Tunbury Primary School
Responsible to: The Headteacher
Mid-day Supervisors are employed under the terms and conditions as set out in the conditions of service for manual employees. The hours of working for Key Stage One staff are from 11.45pm - 1.00pm and for Key Stage Two staff are from 12.25pm – 1.40pm.
Responsible for: To specifically supervise pupils in the playground areas and school premises. Assisting or attending to the personal needs of the pupil, e.g. toileting and changing clothing as necessary.
Areas of Key Accountability
- Ensure that you are aware of school policy relating to your role; including:
Health and Safety
Equal Opportunities
Racial Equality
First Aid
- Ensure that all children are supervised at all times
- Ensure that all children line up in the playground or the hall in a quiet orderly fashion
- Interact with the child encouraging their personal/social development through direction,
participating in appropriate activities - Initiate/supervise games/activities
- Challenge any strangers seen on the school site during lunch time, report to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher immediately
- Dress appropriately following the dress code
- Be available for weekly meetings and training sessions with line manager
- Read and familiarise yourself with the school’s Special School Rules and the Behaviour and Discipline Policy, in particular those aspects that relate to playground behaviour
- Encourage children to behave in accordance with the School Rules and to adhere to any playground rules, E.g. No throwing stones, no piggybacks, no wrestling games
- Deal with minor matters of behaviour and discipline
- Report back to class teacher regarding children’s behaviour and attitudes
- Refer more major incidents or ‘regular offenders’ to the Lunchtime Co-ordinators to be dealt with
First Aid
- Deal with minor matters of first aid
- Refer more major incidents to First Aiders
- Record injuries in the accident book and/or complete an accident form where necessary
- If a child needs to be sent home during lunchtime, please refer to line manager before taking any action
Skills and Abilities
- Ability to relate to pupils, to deal with them patiently, firmly and with a good humoured manner
- Understanding of the importance of the school meal, and the mid-day break, being a social and educational occasion
- Ability to relate both to support staff and teaching staff at the school and to work co-operatively with other people as part of a team
- Ability to judge when advice/assistance is needed to meet pupils’ needs and to react calmly and quickly in any emergency
This job description may be amended at any time after discussion with you.
Signature of Mid-day Supervisor______
Signature of Headteacher______
Date: June 2013Personnel/Job Descriptions/Midday SupervisorsISA