1. Your child’s Hypospadias wrap consists of:

___Plastic tape, 1st layer

___Co-ban elastic gauze (red), 2nd layer

___Brown polyester sticky gauze, 3rd layer

  1. The wrap should be left on for ______days until:

(Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday)

*****If it falls off early …it is okay******

  1. Your child should bathe daily starting the day after surgery until the wrap falls off.
  1. If the wrap does not fall off on the day noted above, give your child a second bath that day with a dose of Tylenol and remove the dressing as instructed.
  1. Once the wrap falls off or is removed, the penis will have a lot of swelling and bruising. Mild blood spotting is normal.
  1. Once the wrap is off continue bathing as usual, just as you did before the surgery.
  1. Urethral drip stent (catheter) will remain indwelling for ______days and should be left in until: ___ /___ /___

(Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday)

****If the urethral drip stent falls out prior to the day anticipated, please contact our office at your convenience. It is okay if it falls out sooner than anticipated****

  1. The penile ointment should be placed on the penis starting on the day the penile wrap is removed or falls off. If the wrap falls off before the anticipated day, start applying ointment that day.
  1. Avoid baby wipes on the penis for 10-14 days after surgery. Bathing the child for a dirty diaper more than once daily is okay.
  1. Your child will be on 2 medications until the urethral catheter is removed or falls out (if your child has this tube):

1.Ditropan (bladder spasm medicine) 3 times a day

2.Primsol (antibiotic) once daily

****Stop these medicines after the tube falls out or is removed****

  1. Give Tylenol and Motrin for pain, alternating doses every 4 hours, for the first 24-36 hours, and then as needed. Prior to discharge, the nurse will go over the correct dose.
  1. Activity is usually limited by the child himself, however for older children, please try to keep them from situations in which they may be able to fall down and hurt the surgical repair, for roughly 10-14 days after surgery. Swimming is allowed 14 days after surgery.
  1. Parents should call our office at their convenience after surgery to schedule a routine follow-up appointment at 5-6 weeks from the date of surgery. 303/839-7200 x1.
  1. Please call our nurses line for questions or concerns 303/839-7200 x3.

Dr. Peter D. Furness III MD FACS, FAAP

Author: Peter Furness 12/03