Post-op Instructions for Gingival Grafting Patients

After the surgery, Gingival Grafting patients should expect the following signs:

  1. Bleeding:There will be small amounts of blood present in the saliva and this can make your saliva appear quite red. This is considered normal and can occur for the rest of the day after the procedure.
  1. Pain:Moderate discomfort may be noticed when the anesthetic first wears off, and may continue for several days.
  1. Swelling:Lip and/or cheek may show discoloration and swelling that may last for a few days.
  1. Sensation:There may be a temporary numbness in the gums which were operated. The teeth may also feel loose for a time and may become sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.

What to do after the surgery:

1. Take time to rest.

After the procedure, patient should take a rest and avoid strenuous activities for the rest of the day. Keep your blood pressure stable for faster healing and to avoid bleeding.

2. Pain reliever helps.

Take two Tylenol, Nuprin, Advil, or similar non-aspirin pain reliever every 3 to 4 hours until bedtime to maintain comfort. Take it before the anesthesia wears off.

3. Take medication as prescribed.

You can take medications but as prescribed by the dentist. Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery when taking pain prescriptions. Alcohol isn’t allowed too.

4. Eat soft diet to prevent nausea.

Reduce nausea by preceding each pain pill with soft food, and by drinking a lot of water.

5. Cold compress the affected area.

To minimize swelling of the affected area, apply an ice bag to the face over the area where it was operated. Apply for 15 minutes, then remove for 15 minutes. Continue this for the first day.

6. Avoid chewing.

Chewing directly over the operated area should be avoided for faster healing. Take care to avoid pulling the sutures.

7. Do not rinse vigorously.

8. Try saltwater solution.

(1/2 teaspoon salt + 1/2 teaspoon soda + 8 ounces warm water) held in your mouth for 2 to 3 minutes every hour may make your mouth more comfortable.

9. Avoid nose blowing.

Patients who got their sinus involved in the procedure should avoid blowing their nose for one week.

10. No lifting of the lip with your fingers.

This can tear the sutures, open the incision, and delay healing.

11. Have a follow up appointment with your dentist.

Return to your dentist for removal of the sutures or follow-up checks as directed.

When to call a dentist? Look for these signs:

  1. uncontrollable pain
  2. excessive or severe bleeding
  3. marked fever
  4. excessive warm swelling occurring a few days after the procedure
  5. reactions to medications, especially rash, itching, or breathing problems

We want you to have faster healing once you leave our clinic so we are suggesting to follow these instructions properly. These will greatly add to your comfort and will help you avoid untoward events resulting from the procedure.

For any issues and concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.