeling & Forward Engineering
Questions / AnswersScope
Application name
Short description of the Legacy business domain
Should the modernization process include the introduction of new features?
When do you anticipate rolling out the modernized app?
What is the sensitivity (security, privacy) level for test data?
Legacy/Current Architecture
What is the operating systemof the PowerBuilder server?
Which version of PowerBuilder do you use?
On which operating system are the PowerBuilder fat clients deployed?
Does the PowerBuilder fat client use some form of client side storage?
Do you use EA Server – which version?
Does the PowerBuilder server side support any web client applications?
Does the application interface with other external systems? If yes, then how many and what types?
Which technologies are used to integrate the application with other systems, e.g. custom program, ETL, Web Services, etc.?
Legacy Database
Which technology is used for the database, e.g. Sybase, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, etc.? Which version?
Does the application include stored procedures?
Do you plan to migrate the database to another relational DB?
Do you plan to transform the stored procedures?
If so,
-To Java or C#
-To stored procedures on a different relational DB
Service Level – Performance
How many end users need to be supported?
How many different profiles/roles use the application?
If the application is deployed locally to PC, indicate how many PCs are deployed with this application and the number of deployed databases as well.
Which type of processes dominate (batch or online)?
Online : % of Updates / Reads
Batch : % of Update or Reads
How large is the database?
-Size of production database (In Bytes)
-Largest number of record in a table and file
If applicable, how long are the average, minimum, and maximum durations of the nightly batch window:
Online Service Availability: (ie: 7/7-24/24)
Online opening days and hours?
Uptime? (99%, 99.9%, etc.)
When applicable, for critical batch jobs:
Duration, number of objects (records) processed,
Sizing metrics
How many lines of code (LoC)are to be modernized? Break down the LoC by PB files. See below for the file types / Total Number of files:
Total LoC:
PowerBuilder Project files – srj extension / Number of files:
Application source files – sra extension / Number of files:
DataWindow source files – srd extension / Number of files:
Function source files – srf extension / Number of files:
Menu source file – srm extension / Number of files:
Custom user object source files – sru extension / Number of files:
Window source files – srw extension / Number of files:
Structure source files – srs extension / Number of files:
How many separate applications, executable files (.exe) are deployed on the client side?
Have you customized the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)?
How many database tables are there?
How many stored procedures (number and total lines of code)?
How many database triggers?
How many systems is the application integrated with?
Testing – Test Cases
Is there an automated testing process (online and/or batch)?
Are test plans, use cases, test cases, and test data available?
How many use cases? / -
How many test cases? / -
Target Architecture
Is the target architecture stack defined?
- Presentation (e.g. Angular, etc.)
- Persistence (e.g. Spring JDBC, NET.ADO, etc.)
- Services (e.g. Spring, .NET Core, EJB3, etc.)
- Batch (Spring Batch (Java), Summer Batch(.NET))
Define the target:
- Application Server (e.g. Tomcat, WAS, JBOSS, IIS, etc.)
- Database Server (e.g. ORACLE, Sybase, MS SQL Server, PostGres, MySQL, etc.)
- Security framework
- Development standards (e.g. Sonar Rules, etc.)
- Operating System (Linux, Windows)
Target User Interface
What is the target UI (User Interface)?
Like-for-like based on use of HTML5 to enrich the behavior?
Target Integration (including security, e.g. Ldap integration)
Will the interfaces remain as-is?
If not, what are the primary changes?
Target Batch scheduling system – if any
Should the technology remain in place?
If not, what should be changed? (e.g. BMC, CA, Jenkins, etc.)
Updated, june-2017
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