Presentation Rubric
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Total
Organization / Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. / Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around. / Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow. / Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow.
Power Point -- see guidelines below / Student does not follow visual aid guidelines. / Audience has trouble reading PowerPoint; distracts from presentation. / Student’s PowerPoint partially follows guidelines. / Student’s PowerPoint follows guidelines listed below. Color, graphics, animations, etc. enhance presentation.
Eye Contact / Student makes no eye contact and only reads from notes. / Student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads mostly from notes. / Student maintains eye contact most of the time but frequently returns to notes. / Student maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to notes.
Verbal Techniques / Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for audience in the back of class to hear. / Student's voice is low. Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation. / Student's voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Most audience members can hear presentation. / Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation.
Time Requirements / Less than 2 minutes / Less the 5 minutes / 5-7 minutes
Respect of Other Presentations / Student being disrespectful of presenter will result in ZERO POINTS / THIS IS AN ALL-OR-NOTHING CATEGORY! / Student actively listens; does not interrupt; absolutely no rude comments; not talking during others presentation; no other distractions. 5 POINTS
Total Points:

Extra credit points possible for asking a well-thought out question to other presenter about their presentation or shadowing experience.

Power Point Visual Guidelines:

Slides should have an appealing design background

Use clip art or Google images on at least 4 of your slides

1st slide (title slide) has your name & career choice

Limited words on each slide—do not type long paragraphs. Summarize!

Use large enough font for class to read when giving your presentation

Word Art, other graphic to enhance

Save your presentation to your E-disk with “Your Name” Career Presentation

Upload your presentation to your Personal Collection in Docushare when finished!

Optional: Use a variety of slide transitions or animations, etc.


Career Education & Planning

Name ______Period ______Date ______

Career ______


**~ Must have at least one slide for each category ~ **

_____ 1. Explanation of career (5)______

_____ 2. Tasks involved (duties, job responsibilities) (5)______

_____ 3. Job environment/working conditions (5)______

_____ 4. Average earnings: a) entry level, b) median c) experienced (5)______

--Average earnings for Nebraska

-- Average earnings for National

_____ 5. Personality traits/Physical attributes (5)______

_____6. Job outlook—from Career Cruising (5) ______

--Annual Job Openings for Nebraska

--Annual Job Openings for National

_____7. Education/certification/Licensing required for job (8)______

--How much education is needed (degree or diploma)?

--Is a license or certificate required for this job? If so, describe.

--How long will it take to get this education?

_____8. What colleges/universities offer a program of study for the career ______

you are interested in? What program of study would you need to go

into? (major / minor) – (5)

_____9. Other than Gen. Eds - What are some classes you have to take in high school and______

college to prepare you for this career? (go to

for this information. Also, what are some clubs you can be involved with at school

(if any) that pertain to this career field? (5)

_____10. Name at least 3 companies in Lincoln that offer the career you ______

are interested in. (5)

_____11. What you think you would like best/least about this career (10)______

______12. Who did you shadow for your job shadow assignment? (name,

position, company, etc.) (5)______

______13. Explain what you did at your job shadow. (8 pts) ______

_____14. Would you pursue a career in the same field of the person you

shadowed? Why or why not? (5)______



(24 points) —see reverse for details:24 / ______