CADE GeneralMeeting Minutes

April 23, 2015

WashingtonMiddle School

Meeting was called to order at 5:10 PM

Attendees: Diane Bussolini, Dana Mills, Cindy Kozak, Katie Haffner, Trish Comrie-Sheer, Maxine Lerman, Sandy Micalizzi, Pat Bak, Diane Selvaggi, Amy Sullivan, Molly Kirschner, Jennifer Matthews, Pam Howard, Nancy Held, Jean Kostak, Karen McAvoy, Ashley Pisani, Beata Kubacka, Britt Ryan, Leigh Bak, Doreen Merriam, Sarah Dowling, Betsy Gaudian, Donna Hansen, Bruce Beauchamp, Mary Jo Farrelly, Katy Hanlon, Judy Vanderpool, Paul Rotolo

Agenda item / Discussion / Action/Follow Up
Welcome & Introduction
Acceptance of minutes
President’s Report
Membership Status
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business:
New Business:
Nominating Comm.
Professional Ed
Resource Library
Member At Large
Public Relations
Web site
Member Sharing
Next Meeting / Introduction of attendees.
1st Nancy Held, 2nd Donna
Jean reported on the continuation of the annual ADA Symposium. There is a meeting April 28th with A. Whittaker to obtain administrative support for the annual symposium.
Karen will get a card that we can all sign at the next meeting as a Thank you to the School for letting us use their space for our meetings.
113 paid members and active members.
Mary Jo reported. See attached report.
Lisa Gilmore not present however she and her committee did a great job with the new slate of officers and board members for next year. Although the slate is unopposed, Pam reported we still need to send vote to membership.
No updates.
We have a change in our speaker for tonight’s program. Dr. Ruby was not able to be here. Molly will present “Diabetes Jeopardy” as a tool for educators to use in teaching or support groups.
We also have a change in the date of the last meeting, our Vendor Fair, June 11th. Jean and Scott have been working on this event. We will announce the Scholarship Winners and the Educator of the Year at this meeting.
Leigh Bak is at the meeting; please let her know if you need anything.
The changes in the Bylaws have been approved and are updated and posted on the website.
Diane ordered a great dinner for tonight’s meeting.
Amy reported the 2 Scholarship Winners for this Year!
Nancy reported…our goal is to get a Newsletter out by the end of May. Please report any kudos on the list circulated or let Nancy know of anything for the next Newsletter.
Trish brought the CADE display to the CT Dietetic Association Meeting on April 23rd.
Updated and continuing to be updated.
Cindy Kozak- Discuss a media campaign DPH is doing.2 goals, 1. Diabetes education
Would love to get some input from the group and also ask if some folks might have a pt. that would be willing to be a “human interest story”—someone who did great because of the great work of a CDE . A couple people volunteered to find some patients for Cindy.
Thursday June 11, 2015 5 pm General Membership Meeting & announcement of Educator of the Year 6 pm - Education program - Vendor and Technology Fair Washington Middle School.
Next Board Meeting May 26, 2015 – Conference call 4-5 pm / If anyone would like to join the committee and attend this meeting, please join us.
Lisa will send out a survey monkey for an official vote in the next 2-3 weeks.
Thank you Molly for volunteering at the last minute and sharing with us!
Date change for last meeting of the year.
Lori O’Keefe and Karen Barbone- Congratulations!

Respectfully Submitted by Karen McAvoy