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Post operative instructions following a fracture surgery.
1. When do I come for my first follow-up visit?
Please call for the office the day following surgery to schedule an appointment for approximately one week after surgery.
2. What should I expect after surgery?
Your first meal at home should be clear liquids.
After surgery, it is normal to experience some discomfort. You should have received a prescription. Please fill the prescription and use the medication as directed for the first twenty-four hours and then as needed after the first day. For minor discomfort, Tylenol may be used instead of the prescription medication. Please inform us of any known drug allergy.
A log-grade temperature (99-101 degrees F) is common. Please call the office if your temperature is consistently elevated over 101.5 degrees.
3. How long should I keep my surgical site dry and wear the bandage?
The bandage should be kept dry and in place until the first post operative office visit. Bandages will be changed at the first post operative office visit. If you have cast or splint immobilization, it is best to keep it dry with a plastic bag while showering.
4. What can I do to help reduce swelling and discomfort?
Swelling is normal after surgery. If swelling is present, restrict activity. Limiting your activities and resting the surgical site reduces swelling and discomfort and will speed up your recovery. Please notify me at the office if you develop unexpected redness or swelling.
Ice should be used. This can be done by filling a plastic bag with ice cubes and placing over the surgical site with a towel between the skin and the ice bag. Leave the ice in place for 15 minutes. This maybe done every hour while awake.
5. Will I have an exercise program to follow?
With regards to your activity level, exercises are not necessary at this stage. You will be instructed on exercises upon your visit to the office one week post surgery. Typically, you will start therapy one to two weeks following surgery. If you require cast or splint immobilization, therapy will be delayed.
Generally if you have a job with little physical activity, you may return to work a week post operative day. If your job requires considerable standing, lifting, or walking, then discuss your return to work date with me.
6. What effect might I notice from the anesthesia?
Any anesthesia may cause some fatigue and lethargy for a day or two. Occasionally, nausea may occur. Eating light foods will help. Resume your regular diet when feeling well.
7. What else can I expect?
Numbness around the incision site is a result of the disruption of superficial nerves in your skin during the operation. This is normal and unavoidable. Most of this will resolve over time but a small area the size of a quarter usually will remain numb.
8. Refills on pain medications.
Please allow up to 48 hours for refill on prescription pain medications. Do not wait until you have run out of pills before calling for refills. We do not refill narcotic prescriptions after hours and on weekends. So please plan ahead.
Thank you for your cooperation.