Walkley Primary School
Burnaby Crescent
Sheffield S6 2RZ
Tel: 0114 2340550
Fax: 0114 2310553
Headteacher: Jane Sheard
Deputy Head: Sally Whaley
Assistant Head: Nicola Sewell /

POST: Y4 Class Teacher

Starting Date: 1 January 2012


Walkley Primary School is a diverse and vibrant learning community with approximately 240 pupils and a 26 place Nursery which offers ’free’ and ‘paid’ half-day sessions . We have significant numbers of pupils with EAL needs and currently have 20 different languages spoken in school.

We have one full time Learning Mentor and two Level 3 TA’s delivering Intervention Programmes/Nursery support in school. We also have both full and part-time Level 2 Teaching Assistants working in Key Stage 1 and 2.

We hold the Active Mark and are also involved in Sheffield Children’s University. From October 2011 we will be involved in the ‘Achievement for All initiative.’

Each teacher (FTE) has ½ day PPA entitlement – covered by a Teacher.

The school is housed on a large site – with junior pupils in one building and Infants/Nursery in a separate building.


Our current organisation is:

Key Stage 2: 1 x Y6; 1 x Y5; 1 x Y4; 1 x Y3

Key Stage 1: 1 x Y2; 1 x Y1/2; 1 x Y1

EYFS: 1 x F2, 1 x F1


Our Senior Leadership Team consists of Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher (who provides booster teaching in Y6) and an Assistant Head (who co-ordinates KS1 and FS).

The Strategic Curriculum Group consists of the Senior Leadership Team and 2 TLR posts.

All teachers have Curriculum Leader responsibilities and some co-ordinate Subject Development Groups.

An experienced teacher undertakes the role of SENCo throughout the school.

There is a well-established ‘team ethos’ and all staff work collaboratively to provide the best opportunities and experiences for all our pupils.

The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety of children and young people and expect all staff to share this commitment.

Features of the school:

 We have a strong commitment to team work and collaborative planning.

 ICT – all classrooms have interactive whiteboards and all staff have personal laptops. We also have wireless access across both buildings and an ICT suite (16 PC’s) in the junior building.

 SEN – We are firmly committed to Inclusion and have a number of pupils with Statements of Educational need and on the Special Needs Register. Pupils are well supported by the Teachers and Support Staff and provision is co-ordinated by our SENCo.

 Governors are actively involved in the life of the school

 Many extra-curricular opportunities are offered to pupils.

 A newly refurbished EYFS unit with outdoor provision,


 Ability to work collaboratively with a range of colleagues

 Good team worker

 Well organised and efficient with good time management skills

 Flexible and receptive to change

 Highly motivated and hard working

 Sense of humour!