Jacksonville State University - Master of Science in Emergency Management

Jacksonville State University offers a Master of Science in Emergency Management. This program is designed to prepare senior emergency management professionals to plan and implement programs to reduce the risk from hazards and effectively respond to and recover from disasters when they occur. In particular, students in the program will acquire advanced knowledge and skills in such areas as: crisis management, implementation and evaluation, policy analysis, needs assessment, planning and program development, research methods, and leadership and facilitation. In addition to the core requirements, students may select from an array of electives that will enable them to customize their program of study.

The thirty-hour program consists of 21 required hours in emergency management courses and 9 elective hours appropriate to the student’s interest and career objectives, and a comprehensive exam. All requirements for the degree can be met through distance learning. JSU’s online courses are subject to in-state tuition rates.

Required emergency management courses: 21 hours

EM 505 Foundations of Emergency Management (3)

EM 525 Disaster Recovery (3)

EM 530 Research Methods in Emergency Management (3)

EM 540 Hazard Mitigation (3)

EM 545 Emergency Preparedness (3)

EM 555 Disaster Response (3)

EM 590 Capstone in Emergency Management (3)

Elective emergency management courses: 9 hours

EM 515 Legal Aspects of Emergency Management (3)

EM 535 Terrorism and Homeland Security (3)

EM 548 Vulnerability and Capacity-Building (3)

EM 565 Management Systems in Disaster (3)

EM 568 Crisis Management for Business and Industry (3)

EM 570 Biosecurity (3)

EM 575 Health and Medical Aspects of Emergency Management (3)

EM 580 Current Issues in Homeland Security (3)

EM 581 Disaster Analysis (3)

EM 585 Military Role in Disaster Relief (3)

EM 586 Special Topics in Emergency Management (3)

EM 595 Directed Studies (3)

EM 596 Internship (3)

EM 598 Emergency Management Leadership and Organizational Behavior (3)

General information on the degree program, including application procedures and financial assistance, is available at http://www.jsu.edu/depart/graduate/graduate.html.

For further information please visit the website at http://iep.jsu.edu/ or email

Jacksonville State University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Or for more information:

Contact: Dr. Barry Cox, Director

Institute for Emergency Preparedness

Jacksonville State University

McClellan Campus

100 Gamecock Dr.

Anniston, AL 36205

Phone: (800) 231-5291, Ext. 5926

Fax: (256) 782-5928



Denise DaSilva, Academic Advisor, Institute for Emergency Preparedness
Jacksonville State University

McClellan Campus

100 Gamecock Dr.

Anniston, AL 36205

Phone: (256) 782-8262 or (800) 231-5291, ext. 8262
Fax: (256) 782-8263

Additional Information:

Additional Phone: (800) 231-5291, ext. 5925

Update: 08/29/07

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