List of Questions Received for
RFP 2013-CD-11100
Post-Secondary Manual Writer
1. How can bidders obtain a copy of the DRAFT Vertical Training Program replication guide before submitting the proposal?
Answer: A pdf copy of the DRAFT Vertical Training Program replication guide can be requested from Carolyn Williams, 124 Marriott Drive, Suite 203, Tallahassee FL 32301.
2. In Section 5. Required Proposal Content, Section C.3.b, please clarify the following statement: The offeror should also provide an estimated number of published copies of the resource guide that will be provided to the Council upon final approval of the work product. What is the desired format of the published copies? What is the minimum number required.
Answer: The provider should plan to provide three hard copies of the manual and one editable electronic copy, in word format, by the end of the contract period.
3. How can bidders obtain an official copy of the FDDC Communications Guide for Increasing Public Awareness? It does not appear to be available on the website. I found a marked copy being updated in the 2013 09 13 meeting materials of the Communications Committee of the Council.
Answer: We are working to get this posted to our website. It should be posted by the week of June 30th under “Funding Opportunities”.
4. Are there any primary audiences for the manual in addition to staff of Florida’s state colleges and school districts? If so, what are those audiences?
Answer: The two primary audiences are the state colleges and the school districts. However, other entities, families, vocational centers and others wanting to champion postsecondary programs in their areas may also use the manual.
5. Are there any primary purposes for the manual in addition to supporting staff of
Florida’s state colleges and school districts in replicating the Vertical Training Program in their service area?
Answer: The only purpose is to support the expansion of postsecondary options
for students with developmental disabilities to attend inclusive, vocational
programs throughout Florida.
6. Will the primary vehicle for dissemination of the manual be as a downloadable product
on FDDC’s website? If not, what is intended to be the primary method of dissemination?
Answer: The primary method of dissemination will be to be downloaded from
the FDDC website.
7. How many print copies of the manual will be produced and disseminated?
Answer: There will be no print copies disseminated.
8. Will the manual be made available through any others means, such as on a CD-ROM?
Answer: No, the method of dissemination will be downloading the manual from
the FDDC website.
9. Can you provide an example(s)(from a previous proposal or hypothetical) of an objective
directed at keeping track of the Route to Success activity?
Answer: The objective will depend on which Route to Success activity is engaged by the project. For instance, if the main focus of the project is to improve the knowledge base, one possible objective would be to identify and gather data on the specific problem faced by students with developmental disabilities in post-secondary opportunities; another objective could be to evaluate the dissemination of the identified best practice.
10. How many pages does the draft manual produced by the Vertical Training Program include?
Answer: 81
11. Does the Vertical Training Program already have any evaluation data on specific aspects of the program or specific implementation strategies it has used? If so, what types of data are available?
Answer: The Vertical Training program has data on the student success rate for passing classes for the first two years of the program (then called Project Achieve). It also has more informal data on the types of accommodations used and strategies for successful inclusion of students with disabilities in vocational college classes.
12. Are there any other related efforts to encourage Florida public college/school district partnerships to replicate the Vertical Training Program, such as conference or workshop presentations?
Answer: Yes, both the Hartwick Symposium each fall and the Visions Conference each Spring have presentations on replicating and expanding postsecondary options in Florida for students with developmental disabilities.