Below is a listing of all books and publications held by the Society for members’ use. These may be borrowed by any member for a period of about four weeks. Outward postage will be paid by the Society, except for heavy items marked with a * sent outside Europe, for which the Society and the borrower will each bear half the outward postage cost. Return postage must be met by the borrower in all cases.

Titles listed under "Bibliography" are for information only and it should not be assumed that the Society holds these books.

To borrow any of these books write to the Society’s librarian quoting the title and reference number:-

Chris Howe, 14 Sandringham Gardens, Fishtoft, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 9QA, UK

Telephone 01205 353982, email

Date of this issue October 2010 – New since previous update items are printed in blue.

Appeal For Donations– Donations of books, catalogues (even superseded ones), magazines and articles are always welcomed by the librarian.

Ref No. / Country / Title/Description / Range
1 / Belgium / Les Entiers Postaux du Congo et du Ruanda-Urundi, J Stibbe. 1986 (PS catalogue in French, illustrated, 71 pages)
Contents: Independent State of the Congo: Post Cards.
Belgian Congo: Letter Cards, Aerogrammes.
Republic of the Congo: Post Cards, Aerogrammes.
Katanga: Post Cards, Letter Cards, Aerogrammes.
Belgian occupation of German East Africa & Ruanda Urundi Post Cards, Letter Cards, Aerogrammes.
Burundi Aerogrammes. Rwanda Aerogrammes. / Belgian Colonies
2* / Belgium / Les Entiers Postaux de Belgique, 1990 (Belgium PS catalogue in French, illustrated, 191 pages)
Contents: Post Cards, Illustrated Cards, Paquebot Cards, Change of Address Cards, Books of Post Cards, Announcement Cards, Advice of Postal Package Cards, Telegram Cards, Publibel Advertising Cards, -10% Surcharges, Letter Cards, Envelopes, Aerogrammes, Newspaper Wrappers, Postogrammes, Eupen and Malmédy, German Occupation WW1, Types of -10% issuing Post Office. / Belgium
2A* / Belgium / Les Entiers Postaux de Belgique, 2009 (Belgium PS catalogue in French, illustrated in colour, 256 pages).
Librarian has a personal Flemish copy should you prefer this. / Belgium
3* / Italy / Il Nuovo Pertile, 1994 (PS catalogue in Italian covering San Marino, Vatican, Colonies and Occupied Territories, illustrated, 184 pages) / Italian Colonies, etc
4* / Africa / Katalog der Aerogramme von Afrika, 1995 (PS catalogue in German, but with German/English glossary, illustrated, 192 pages) / Africa
5 / Great Britain / Introducing Postal History, Vivien J. Sussex, 1988 (British Philatelic Trust in conjunction with The Postal History Society, in English illustrated, 36 pages) / General
1. England's Postal History Martin Willcocks (ISBN 0 9502797 1 4)
2. The Postal History of Great Britain & Ireland, Willcocks & Jay (ISBN 0 9502797 3 0)
3. British County Catalogue, Willcocks & Jay Volumes 1, 2, 3 & 4 ISBNs 0 9502797 2 2, 0 9502797 4 9, 0 9502797 5 7 & 0 950 2797 6 5)
4. English & Welsh Postmarks since 1840 by James Mackay (1980).
5. Irish Postmarks since 1840 by James Mackay (1982).
6 / General / Introducing Thematic Collecting, 1990 (British Philatelic Trust, in English, illustrated, 34 pages) / General
7 / General / Guidelines for Successful Exhibiting, 1991 (British Philatelic Trust illustrated, 28 pages) / General
8 / France
Netherlands / L’Entier Postal (French, Belgian & Netherlands PS Society’s Journal 1936 to 1975 - in French)
Contains worldwide catalogue information and individual country review articles. The Librarian has prepared a detailed listing of articles, which is appended to this list. Items highlighted in this list have been converted into word documents using Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Copies of these are available from the librarian free of charge through email, alternatively hard copies on A3 can be provided at 10p per page plus nominal P&P. “Translations” can also be provided using computer based conversion programmes although these can be a bit literal. The librarian will be happy to OCR any article on request. / Worldwide
9 / Italy / L’Intero Postale (Issues of the Italian Society’s PS Journal, from 1992 to date - in Italian) Appears to address predominantly Italian material. / Italy
10 / Germany / Die Ganzsache (Issues of the German Society’s PS Journal, from 1976 – to date, in German). See Item 23. / Worldwide
11 / Great Britain / The Life & Work of Sir Rowland Hill 1795-1879 Jean Farrugia, National Postal Museum 1979. (In English, illustrated, 21 pages) / Biography
12* / Germany / Michel Ganzsachen Katalog Deutschland, Postal Stationery Catalogue for Germany, 1995 (In German, illustrated, 440 pages) / Germany
13 / Turkey / Handbuch der türkischen Philatelie Teil I: Osmanisches Reich Andreas Birken Die Ganzsachen
Handbook of Turkish Philately Part 1 - Ottoman Empire, Postal Stationery, Andreas Birken, 1995
(German and English, illustrated, 80 pages)
Addresses imprint stamps under the headings: Forerunners, Duioz, Empire, Arms, Small Tughra, General Post Office, Round stamp impression, Wartime overprint Envelopes, Emergency cards & Leander's Tower Postcards. / Ottoman Empire
1. Okday, Ismail: Die türkischen Ganzsachen, in Die Ganzsache, Zeitschrift des Berliner Ganzsachen-Sammler-Vereins, Jahrgang 33/Heft 6 ff., Hamburg 1959 ff.
2. Passer, Adolf: The Stamps of Turkey, London 1938
3. Schmidt, Wolfgang: Stellungnahme zu Okday, in Die Ganzsache, Zeitschrift des Berliner Ganzsachen-Sammler-Vereins, Jahrgang 40/Heft 2 ff., Hamburg 1966 ff.
4. Senf: Die Ganzsachen der Türkei, Teil I in Der Ganzsachensammeier, Beilage zur Berliner Briefmarkenzeitung, 1920, S. 12; Teil II-IV in Die Ganzsache, Zeitschrift des Berliner Ganzsachen-Sammler-Vereins, Jahrgang l/Heft 2 u. 4., Hamburg 1921.
5. Tanrikut, Asaf: Postal Stationery Postcards, in OPAL, the Journal of the Oriental Philatelic Association of London, No. 176, Page 56, London 1991.
14 / Australia / Postal Stationery From Western Australia, Mogens Juhl, 1984 (In English, illustrated, 31 pages)
Contents: Post Cards (London Printings 1879-1902, Melbourne Printings), Reply Postcards, Letter Cards, Envelopes, Registered Envelopes, Newspaper Wrappers, Official Postal Stationery, Private Postal Stationery. / Western Australia
15 / Australia
2 Copies / Queensland Postal Stationery, P Collas, 1979 (In English, 52 pages)
Post Cards, Envelopes, Wrappers, Letter Cards 1880-97
Wrappers, Envelopes, Letter Cards, Post Cards “The Scenes”, Post Cards “The Issues” 1898-1912 / Queensland
16 / Africa / Pictorial Postal Stationery Cards of the Union of South Africa, A Chilton (In English, illustrated, 15 unbound pages) / South Africa
17 / Falkland Islands / Formula Registered Envelopes: Aids to Identification, Falkland Islands Philatelic Study Group, C Perkins, 1992 (In English, illustrated, 32 pages) / Falkland Islands
18 / Christmas Island / Aerogrammes of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) R Barnes, 1995 (In English, illustrated, 15 unbound pages) / Christmas Island
19 / Netherlands / Postwaardestukken voor de Spoorwegen (a chapter from “Spoor en Post in Nederland” - in Dutch, illustrated, railway interest, 5 sheets) / Netherlands
20 / Italy / Italian Postal Stationery (a collection of 26 articles - in Italian) / Italy
21 / Finland / Finlandia 95, Bulletins 1&2, (including an overview of Finnish postal stationery by Kaj Hellman (In English, illustrated) / General
22 / Hungary / Stamps of Hungary, (5 issues of the Hungarian Society’s Journal each containing an article on postal stationery)
June 1984 - Query regarding text in Higgins & Gage 2 b).
Sept 1991 - Inflation 1945-46 PS cards Elaine Arundel.
Sept 1992 - The First Postcard D Williams.
Dec 1992 - First Postcard Notes John Off.
June 1994 HASÁBOS Postcards of 1917 Hugo Solt. / Hungary
23 / Germany / Index to “Die Ganzsache” 1950 to 1990 (Journal of the Berlin Postal Stationery Collectors Club - in German) / Worldwide
24 / Chile / Chile News, April 1995 International Chilean Philatelic Society (includes The Paris Envelopes by Ross A Towle regarding the supplier of Postal Stationery Envelopes in 1875/76) / Chile
25 / Brazil & Bolivia / The Mainsheet, August 1994 Journal of the Spanish Main Society, illustrated, in English, contains two articles on postal stationery:
Brazil: Observations on the 1890-1904 Postal Stationery issues (Conclusion) Finn Stjernholck.
Bolivia: The 1943 Postal Stationery issues. / Brazil & Bolivia
26 / Norway / Norge Helpostkatalog, 1996/7 (catalogue of Norwegian postal stationery in Norwegian but with Norwegian/English/German glossary, illustrated in colour, 96 pages) / Norway
27 / Great Britain, / Collect Post Office Cards, 1996 (priced listing of aerogrammes, aircards, postal cards, reply cards and lettercards, minimal illustration, 150 pages) / Great Britain Channel Islands, Isle of Man
28* / Norway / Postal Stationery Cards, Chr Johnsen Printings 1881 to 1885, A Totten 1987 (In English, illustrated) / Norway
29 / Norway / Petersen Postal Stationery Cards 1876 to 1879, A Totten 1989 (In English, illustrated) / Norway
30 / Norway / Centraltrykkeriet 3 Ore Overprints on 6 Ore Postal Stationery Cards, A Totten 1992 (In English, illustrated) / Norway
31 / Great Britain / Twentieth Century Postal Stationery, C Baker (article published in 6 parts by the British Philatelic Bulletin (1995/96)) / Great Britain
32* / Italy / Il Nuovo Pertile, 1996 (PS catalogue covering Italy and the Old States - in Italian, illustrated, 256 pages) / Italy & Italian States
33 / France / L’Entier Postale (2 issues of the French Society’s PS Journal 1995 to 1996 - in French) / France
34 / Belgium / L’Entieriste No 21 (Belgian magazine, issued in 1995 - in French) / General
35 / Great Britain / The Development of Victorian Postal Stationery, C Baker (article published in 6 parts by the British Philatelic Bulletin (1994/95)) / Great Britain
36* / Italy / Stamps, Postal Cards and Aerogrammes of Vatican City State, 1987 (catalogue, in English, lists stamps from 1981 to 1986 and all post cards and aerogrammes from 1929 to 1986 , illustrated in colour, 130 pages) / Vatican
37 / Great Britain / Military Aerogrammes of British Forces, 196 pages in English listing WWII Military Aerogrammes of:
East Africa Command, West Africa, Royal Navy, Central Mediterranean, Middle East Forces, PAIFORCES (Persia And Iraq Forces), South East Asia Command (Incl. Burma), India and Ceylon Command. Very much more than a listing
Plus 12 pages of a British Military Forces Aerogramme catalogue by Kessler? / General
38* / Africa / Postal Stationery of South West Africa 1888 to 1990 (In English and Dutch, 1993, illustrated 116 pages) / South West Africa
39 / British Commonwealth / Hodson’s Air Mail Stationery Catalogue, Part1 British Commonwealth (In English, covers period up to mid-1950s, 194 pages, illustrated) / British Commonwealth
40 / United States of America / Journal of United Postal Stationery Society (October 1996 to date) / Worldwide
41 / Great Britain / Notes on Victorian Embossed Postal Stationery, H Dagnall, 1987 (In English, illustrated, 25 pages) / Great Britain
42 / Great Britain / Parcel Postage Paid by Impressed Stamps, HDagnall 1987 (In English, illustrated, 20 pages) / Great Britain
43 / Australia / AerogrammeR (first 12 issues of the journal of the Aerogramme Society of Australia) Short articles and regular features new issues, references etc in English. / Worldwide
Issue 1 1996 Ethiopia 1965 55c,
Issue 2 1997 British Guiana 1944 12c “Airletter”, Papua New Guinea 1966 9c, Ghana 1972.
Issue 3 1997 Singapore (Malaya) 25c, Interesting Irish Aerogrammes, Ghana Errors, GB KGVI Airletters & Aerogrammes.
Issue 4 1997 Transjordan 1947, Australia Formular Aerogrammes.
Issue 5 1997 K.U.T. 1950s, Norfolk Island Aerogrammes, Bands & Wrapper, Australia Christmas Formular Aerogrammes.
Issue 6 1998 Trinidad & Tobago 12c 1954, Norfolk Island Aerogrammes, Bands & Wrapper, Australia Formular Aerogrammes.
Issue 7 1998 Tristan Da Cunha Aerogrammes, Bermuda, Bands & Wrapper, Australia Formular Aerogrammes.
Issue 8 1998 FDI cancels on Australia Aerogrammes, Isle of Man, Bermuda, Bands & Wrapper, Antarctica, Guatamala Forerunner, Belgium.
Issue 9 1998 Australia Pictorial Aerogrammes, Sierra Leone, Australia Formular Aerogrammes, Cuban Errors, Bands & Wrapper, Norfolk Island Aerogrammes, Austrian Aerogrammes.
Issue 10 1999 FDI cancels, Hong Kong Error, Norfolk Island Aerogrammes, Austrian Aerogrammes.
Issue 11 1999 Aerogramme Development, 1953 Quantas Coronation Aerogrammes.
Issue 12 1999 French Folded Letter Sheets Carried by Balloon, Aerogrammes and Communist Countries.
Issue 13 1999 Australian Aerogrammes with Plate Numbers, 50th Anniversary of 1st Norwegian Aerogramme, Sao Tome E Principe, Tanzania.
44 / Hong Kong / Hong Kong Postal Stationery Stamped Hans Schoenfeld 1991 (In English, illustrated, pages) / Great Britain
Bulletins of the Hong Kong Study Circle London
HIGGINS & GAGE: World Postal Stationery Catalogue Huntington Beach 1979/81
KESSLER, F.W.: Catalogue of Aerogrammes - 1961
WEBB, F.W.: The Philatelic and Postal History of Hong Kong and the Treaty Ports in China and Japan London 1961
WEBB, F.W. : Hong Kong Airmails, London 1968
WIEGAND, W.: Katalog der Aerogramme von Asien, Renningen 1990
YANG, N.C.: Postage Stamp & Postal History Catalogue of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 1991
45 / Great Britain / QB Software Aerogrammes, Airmail Letter Cards, Airletters, GB KGVI POW, Civilian & Forces, QEII Definitive, Private, Pictorial & Commemorative, Regional Forces mail including Canada & South Africa, By Dr. Paul Adby 1997 (In English, 108 pages, illustrated, includes 32 page Aerogramme Supplement 1998) / Great Britain
South Africa
46* / France and Monaco / Les Entiers Postaux de France et de Monaco, Storch/Françon (In French, some illustrations 256 pages) / France
47 / Netherlands and Colonies / Geuzendam’s Catalogue van de Postwaardestukken van Nederland en Overzeese Rijksdelen (1997 edition in Dutch with explanatory pamphlet in English, illustrated, 119 pages.) / Netherlands
48* / Fiji / Postal Stationery of Fiji, R Duberal, The Pacific Islands Study Circle of Great Britain (1998 in English, illustrated, 113 pages.) / Fiji
49 / Malta / Malta Postal Stationery 1885 to 1979, Malta Study Circle Paper No 48. (1979, in English, illustrated, 30 pages.) / Malta
50* / Indian States / The Comprehensive India States Postal Stationery Listing, 1994 Edward Deschl. (In English, illustrated, 323 pages, contains comprehensive bibliography)
Part 1 Native (Feudatory) Indian States,
Part 2 Convention States. / India States
51 / Africa / Somewhat disjointed extracts from:
Sierra Leone Registration F L Walton 1994 (West Africa Study Circle Monograph No 1).
Sierra Leone Postal Stationery – Envelopes, Wrappers, Postcards, Registered Envelopes
The Postal Service of Sierra Leone , its History, Stamps & Stationery Until 1961 P O Beale 1988 (Royal Philatelic Society) / Sierra Leone
52 / Canada / The Postal Stationery of Canada. A Reference Catalogue, Nelson Bond 1953 (In English, illustrated, 132 pages.) / Canada
53 / General / Higgins and Gage World Postal Stationery Catalogue with information up to Circa 1982 (Loose leaf, in English, illustrated)
Note: Up to 3 countries can be borrowed at any one time. / Worldwide
54* / Great Britain / May Dates, A survey of Penny Blacks, Two-penny Blues, Mulreadys and Caricatures used during May 1840. M Jackson, 1999 (In English, illustrated, contains comprehensive bibliography, 334 pages.) / Great Britain
55 / Canada and Newfoundland / Canada and Newfoundland Postal Stationery Catalogue. J F Webb, 1971 edition (In English, illustrated, 56 pages.) / Canada
56 / USA / United States Postal Cards Mailed in Violation of Postal Regulations, H Berthelot (article in “La Posta”, September 1999) (In English, illustrated, 7 pages.) / USA
57* / Asia / Katalog der Aerogramme von Asien 2000, W Wiegand, (priced catalogue in German, illustrated 192 pages) / Asia
58* / Great Britain / Account of the Celebrations of the Jubilee of the Uniform Penny Postage, published 1891, (In English, illustrated, 332 pages.) / Great Britain
59* / German / Senf Postwertzeichen-Katalog 1895, (priced catalogue of world adhesive stamps and postal stationery) (In German, illustrated, 832 pages.) / Worldwide
60* / General / Auction Catalogue of Robert A Lee Sale 24th June 2000, (includes part of Horace W Harrison postal stationery collection, in English, illustrated, circa 300 pages.) / General
61 / Africa / Early Union and Republic of South Africa Essays in the Post Office Archives. Part III Union postal stationery including inter-provincial issues, Paul van Zeyl (article in “Setempe”, in English, illustrated, 2 pages.) / South Africa
62 / Angola / Out of Africa, W Welch, (article in “The American Philatelist” of a postal card sent from Angola to USA in 1886, in English, illustrated, 3 pages.) / Angola
63* / Africa / Postal Stationery of South Africa,
Part 1: Cape of Good Hope, Natal, New Republic, Orange Free State, Transvaal, Zululand, W Quik & G Jonkers 1998 (In Dutch and English, illustrated, 158 pages. )
Part 2: South Africa 1910-2000, W Quik 2000 (In Dutch and English, illustrated, 370 pages. ) / South Africa
64 / Netherlands / Netherlands East Indies Printing Varieties on Postal Stationery Cards,
R Wheatly (article in “The London Philatelist” November 1999, in English, illustrated, 6 pages.) / Netherlands East Indies
65 / Great Britain / Stanley Gibbons Catalogue of Postage Stamps, Post Cards, Envelopes and Newsbands, 1895-96 (In English, illustrated, rather fragile condition.) / Great Britain
66 / Switzerland / Der Ganzsachensammler (Postal Stationery Collector) the Swiss PS Society’s journal (In German, September 1999 to date) / Switzerland
67 / China / Catalogue of Postal Stationery of China (People’s Republic), (two volumes 1874 - 1974 and 1975 to 1998 in Chinese, well illustrated) / China
68 / Ireland / Irish Aerogrammes and Airgraphs, William J Murphy, Eire Philatelic Association, (In English, illustrated, 46 pages.) / Ireland

Books And Catalogues

Buchalter, M. Don Specialised Catalog of the Postage Stamps of Ireland, 1922-1972; Dublin, 1972, 160 pages.
Feldman, David Handbook of Irish Philately; Dublin, 1968,176 pages.
Greiner & Greiner Aerogramme von Europa; 3rd Edition, 1993.
Jennings, Peter Aerogrammes; Chipenham, 1973.
Jung, Otto Die Ganzsachen Irlands (The Postal Stationary of Ireland);Germany, 1994.
Jung, Otto Irish Airletter Forms with Additional Private Prints; In book "75 Years of Irish Stamps," FAI, Germany, 1997.
Keeton, E.H. Airgraph; Norfolk, 1987.
Kessler, F.W. Kessler's Catalogue of Aerogrammes; New York, Vol. 1,1961 & Vol 3, 1969.
MacDonnell Whyte Stamps of Ireland Specialised Catalogue 1991 Edition; Dublin, 1991, 128 pages.
Mann, Jason Great Britain, The Postmarks and Envelopes of the Air-graph Service, May 1941 - August 1945.
Smith, K. S. Airgraph Service: May 1941 - August 1945; 1946.

Journal Articles

Kane, Bill Aerogrammes (Air Letters); The Revealer, Summer 1981, pp 12-14.
O'Reilly, Malcolm Aerogrammes - Air Letter Sheets; The Revealer, May 1956, pp 269-270.
Murphy, W.J. Airgraphs; The Revealer, Winter 1988, p 46.
Murphy, W.J. Interesting Irish Aerogrammes; The AerogrammeR, May 1997, pp 12-13.
Walsh, John J. Postal Stationery; Supplement No. 13. The Revealer, Oct 1963, pp 55-56.
69 / Great Britain / Advertising Rings, Richard Arundel 2000, (In English, illustrated, 40 pages.) “From 1857 the Post Office made provision for stamping details of companies in distinctive rings around the embossed postage stamps on newspaper wrappers and envelopes.” / Great Britain
HUGGINS, A. K., "British Postal Stationery" 1970 pages 167 to 173.
HIGGINS & GAGE, "World Postal Stationery Catalog Section G, pages 93 to 96.
70* / Canada and Newfoundland / Webb’s Postal Stationery Catalogue of Canada and Newfoundland,
7th edition, Edited by E Covert and W Walton,
(In English, illustrated, 324 pages.) / Canada
71 / Switzerland / Catalogue of Swiss Society’s 2001 Exhibition at Burgdorf (In German, illustrated, 324 pages.) Includes articles of interest:
The postbuses, their stamps and postal stationery.
Swiss tariffs for correspondence cards in foreign country traffic before entry in the general postal service society (UPU) 1875Robert Bäumi / Switzerland
72 / General / The Collector’s Guide to Postal Stationery, Peter van Gelder (In English, illustrated, 88 pages.) Contains a useful glossary and extensive bibliography.
73* / Germany / Katalog Europa West 2000/1 (In German, illustrated, includes Great Britain.) / Europe
74 / General / An Introduction to Ocean Letters, Roger Hosking
(In English, illustrated, 56 pages.) / General
75 / Switzerland / Die Postkartenheftchen der Schweizer Post 1912-1992 (Catalogue of Swiss Postal Cards in German, illustrated, 142 pages.) / Switzerland