Project Charter


Potential Project Name/Title



CON Recruitment Plans Project / 03/19/2014

Requested By


Charter Prepared by

Lucy Marion / Bethany Yandell
Background & Business Need: State the business problem/issue to solve or what opportunity exists to improve a business function. What is the current state? Narrative background with drivers for the project.
With application and enrollment goals set for each program through 2020, each program needs a recruitment plan that addresses how to achieve these goals. To alleviate any concern over application or enrollment numbers being below where we would like them to be, there will be a plan for steps to be taken to address these concerns as they arise. This will allow us to be more strategic in how we recruit, and how we plan for and address any drops in numbers that we may face. The overall goal of the recruitment plan is to have a strategy to meet enrollment goals.
Project Scope Statement: A concise vision or scope statement that summarizes the purpose and the intent of the project and describes what the customer (or you) envisions will be delivered. It describes the thing or service that will exist.
This project will develop consistent recruitment plans for all CON academic programs by looking at the recruitment cycle and identifying strategies and tactics to achieve enrollment goals.
Project Objectives/Deliverables: Outline the high-level objectives for the project. What will exist when the project is complete? Include the benefits of the project, including how the project will benefit the customers or stakeholders.
  1. Draft a charter, roles matrix, and tasklist/timeline for the project including the naming of all accountable parties and their individual deliverables,
  2. Develop/choose a standardized recruitment plan structure,
  3. Develop a specific recruitment plan within the chosen structure for each program to include:
  1. timeline of the recruitment cycle
  2. communication plan
  3. marketing plan
  4. calendar of recruitment events with metrics to determine success and failure of recruitment events
  5. application goals by month & in total by year
  6. goals for diversity in applications & enrollment
  7. enrollment goals by semester

Boundaries: What will not be included in this project?
Assumptions: What assumptions were made when conceiving this project?
  1. Sufficient internal resources to support the execution of the developed recruitment plans.
  2. Principal stakeholders will be actively engaged in the process.

External Dependencies: Note any major external (to the project) dependencies the project must rely upon for success, such as specific technologies, third-party vendors, development partners, or other business relationships. Also identify any other related projects or initiatives.
  1. Office of Academic & Student Affairs
  2. Program Directors, Assistant Directors & managers

Project Risks: List any known risks for the project that could impact the success of the project or should be considered when planning.Include risk of change management. Does the value of this project ultimately depend on people changing their work or behavior? Identify risks facing this project or organization if the people-side of the project is poorly managed.
  1. The current Retention & Recruitment Coordinator will be leaving mid-April. It is not known at this time when a replacement will be in place.
  2. No support or buy-in from program directors and managers.

Key Stakeholders: List the key stakeholders for the project. Stakeholders are individuals, groups, or organizations that are actively involved in a project, are affected by its outcome, or can influence its outcome. Indicate their role or interest in the project. These stakeholders (or representatives) MAY be invited to participate in a project kick-off session, but do not necessarily need to be on the project team. Whose day-to-day work will be impacted by new processes (systems, tools, job roles, organization structure, etc.) as an outcome or deliverable of this project?

Stakeholder/Stakeholder Group


Role In Project or Impacted By this Project

Lucy Marion / Sponsor
Lori Anderson / Advisory Team
Bethany Yandell / Project Leader
Pam Cook / Project Manager
Melissa Johnson-Bates / Resource
Program Directors & Managers / Stakeholders
Required Resources: Identify the known resources that management is willing to commit to the project at this time.Human resources include key individuals, teams, organizations, subcontractors or vendors, and support functions. This is not the place for the detailed team staff roster for individual names. Identify critical skill sets that team members must have. Other resources could include funding, computers, other equipment, physical facilities such as buildings and rooms, hardware devices, software tools, and training. What level of change management involvement is expected for this project? (e.g. Separate change management team, change management representation on the Core Team or individual team? )
  1. Stakeholders listed above

Requested Timeline/Milestones: Include end and start dates and key milestones.
Charter developed / March 2014
Project kick-off Meeting / 3/19/14
Sub-Team Meetings (by program) / 3/26/14-4/4/14
Recruitment Plan draft due / 4/14/14
Core Team Meeting / 4/16/14
Follow-up Sub-team meetings / 4/21/14-5/2/14
Final draft of Recruitment Plan due / 5/9/14
Core Team Meeting- Wrap-Up / 5/14/14








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