[Enter date]

[Enter name]

[Enter address]

Dear [Enter name],


We are pleased to offer you an appointment as a Choose an item.at the University of Alberta within the Department of Medicine in accordance with the terms set out below.

Should you accept this offer, your appointment will be governed by the Postgraduate Medical Education Office (PGME). All fellows must be registered with the PGME Office at the University of Alberta in order to participate in clinical/research activity. For those fellows that intend to be involved in the clinical care of patients, you must be licensed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta.

Please check one:

☐This Fellowship will involve lab work only

☐This Fellowship will involve patient care

Applicants must meet the English language requirements outlined by the CSPA English proficiency requirement. They will also be subject to pay standard program registration fees.

The specific terms of the appointment offer are:

1. Division:[Enter division name]

2.Supervising Faculty Member(s):[Enter name of faculty member(s)]

3.Division Director:[Enter name of division director]

4.Period of Appointment:[Enter start and end date]

5.Stipend/Speed Code:$[Enter stipend]per annum

6. Source of Funding:[Enter name of funding source]

During the term of this appointment, the source of funding may change. If such a change occurs, you will be provided with written notice in due course. Academic PDFs and Clinical Fellows are primarily considered to receive employment income and therefore remuneration is generally taxable.

7.Benefits: (Please check one that applies)

☐Alberta Health Services(paymaster):

The supervisor will pay the additional 16.32% for health benefits. This also covers CPP/EI/taxes (bound by law to deduct) as well as admin fees. (Note: Please check with your granting agency that benefits are an eligible expense. If not, benefits will need to be billed to another speed code/account). Please enter a speed code and funding source below if different than stipend.

Speed Code/Account:[Enter speed code]

☐University of Alberta (paymaster):

The employee is responsible to obtain their own healthcare/benefits and cover admin fees.

The supervisor will be deducted 7.84% for the employer portion of the statutory deductions (CPP/EI/taxes - bound by law to deduct). (Note: Please check with your granting agency that benefits are an eligible expense. If not, benefits will need to be billed to another speed code/account). Please enter a speed code and funding source below if different than stipend.

Speed Code/Account:[Enter speed code]

8.Detailed Description of Training Program:

[Enter a detailed description of the training program (include specific learning objectives) or see attached]

9.Office/Lab Location:[Enter office location]

10. Termination

The appointment shall be subject toa period of assessment of 3 monthsfrom the appointment start date.At the end of this 3-month period, ifeither party concludes this relationship is ineffective, they may terminate the appointment.

If, for whatever reason, you are absent from your appointment for a period of 7 business daysand have not contacted your supervisor advising them ofthe reason for your absence the University may terminate your appointment.

If the Source of Funding is cancelled, the Department/Divisionwill make reasonable efforts to secure alternative funding. If the Department/Divisiondetermines that it cannot secure alternative funding, the Department/Divisionmay terminate this appointment upon written notice to you. Termination in such a circumstance will take effect on the later of two months from the date of the termination notice or upon the expiry of the original Source of Funding.

In all cases of termination by the Department/Division, you will not be entitled to payment of any stipend beyond the date of termination.

11. Acceptance

To indicate your acceptance of these arrangements, I would ask you to sign a copy of this contract and return it by [Date to be returned]. If you have any questions regarding this offer of appointment, please do not hesitate to contact [Name of faculty member] at [email or phone].

We look forward to you joining the [Enter academic unit] at the University of Alberta.


Supervising Faculty MemberDivision Director


Department Chair

I accept this offer of appointment as set out in this letter. I acknowledge that I have read and agree to be bound by the Policies and Procedures Governing Postgraduate Medical Education as posted on the PGME website: & the Privacy and Security Policies as posted on the University of Alberta website:

Candidate SignatureDate

"Protection of Privacy - The personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of Section 33 (c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be protected under Part 2 of that Act. It will be used for the purpose of admission and registration, administration of records, scholarships and awards and student services. Information may be shared with anyone who is a source of funding for your fellowship or the activities you undertake in the course of your appointment for the purposes of confirming how the University has used the funds. Direct any questions about this collection to the Office of Research, Department of Medicine, 13-113 Clinical Sciences Building; Telephone: 780-248-1491.

Return original to the PGME Office, 2-76 ZeidlerLedcor Centre along with the following documentation:

☐ / Registration Form for Fellows
☐ / Candidate’s CV
☐ / Evidence of English Language Proficiency (if applicable)
PGME Registration Form for Fellows
Policy on Clinical Fellowships
Dentistry, Medicine and PGME Fees
Privacy and Security Policies
Postgraduate Medical Education Office
Payment Process for Clinical Fellows and Clinical Research Fellows
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