School Development Plan 2014
St. Mary’s R. C. Primary and Nursery
- To ensure minimum of 3 points progress for whole school writing (particular focus on boys writing)
- To develop a consistent whole school approach for SPAG and boost the performance of girls in spelling, punctuation and grammar in Key Stage 2
- Targeted intervention for underperformance in reading and new whole school approach(focus on disadvantaged boys in KS2)
To ensure minimum of 3 points progress for each year in writing (particular focus on boys writing)Is there planning for extended writing?
Are children’s targets specific enough to encourage progress?
Is whole school and unit moderation taking place regularly?
Are unit leaders monitoring standard in classrooms?
Have Staff received enough CPD - Curriculum changes and use of POS. / Identifyfocus learnersin writing throughout the school. Use Pupil progress NfER, TA and National Results as evidence.
-Action writing strategies to be included in all writing sessions for each individual teacher
-Focused unit planning to ensure progression and consistency of strategies.
-Staff CPD on the Curriculum changes and use of POS.-Twilight use of classroom monitor / July 2013
- January 2014 / *Mr. Lavin/SMT/Unit leaders / -Use May tests/Pupil progress meetings to compile list of action learners in Writing.
-Set time line for book / planning monitoring
-Unit leaders and Lit Coordinator track groups through Classroom Monitor, assessment information and pupil progress meetings
-Unit leaders and Lit C observations and pupil interviews.
-Sharing of Good Practice
To raise standards in writing in EYFS /KS1 using community links / Engage parents and children in focused writing activities by inviting parents into weekly am sessions
More opportunities/ stations for writing in all areas of EYFS.
To use effectively the 2 build a profile and to collect high quality progression and writing evidence. / July 2014 – January 2015
September 2014 –on-going / *Mr. Lavin/KS1 unit leader
Mrs Bonner /EYFS team
SLT / -Build on existing activities in EYFS
-Arrange Library to be open to parents and children before and after school.
-Monitoring of planning and quality of work - Unit leaders
-data analysis of chn attending
-Parents questionnaire
Training completed in twilight
I pads bought for all EYFS staff.
Evidence checked half termly by SLT.
Observations half termly to see staff knowledge and ease of use and effectiveness
To develop SPAG scheme of work and progression plan across whole school / -Identify gaps in staff knowledge-Review scheme of work and implications for timetabling/ planning /assessment.
- Subscribe to The Teacher of English website to enhance SPAG resources.
Track and monitor progress through half termly planning analysis and half termly testing results / September 2013-ongoing / MrLavin /Mrs Geddis
Assistant head teachers
–All Staff / Identification of early teething problems
- Support from unit leaders fortnightly
-Planning and teaching monitored half termly
-Assessment of current standards every half term by SLT
-Is it working and being used in planning? / £500
Reintroduction of the Read WRITE INC phonics scheme for EYFS keystage1 / Identify gaps in staff knowledge
-Cpd implications for Summer term –Bowlee and St John Fisher
-Audit resources in school and purchase new resources for teachers planning and the assessments
-Workshops opportunities for all staff on a fortnightly basis
Planning monitored half termly
Observations of staff practice to identifyweakness and CPd opportunities
SIP observations and coaching sessions for NQTs
HLTA in charge of all children’s assessments half termly / July 2014
September 2014
October 2014
January 2014 / Mr Lavin /Mrs Geddis
Assistant head teachers
–All Staff / Time tables handed in and monitored half termly
Lessons observed weekly by SLT
Teaching assistants also observed for high quality delivery
Planning and teaching monitored half termly
-Assessment of current standards every half term by SLT
Tracking of phonics progress half termly to test effectiveness
Improved Presentation of work through the integration of a new handwriting scheme / Nelson Thornes Handwriting scheme to be rolled out across the whole school. / Aut 14 / Literacy Leader / Year Group LeadersLiteracy Leader –Mrs Geddis / Progression monitored through moderation of work half termly / Nelson Thorne
scheme approx £4500
To develop robust intervention programme for reading and phonics / -Identify gaps in staff knowledge
-Using Project X/ Edge Hill provide 6 hours of whole school INSET for 3 members of staff
-Provide resources for KS2 from Project X
-Staff timetable adapted for pm intervention
Assessments completed daily weekly and half termly to track progress of reading ages
Established a PP writing and reading group (current affairs, newspaper club, various reading materials and kindles)
- Teachers to increase modelled writing in lessons (shared writing) – targeting the identified vulnerable groups through questioning.
- Purchase the Rapid Reading programme and to create an early morning/lunchtime intervention club targeting those children that specifically fall into PP and low attaining progress / Start date
Sept 2014 -on-going
Jan 15
March 15 / Mr Lavin /Mrs Geddis –All Staff
Miss Rainsford
Mrs Howarth (SEN Lead)
Mr Dakin / -Timetables changed
- Support from unit leaders fortnightly
-Planning and teaching monitored half termly
-Assessment tracked and feedback to SLT to test effectiveness
-Evidence of narrowing of the gap of identified vulnerable groups.
HT to report to FGB through termly report linking outcomes to the impact of the pupil premium.
Assessment and Inclusion leaders to feedback to new Curriculum committee / .
/ £1800 for training
Improve the quality of marking / presentation in all Literacy/ cross curricular books / -Books to be taken in every half term to ensure marking policy is being adhered to.
-Children able to respond to teachers comments and the new codes of effective marking .
-Evidence of peer / self assessment – needs to be highlighted and initialled. /
Summer Autumn 14
Spring 14
/ SLT / Quality of marking is thorough and consistent across the whole school.Children work improves through feedback given and children responding to marking / No cost
Improve the quality of teaching and learning within English by introducing book-led learning. / All staff to work with Literacy consultant, Dawn Robertson for a day, starting Autumn term 2015. / Aut 15 / All staff / All staff become clearer on how to plan exciting and engaging learning for their class. Staff understand that books should show strong learning journeys and developed units of work.
Develop the culture of reading further / Introduce a new whole-school reading approach – Green Readers to engage pupils and parents in home reading.
Introduce book webs as displays for the school library to give pupils support in finding texts that they will really enjoy.
Regularly change the book display in the library which will broaden the children’s knowledge and develop a greater love of books.
To have an author focus for each term for each year group.
To introduce author visits so that children can see how language is crafted. / Aut 14
Spr 15
Spr 15
Aut 14 / Literacy Leader/ SLT / Staff/ Pupils/Parents/ Mrs Ball / All staff. Pupils and parents are aware of and on-board with new approach. Majority of pupils are ‘Green Readers’.
Pupils know which authors and genre they are into. They can talk about books, have opinions and can make recommendations.
Pupils know about authors. They have read their books and have opinions. They know who they are into and who they are as a reader. / Minimal cost
Success Criteria/Evaluation
Age related results at end of KS1 and at end of KS2 equate to at least 85%
Children gain at least 12 points (2Levels) progress from KS1 to KS2
SPAG is consistentlytaughtin all classes