Postgraduate Research Students - Teaching and/or Demonstrating Opportunities

The Postgraduate Research Student (PGR) Offer articulates that all PGR students will be provided with opportunities to undertake teaching skills training that will allow students to be eligible to apply for Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy as well as be provided with opportunities to undertake teaching and/or demonstrating (as appropriate to the faculty). It is recognised that not all students will wish to take such opportunities, although the University is committed to making these available to those that want them. Such opportunities are seen as developmental and will support students intent on pursuing an academic career.

It is acknowledged that some students are undertaking a research degree to enhance their professional practice (particularly those following practitioner doctorates) and so may have no interest in teaching. Some part-time PGR students may already be full-time members of academic staff, here or at other universities. Some full-time students may have taken a leave of absence from an academic career to undertake a research degree to enhance their qualifications, whilst others may be undertaking a research degree as part of their preparation for an academic career. Each student will be individual however, these guidelines seek to ensure students are given appropriate opportunities to teach and/or demonstrate whilst ensuring their focus on their research is not compromised.

Access to Visiting Lecturer Opportunities

PGR students will be permitted to apply for paid visiting lecturer or demonstrating opportunities within the relevant School, institute or subject at the University. Paid visiting lecturing/demonstrating cannot be guaranteed and is dependent on demand for additional capacity and the appropriateness of the student’s background to the teaching/demonstrating opportunities available. Visiting lecturing/demonstrating undertaken in these circumstances will be paid at the normal visiting lecturer/demonstrator rate. PGR students undertaking visiting lecturer/demonstrating duties would have access to the support of the module leader, have the right to be appraised and be expected to engage in peer review in the same way as other visiting lecturers.

Where no paid visiting lecturing/demonstrating opportunities are available, the director of studies and second supervisor will seek opportunities for the student to support them in their teaching. Here the academic member of staff will be responsible for the teaching session and will be in attendance for the full session. However the PGR student will be given the opportunity to interact with students and may give teaching inputs (eg mini lecture, explain concepts, facilitate student groups) and so contribute to the teaching session. The PGR student will not be paid in these circumstances.

Maximum Teaching Permitted

PGR students will be allowed to teach/demonstrate (paid or unpaid) for a maximum of 6 hours per week in each semester.


The Director of Studies must agree to the PGR student teaching/demonstrating. In agreeing, the Director of Studies will consider the stage of the student’s studies and also their progress with their research. Normally, PGR students would not teach but may demonstrate during the first year of their studies. Academic staff undertaking PGR studies on a part-time basis would be excluded from the requirement to have the approval of their Director of Studies.

The Level of Teaching

PGR students would normally only teach as a visiting lecturer at levels 4-5 in their first year of teaching and at level 6 in subsequent years. In exceptional cases they may be permitted to teach at postgraduate level, providing they have the appropriate qualifications and prior teaching experience. PGR students may participate in all teaching and learning activities including lectures, workshops, seminars and marking. However they cannot be module leaders. PGR students who support their supervisors in teaching may do this at any level in a range of learning activities. However they would not be engaged in marking. PGR students undertaking demonstrating duties may do so at any level.

Teaching Skills Training

Where the student does not hold a teaching qualification, as a minimum, they will be required to undertake an ‘Essentials of the Classroom’ session (see Doctoral College website for more detail) during their first year of teaching/demonstrating at the University. Students will also be strongly encouraged to register for the PG Certificate in Academic Practice* and become an Associate Fellow or Fellow of the HEA if they teach or demonstrate for more than 24 hours per year.

  1. Gregory

November 2014 (updated February 2017)

 Note: international students are unable to extend their study visa in order to complete the PGC AP if this is not completed by the time they have completed their thesis.