POT 2002: Introduction to Political Theory

Professor Dan O’NeillSpring 2015

Office: 334 Andersontel. 273-2386

Office Hours: F, 9:30-12:


This class is designed to introduce students to a number ofintellectual traditions that have been fundamentally important to the development of Western political thought. Our narrow goal in the course is to come to a better understanding of these ideas through a critical engagement with thinkers whose writings are regarded as crucial for their articulation. More broadly, the course aims to help students to think critically about the ways in which knowledge derived from reflecting upon old texts might inform their approach to political thought and political action in the present.


Plato, The Republic (Oxford, ed. Francis M. Cornford)

The Portable Machiavelli (Penguin, ed. Peter Bondanella and Mark Musa)

John Locke, Second Treatise of Government (Hackett, ed. C.B. Macpherson)

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract and the Discourses (Everyman, ed. G.D.H. Cole)

The Portable Edmund Burke (ed. Isaac Kramnick)

The Marx-Engels Reader (Norton, ed. Robert C. Tucker)

Course Requirements:

Assignments and Grading: Grades for the course will be determined by 5 components: two 5 page papers (25% each); a midterm (20%); a course final (20%); and section attendance and participation (10%). The midterm will be in class onThursday, February 26. The final will occur at the time and date listed below. The midterm and final will be entirely essay-based; questions for both will be handed out in advance of the exams on the dates listed below. The highest grade a late paper can receive in the absence of a legitimate excuse is a “C+.” An example of a legitimate excuse would be an illness for which you have a signed doctor’s note. Please be aware: A “C+” is not the lowest grade a late paper can receive; it is the highest (i.e., it is the ceiling, not the floor). You have plenty of time to write these short papers; do not wait until the last minute. Due dates for the papers are listed below.

Teaching Assistants and Sections: We have two excellent Teaching Assistants for this course. Your attendance and participation in section is mandatory and will be graded (see above), and it is highly recommended for you to visit your TA in office hours. The TAs will also do the grading in this course, working in close consultation with me. This means: If you have a problem with your grade, you must first take it up with your TA, who graded your work. If you are still unconvinced, or feel that you have been grievously harmed in some fashion (“But I’ve never gotten grade X before…” does not count), then by all means bring your concerns to me as the final arbiter of the issue. However, be aware: I reserve the right to change grades in either direction, down as well as up; so please give it some thought. Political theory is not easy. Your TA is a valuable resource for your success in the course. He can help you to gain a firm grasp of the material in sections, and aid you in the development of your papers. The TAs office location and office hours will be announced in section.

Preparation: You should do the reading for a given lecture prior to coming to class on that day. If you are playing catch up on the reading, you will be in trouble in this course. At a deeper level, failure to stay up with the reading and reflect upon it prior to lecture will stunt your intellectual growth, which would be a shame.

Policy on Academic Integrity: All students are required to abide by the University of Florida’s Academic Honesty Guidelines, which may be viewed at Among other things, this means that cheating on exams is totally unacceptable, as is plagiarism. Plagiarism is the act of portraying as your own the words or ideas of other people. Examples include: submitting entire papers, or portions of papers, that you did not write (e.g., old papers written by other students, new papers written by other students, papers which you paid a “research” service to write for you, papers or portions of papers downloaded from the Internet). Copying verbatim or paraphrasing any substantial portion of text by another author without acknowledging the source via quotation and/or footnotes is plagiarism. Plagiarism is far easier to spot than you might think. I do it all the time. Do not ruin your experience in this or any other class by engaging in academic dishonesty. This should be made somewhat easier in the current class, because all outside sources are strictly forbidden when it comes to writing papers!

Accommodations: Students with disabilities requiring academic accommodations must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation. Please come see me as soon as possible regarding this matter.

Cell phones, The Alligator, etc.: Cell phones should be turned off prior to class. Save “Clash of Clans,” Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter until your free time. Fold the paper and put it away for the duration of the class. It’s only fifty minutes folks, and it might even be entertaining and/or informative. Maybe.

Lecture, Reading, and Discussion Schedule:

January 6 (T): Introduction: “What Is Political Theory Anyway, and Why Should I Care?” One AnswerStart Reading Plato

January 8(TH):Athenian Democracy: The Cradle of (Discontented) Western Political Thought

Start Reading Plato

January 13 (T): Plato, Republic, pp.1-40

January 15 (TH):Plato, The Republic, pp. 41-102

January 20 (T):Plato, The Republic, pp. 175-235

January 22 (TH):Plato, The Republic, pp. 102-174;

January 27 (T):Plato, The Republic, pp. 264-320

First Paper Handed Out

January 29 (TH):Portable Machiavelli, pp. 77-95 (The Prince)

February 3 (T):Portable Machiavelli, pp. 96-166 (The Prince);

February 5 (TH):Portable Machiavelli, pp. 168-228, 252-253, 281-287 (Discourses) First Paper Due

February 10 (T):Portable Machiavelli, pp.287-301, 320, 314-316, 319-325, 326-338, 342-345, 351-356, 386-388, 400-402, 416-418 (Discourses)

February 12 (TH): Locke, Second Treatise, pp. 3-30

February 17 (T):Locke, Second Treatise, pp. 30-65

February 19(TH): Locke, Second Treatise, pp. 65-107

(Midterm Questions Handed Out)

February 24 (T): Locke, Second Treatise, pp. 107-124

February 26 (TH):Midterm Examination (In Class)

March 3, 5: No Class (Spring Break)

March 10 (T):Rousseau, A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, pp. 43-83

March 12 (TH):Rousseau, A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, pp. 84-126

March 17 (T):Rousseau, The Social Contract, pp. 181-182, 190-210, 213-217, 225, 230-237, 261-268

March 19 (TH):Rousseau, The Social Contract, pp. 274-279, 296-309

March 24 (T):Portable Edmund Burke, pp. 416-474

March 26(TH): Portable Edmund Burke, pp. 63-81, 489-499

March 31 (T):Portable Edmund Burke, 507-530

April 2 (TH): Portable Edmund Burke, 194-212

Second Paper Handed Out

April 7 (T): Marx-Engels Reader, pp. 26-52, 53-54, 3-6, 299-302

April 9(TH):Marx-Engels Reader, pp. 70-81

Second Paper Due

April 14 (T):Marx-Engels Reader, 203-217, 305-306, 336-339

April 16 (TH): Marx-Engels Reader, pp. 469-491

April 21 (T): Conclusion: Final Exam Questions Handed Out/ Remaining Evaluations

FINAL EXAMINATION: Wednesday, April 29 (5:30-7:30 P.M.)