Name: Meredith Stoller / Contact Info: / Date: 7/20/2015
Lesson Title : Introduction / Unit #:
2 / Lesson #:
1 / Activity #:
1 / Worksheet:
Activity Title: Introduction
Worksheet Title: Potential Energy Pre/Post Test

Potential Energy Pre/Post Test

Use the diagram below of a magnetic field to answer questions 1 and 2.

1. Which position has the greatest potential energy?
a. Position A
b. Position B
c. Position C
d. Position D
2.  Which position has the strongest magnetic force?
a.  Position A
b.  Position B
c.  Position C
d.  Position D
Use the diagram below of electric charges to answer questions 3 and 4.

3.  Which charge has the greatest electric potential energy?
a.  Charge A
b.  Charge B
c.  Charge C
d.  Charge D
4.  Which position feels the strongest electric force?
a.  Charge A
b.  Charge B and charge C
c.  Charge A, B, and C
d.  Charge D

Below is a diagram of a weight on a spring. When a weight is pulled down and then released, the spring compresses and expands. Each position indicates a different point in time.

5.  Which position has the most elastic potential energy?

a.  Position 1

b.  Position 2

c.  Position 3

d.  Position 1 and 3

The diagram below shows data about five satellites orbiting planet X.

6.  Which satellite likely experiences the greatest gravitational force, and astronauts will likely weigh the most on these planets?

a.  Satellite A

b.  Satellite B

c.  Satellite C

d.  Satellite D

e.  Satellite C and D

7.  There are four objects on a hill. Which object likely has the most gravitational potential energy?

a.  A

b.  B

c.  C

d.  D

This image shows a candle before (A) and after it is lit (B).

8.  Compare the amount of chemical potential energy in A to the chemical potential energy in B.

a.  Candle A and B have equal potential energies, because energy is not created or destroyed.

b.  Candle A has less potential energy.

c.  Candle B has less potential energy.

d.  None of the above.

9.  When the candle is lit, is energy destroyed?

a.  Yes, because the fire burns the potential energy of the wax, destroying the potential energy.

b.  Yes, because the fire burns the potential energy of the wick, destroying the potential energy.

c.  No, the energy changes forms from chemical potential to thermal kinetic, but the total amount of energy is the same.

d.  No, the energy changes forms from chemical potential to thermal potential but the total amount of energy is the same.