Proposed FN University 2010 Class
Potential Storm Water Funding Opportunities for Clients
as of June 21, 2010
Purpose: To educate municipalities on storm water-related funding opportunities that may allow them to pursue projects that they cannot afford on their own.
Audience: Municipalities
Course Dates and Locations:
Wednesday, August 25 – Houston (FNI Staff: TS, SWG, MDW, JT & MVR)
Houston Community College Conference and Training Center
3100 Main St., Suite 2D01
Seminar Room A
Houston, TX 77002
Tuesday, August 31 – DFW (FNI Staff: TS, SWG, MDW & KDD)
American Airlines Training and Conference Center
4501 Highway 360
Fort Worth, TX 76155
Thursday, September 9 – Central Texas(FNI Staff: TS, SWG & JWS)
Freese and Nichols Austin Office
10814 Jollyville Rd
Building 2, Conference Room
Austin, TX 78759
Time: 4 hour class
Draft Agenda:
- Welcome and Introductions 9:00-9:15
- Funding Opportunities
- Stormwater Utility FeePresentation 9:15-10:15
- Break 10:15-10:30
- Presentation on Federal and State Grants 10:30-11:30
- Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) Presentation
- Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Presentation
- Q&A with FNI, TDEM and TWDB 11:30-11:45
- Break 11:45-12:00 (serve lunch)
- Other Funding Mechanisms 12:00-12:30
- Presentation (impact fees, mitigation bank, etc.)
- How Are You Spending Your Money? 12:30-12:45
- Wrap-Up/Concluding Thoughts 12:45-1:00
The term “presentation” above is a placeholder term. The “presentation” may be a group or individual activity to allow the participant time to work with the material that we want him/her to learn instead of us just talking to them.
Materials Being Considered for Inclusion in the Course:
- Information on Drainage Impact Fees – copy of the law and summary of key points
- FNI is preparing a survey of potential participants asking how they use their storm water money. We will use Survey Monkey or a similar web-based survey tool. The survey will be done in advance of the class. The results will be announced at the class. A summary of results will be included in participant packet/workbook.
Additional Details:
- The same material will be covered at each of the three classes.
- Trey Shanks and Stephanie Griffin of Freese and Nichols, Inc. will cover the Storm Water Utility Fee Presentation.
- Hildy Soper of the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) and her staff will present information on the TDEM grants that are available for storm water projects.
- Gilbert Ward of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and his staff will present information on the TWDB loans and grants that are available for storm water projects.