Please complete the following Enrolment Enquiry and return it to Daylesford Secondary College in person, post or emailalong with the student’s most recent school report. Upon receiving your Enrolment Enquiry, the Assistant Principal will contact you to make an appointment.
Students full name:……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Exit Date from current school……………………………….. Gender: Male □ Female □ Age: …………….
Date of Birth:………………………
Parent name……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Contact Number:…………………………………………. Email Address:……………………………………………
Other Siblings:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
To be completed by the student:
Whydoyouwant to attendDaylesford Secondary College?......
Describe your attitude to school…………………………………………………………………………………………
Describe your previous level of achievement (attach a copy of your most recent report)…………………………
What are your educational goals while at secondary school?......
What is the highest year level you aim to complete?......
What do you hope to do when you finish school?......
Whatis thehighestlevelofeducationyouhavesuccessfullycompleted?......
Whatyearlevel areyoucurrentlyin?......
Whatothersecondary schools haveyouattended?......
Whattypeofcareerdoyouthinkyouwanttodo inthefuture?......
There are many reasons that could stop you from achieving your goals and what you want tomorrow and for the future. Below is a list of barriers that young people experience. Tick the boxes that you think currently apply to you.
FamilySituations...... Yes □...... No □ Difficultieswith teachersortrainers...... Yes □...... No □ Lackofsupportfromfamilyandfriends...... Yes □...... No □ Lackofinterestandmotivation...... Yes □...... No □ Marks atschool...... Yes □...... No □ Attendance at school andcurricularactivities...... Yes □...... No □ Emotional andpersonalreasons...... Yes □...... No □ Transportissues...... Yes □...... No □ Confidence and/orattitude...... Yes □...... No □ LiteracyandNumeracyskills...... Yes □...... No □ Peerpressure andinfluences...... Yes □...... No □ Housingissues...... Yes □...... No □ Financialreasons...... Yes □...... No □ Health issues...... Yes □...... No □ Grief or loss...... Yes □...... No □ Lackofinformation...... Yes □...... No □ Depression...... Yes □...... No □ Anxiety...... Yes □...... No □
Bullying...... Yes □...... No □
If you selected no above, lease provideanyadditional information orcomments:
Do you know any other students attending this school? Yes □...... No □
If yes, who? ......
Whowouldbethe bestpersontocontactfromyourpreviousschool todiscuss youreducational program?
Name:………………………………………………Position in the school………………………………......
Contact number:……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
One School – Endless Opportunities
One School – Endless Opportunities