Power Skating

Goalline to Goalline
  1. Sprints
  2. T-Glide
  3. Jumps
  4. C-Cuts

Begin to use pucks

  1. Knee Down
  2. Two Knee Drop
  3. Lift One Leg
  4. Rickey Henderson’s
  5. Pivots
  6. Backwards

In Corners (2 Lines)

  1. Tomahawk Turns at each face-off circle
  2. Circles (forward/backwards)
Boards to Boards
  1. Kick Pucks w/ Skates

No Pucks

  1. Cross Overs
  2. Stops (One and Two Legged)
  3. Board Jumps

On Ice Drills


  1. Circles
  2. Cones in Neutral Zone

Passing Drills

  1. Line Drills
  2. Partner Passing (Boards to Boards)
  3. Six Spots Full Ice

Shooting Drills

  1. Blue Line
  2. 3 Lines
  3. Six Spots
  4. Corners

Team Play

  1. Cycling
  2. Breakouts
  3. Regroups
  4. 5v0, regroup, 5v0, 3v2
  5. Dump In, Break out, 3v2


  1. Board Jumps
  2. Net Races
  3. Suicides
  4. Races
  5. Indian Skates
  6. Circles

Off-Ice Exercises

  1. Static Stretch
  2. Light Jog
  3. High Knees
  4. Butt Kickers
  5. Lunges w/ trunk turn
  6. Sumos
  7. Skips
  8. One Leg Jumps (Stride Jumps)
  9. Push-Ups
  10. Plank
  11. Rock Climbers
  12. One Legged Jumps
  13. Two Legged Jumps
  14. Clap Push-Ups
  15. Sit-Ups
  16. Quick Squat Jumps
  17. Push-up, Legs In, Jump Ups
  18. Plank
  19. Hold Stick Out
  20. Partner Hockey Stick Weight Training (Curls, Lat Pulls, Squats, Seated Press)
  21. Pairs- One player swings stick, other jumps over it
  22. Stick Wrist Rollers
  23. Tennis Ball Chase
  24. Shuttle Runs/Sprints/Mile

Off Ice Hockey Drills

  1. Tennis Ball Drill (airborne puck control)
  2. Stick handling around gloves
  3. Lay another stick down; flip ball over stick and stickhandle
  4. Stand on one leg and stickhandle
  5. Stickhandle while having toilet paper roll or PVC pipe around stick held by bottom hand
  6. Figure 8 through legs
  7. Soccer Ball Pass


  1. Squat Position facing each other; drop tennis ball; goalies must reach for it w/o getting out of squat
  2. Soccer Wall Drill
  3. Tennis Ball Wall Drill
  4. Puck Catch
  5. Face each other and pass 2 tennis balls back and forth
  6. Duck Walks; Hands in position; toss tennis balls at them
  7. Lay in stack pad and stop tennis/soccer balls w/feet
  8. Weighted gloves
  9. Stick Jumps
  10. Recovery from laying on back or stomach
  11. Standing Flys
  12. Quick weight drops

Goalies On-Ice

  1. Up Downs
  2. Sprints from net to bench
  3. Posts
  4. Y-Drill
  5. Forward to circle; backwards to post; repeat
  6. Stretching
  7. Recovery Drills
  8. Dump Ins
  9. One Leg Hops over lines
  10. Shuffle and T-Glide around the circles