Division of Purchasing


request for proposal















State of Idaho Signature Page 23


1.1 Purpose

The Division of Purchasing is seeking proposals for Boise State University to provide a comprehensive Data Capture System for a Simulation Lab to provide a safe, simulated, learning environment where students can improve their knowledge and skills in nursing or other medically related fields.

1.2 Current Environnent

The Simulation Lab Data Capture System will be located in the new nursing facility that is currently under construction on the Boise State University campus. The building will be approximately 81,300 square feet, with 3,120 square feet of this building designated for the Simulation Labs and debriefing areas. The expected completion date is on or about April 2009.

1.3 Issuing Office and Submission of Questions

This Request for Proposal is issued by the Division of Purchasing. The Division of Purchasing is the only contact for this solicitation.

Bonnie Sletten, Purchasing Officer

State of Idaho, Division of Purchasing


All correspondence will be in writing. In the event that it becomes necessary to revise any part of this ITB, addenda will be posted at It will be the responsibility of the Bidder to monitor for any updates or amendments. Any oral interpretations or clarifications of this ITB shall not be relied upon.

All questions must be received in writing or email directly to no later than 5:00 PM local time December 8th to be considered.

Answers to written questions received will be answered in the form of an amendment and posted to

1.4 Schedule of Events

Pre-Bid Conference December 4, 2008

Questions due December 8, 2008

Response to Questions (approx) December 22, 2008

Bid closing date January 15, 2009

A Pre-bid Conference will be held at BSU Student Union Building Cataldo Conference Room on December 4th at 10:00 AM. All interested proposers wishing to attend must RSVP by email to by no later than December 1st 5:00 pm to confirm your attendance.

1.5 Special Terms and Conditions (M)

These Special Terms and Conditions are in addition to those found in the Request For Proposal document, State of Idaho Standard Terms and Conditions, State of Idaho Request For Proposal Instructions to Vendors, and State of Idaho Special Terms and Conditions for Customized Software And Related Services (if applicable), and particular to this purchase. Where conflict occurs, these Special Terms and Conditions shall take precedence.

1.6 Personnel Changes (M)

Any change in personnel assigned to the project from that listed in the proposal must be coordinated with the State. The personnel’s qualifications must be equal to or greater than the personnel being replaced. The State reserves the right to request the replacement of any person assigned to this project by the Proposer.

1.7 Subcontracting (M)

All subcontractors must be named in the proposal. This Request For Proposal Offering requires submission by the Proposer of the form found in Appendix E to disclose major subcontractors and/or sub consultants who would be under contract with the Proposer (should the Proposer win the contract described under this solicitation).

In addition on page two of the State of Idaho Signature page under “Disclosure Pursuant to Executive Order 2007-09” applies to any “services” and “computer software development”. Please note country of origin and description of work.

The successful Proposer will be responsible for all actions and work by any subcontractor for this project

1.8 Payment

Terms – NET 30 days

Payment will be made 30 days after completion of deliverables and milestones based on the approved Project Plan.

BSU shall retain twenty percent of the total award amount until final testing and acceptance of all deliverables and milestones.

Invoices are to be submitted to:

Boise State University Purchasing Department

Attn: Shannan Thomas

Ref: Contract No. XXXX

1910 University Drive, M/S 1210

Boise, ID 83725

1.9 Award

Award will be made based on a point method to the responsive, responsible Proposer whose proposal receives the highest overall score.


2.1 Definitions

The following definitions are meant to define the entities and terminology related to the specifics of the requirements of this RFP:

Accounting Period – A one-month period of time, closing on the last business day of the month.

BSU - Boise State University

Evaluation Codes - specifications that have an evaluation code assigned.

Fixed Cost - In the Cost Proposal, this means a “fully burdened fixed cost” including, but not limited to, time and materials, travel (excluding alcohol), lodging, per diem and administrative overhead.

In Writing or Written Notice – Any letter or memo sent via fax, U.S. Postal Service, United Parcel Service, FedEx, or via e-mail.

Normal Operation Hours – Unless otherwise stated, the normal operating hours of the State are to be considered to be 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time, Monday through Friday, with the exception of State holidays.

Purchasing - State of Idaho Division of Purchasing.

Project Plan - Microsoft Project or Excel Project

Responsive Proposer - A Proposer that has submitted a timely proposal or offer that conforms in all material respects with the submission and format requirements of the solicitation, and that has not qualified or conditioned its proposal or offer.

SicommNet or Sicomm - State’s Internet E-Procurement provider.

System - Refers to the entire package described in the RFP and the proposal.

Time – All references to time refer to local Mountain Time in Boise, Idaho.

Proposer – The legal entity that submits a response to the RFP.

Working/Business Calendar Day - Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays observed by the State of Idaho.

2.2  Submission of Proposals (Pass/Fail)

In order to be considered for selection, Proposer must submit a complete response to this RFP. Each proposal must be submitted with one (1) original and five (5) copies. The Proposer will make no other distribution of the proposal. Only one (1) copy and one (1) original of the cost proposal are required.

Each proposal package must be clearly marked RFP 02152 "Data Capture System” on the outside of the package. No proposal will be accepted after 5:00 p.m. local time, January 12, 2008. Proposals submitted by facsimile and electronic mail will be not be accepted. Each proposal must contain the manual signature of an authorized representative of the Proposer on the signature page provided. Proposers are strongly encouraged to sign the signature page in blue ink. In addition to the copies stated above, each Proposer must submit one (1) complete copy of its proposal on a CD-ROM using Microsoft Office products.

Each Proposer is responsible to examine this entire RFP, including the appendices, seek any required clarification in writing, and review its proposal for accuracy before submitting the proposal. Once the submission deadline has passed, all proposals will be final unless otherwise indicated in this RFP.

2.3  Validity of Proposals (Pass/Fail)

Proposals must remain valid for ninety (90) calendar days after the proposal due date. Proposals submitted with a less than 90 day validity will be found non-responsive and will not be considered.

2.4  Communication Restrictions (Pass/Fail)

Proposers must comply with all state laws, rules, and policies covering communication with state employees and officials during the RFP bid process. If a Proposer engages in any unauthorized communication, the Division of Purchasing may reject its proposal.

2.6 Cost of Preparing the Proposal (M)

Costs of preparing a proposal are the sole responsibility of the Proposer. The State will not provide reimbursement for such costs and shall not be liable for any proposal preparation costs.

2.7  Proposal Format (Pass/Fail)

Proposals must follow the numerical order of the RFP starting at the beginning and continuing through the end of the RFP. RFP and proposal sections and subsections must be identified with the corresponding numbers and headings used in the RFP. Each RFP section and subsection must be written and then followed with the Proposer’s response. Proposers are encouraged to use a different color font or other indicator that will clearly delineate the RFP section or subsection from the Proposer’s response. Proposals must also include a corresponding table of contents. All proposal pages must be typed and sequentially numbered.

The State may reject any proposal that does not meet this format.

2.8  Cover Letter (Pass/Fail)

The cover letter must be in the form of a standard business letter containing the Proposer’s name, address and telephone number and must be signed with an original signature, in ink, by an individual authorized to legally bind the Proposer. The letter must contain the following information:

2.8.1 A statement describing the Proposer’s legal structure (e.g., corporation, partnership) and providing federal tax identification number and principle place of business.

2.8.2 A statement that the person signing the proposal certifies that he or she is the person in the Proposer’s organization who has actual authority to make decisions as to matters relating to this RFP and to bind the Proposer.

2.8.3 The name, telephone number, fax number and electronic mail (e-mail) address of a contact person who has authority to answer questions regarding the proposal.

2.8.4 A statement that the proposal meets the minimum qualifications set forth in this RFP and accepts all requirements and terms and conditions contained in this RFP.

2.8.5 A statement that the proposal must be valid for ninety (90) days from the proposal due date.

2.8.6  The vendor must certify in a cover letter that it is not currently under suspension or debarment by this State, or the Federal government. The vendor also acknowledges that if it is currently under suspension or debarment, the vendor's bid will not be accepted or considered.

If the vendor enters into any subcontracts under this contract with subcontractors who are currently suspended or debarred by this State or who become suspended or debarred by this State during the term of the contract or any extensions or renewals thereof, the State shall have the right to require the vendor to terminate such subcontracts.

2.8.7 An acknowledgement of receipt of issued amendment(s) to this RFP. The acknowledgement is listed in the Amendments as issued.

2.9  Indemnification and Insurance (M)

The successful contractor, and subcontractors, if any, shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend Boise State University and the State of Idaho, their officers, agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses for bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or injury to or destruction of tangible property including loss of use resulting there from, including but not limited to attorney's fees, arising out of or caused in whole or in part by the negligent or wrongful acts, errors or omissions of the successful contractor, a subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, but only to the extent caused in whole or in part by negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of Indemnitor. The insurance company providing the general liability insurance certificate must have an insurance company rating of A or A- by either A.M. Best or Standard and Poor’s rating bureaus. An A or above rated insurance company is preferred.

In addition, the successful contractor and subcontractors, if any, shall, at their sole cost and expense, procure and maintain through the term of this contract:

2.9.1 Commercial General Liability Insurance with limits not less than $1 million (CSL) per occurrence for Property Damage and Bodily Injury Liability, including Products/Completed Operations Liability, Blanket Contractual Liability and Personal Injury Liability. If an annual aggregate is used each annual aggregate limit shall not be less than $2 million when applicable and will be endorsed to apply separately to each job site or location;

2.9.2 Automobile Liability Insurance including non-owned and hired vehicles with limits not less than $1 million per occurrence (CSL) for Property Damage and Bodily Injury; and

2.9.3 Workers’ Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance as follows with limits not less than: Workers' Compensation – as required by State statute including occupational disease. The contractor must provide either a certificate of workers' compensation insurance issued by a surety licensed to write workers' compensation insurance in the State of Idaho, as evidence that the contractor has in effect a current Idaho workers' compensation insurance policy, or an extraterritorial certificate approved by the Idaho Industrial Commission from a state that has a current reciprocity agreement with the Industrial Commission. The contractor shall exonerate, defend, indemnify and hold Boise State University and the State of Idaho harmless from and against and assume full responsibility for payment of all federal, state and local taxes or contributions imposed or required under unemployment insurance, social security, workers' compensation and income tax laws with respect to the contractor or contractor's employees engaged in performance under this Agreement.

2.9.4 Employer's Liability:

Bodily Injury by Accident: $100,000 each accident

Bodily Injury by Disease: $100,000 each employee

Bodily Injury by Disease: $500,000 policy limit

2.9.5 Prior to the commencement of the term of this Contract, the successful Contractor shall deliver or fax to (208) 327-7320 to the Division of Purchasing:

A certificate of insurance with respect to ALL such in a form reasonably satisfactory to the University. The general liability and automobile liability insurance certificate must name the University and the State of Idaho as additional insured. The certificates must contain a written provision that, should any of the above-described insurance policies be canceled or non-renewed before the expiration date thereof, the issuing company must notify the University in writing, by certified or registered mail, receipt requested, at least thirty (30) days prior to any cancellation or non-renewal of any such insurance.