
Verification Test


January 27, 2019

Relativity Post-Installation Test / Done
Navigate to Relativity Login Page
  • This is generally as follows:
  • This can change, however, so be sure to verify the credentials of the machine you are testing.

Verify that the disclaimer is working properly (if applicable)

Disclaimers are displayed in the text box shown above.
There may not be a disclaimer if Relativity has not been configured to show one.
Verify that the correct logo displays in the upper left-hand corner of Relativity

Company logo as displayed in Relativity
Verify that your licensing information has remained unchanged
  • You can verify this by ensuring no ALERT is being shown in the upper-right corner of Relativity, and also by checking the “License” tab from inside “Admin” mode.

Navigate to the Agents tab.Verify that all agents are present and running (Enabled = “Yes”)
Verify that all Servers have been registered on the Server tab. They should be named after the SQL Instance, NOT as “localhost”
In 7.5, there will be 6 servers:
  • SQL – Primary
  • Agent
  • Web: Forms Authentication
  • WebAPI: Forms Authentication
  • Web – Distributed: Forms Authentication
  • Web Background Processing

The server name is listed under the “Name” field, seen here as “VM-INSTANCE-NAME”
Verify that all servers have been upgraded to the correct versions.
If upgrading, some versions will not be updated until the server is exercised.
Navigate to the “Clients” tab in “Admin” mode and click “New Client”
  • Name: Smoke Client
  • Client Number: Today’s date (MMDDYYYY)
  • Status: Active
  • Click “Save”

Navigate to the “Matters” tab in “Admin” mode and click “New Matter”
  • Name: Smoke Matter
  • Matter Number: Today’s date (MMDDYYYY)
  • Status: Active
  • Client: Smoke Client
  • Click “Save”

Navigate to the “Users” tab in Admin mode and click“NewUser”
  • First Name: Smoke
  • Last Name: User
  • Email Address:
  • Client: Smoke Client
  • Password: Manually Set Password
  • New Password: Create a password
  • Retype Password: Retype the password you create
  • Advanced Search Public By Default: Yes
  • Leave the rest as default and hit “Save”

Navigate to the “Groups” tab in Admin mode and click“NewGroup”
  • Name: Smoke Group
  • Click “Save”

Add the new user to the System Admin group and to the newly created group
  • Navigate to the “Users” tab in Admin mode and click on “User, Smoke” (the user that was just created).
  • Under the “Groups” field, click “Add”
  • Check-mark the following groups:
  • Smoke Group
  • System Administrators
  • After adding the “System Administers” Group, add the “Relativity Script Admins” Group
  • Click “OK”

Log in with the new user credentials
  • Email Address:
  • Password: Enter the previously created password

Create a workspace
  • In Workspaces mode, click “NewWorkspace”
  • Name: Smoke Workspace
  • Matter: Smoke Matter
  • Template Workspace: kCura Starter Template
  • Status: Client – Active
  • Resource Pool: Default
  • Default File Repository: Select the available repository
  • Leave the rest as default and click “Save”

Navigate to workspace details and click“Manage Workspace Permissions”

Add the created group, “Smoke Group”, to the workspace.
  • Click “Add Group” From the “Permissions” console

  • Select “Smoke Group” and click “SetPermissions”

  • Leave the permissions as default and click “Ok”

Download Smoke Test from the Relativity 7.5 Documentation site. Upload the provided test data into the test workspace.
For these tests, the test data folder “SmokeTestData” must be located in the “Fileshare” folder on the Web Server.
  • Use the “Salt-v-Pepper.dat” document load file in the “SmokeTestData” folder and map the following fields (“Salt-v-Pepper-kCura-Starter-Template.kwe”can be used to map fields):
  • Control Number
  • EmailTo
  • Extracted Text
  • Group Identifier
  • Set the remaining options as follows:
  • Overwrite: Append Only
  • Folder Info:
  • Check the box
  • Select “Folder Path” from the drop-down menu
  • Native File Behavior
  • Check the box
  • Select “FILE_PATH” from the drop-down menu
  • Extracted Text
  • Check the box
  • Select “Western European (Windows)” from the drop-down menu
  • Select the “Import->Import File…” menu option from the top of the Relativity Desktop Client window and allow the file to import
  • When the import completes, you can click “Close”

Verify the upload runs in “Direct”mode – this is shown in the bottom status bar of the Relativity Desktop Client.

Direct mode is indicated here
Relativity Post-Installation Test / Done
Doc ID Beg “TRANS_00001” is a transcript that has been imported.
Select the transcript from your document list and run a mass operation to “Process Transcript”

You can add any header/footer you like to help verify it was processed correctly. These will appear at the very top and very bottom of each page of the transcript.
Open the transcript, then open the word index and verify it is searchable.

If the book-shaped icon does not appear, click “Return to Document List”, wait about 30 seconds and try clicking the document again.
Click the book-shaped icon highlighted in red, above, to open the word index.

Search in the box labeled as “SEARCHHERE” (shown in red above) in order to test the word index.
Also, click on one of the “Locations” entries to ensure that it locates the correct word and also highlights the word.
Create a new Field
  • Navigate to the “Fields” tab under Administration
  • Hit the “NewField” button to create a new field

  • Set the following fields:
  • Object Type: Document
  • Name: Smoke Designation
  • Field Type: SingleChoice
  • Required: No
  • Allow Group By: Yes
  • Allow Pivot: Yes
  • Leave the other fields as default

Create a new “Choice”
  • Navigate to the “Choices” tab under Administration
  • Hit the “NewChoice” button to create a new choice

  • Set the following fields:
  • Field: Smoke Designation
  • Name: Smoke Responsive
  • Keyboard Shortcut: <Ctrl>, <Alt>, “R”
  • Leave the other fields as default

Create a new Layout
  • Navigate to the “Layouts” tab
  • Click on “NewLayout”

  • Set the following fields:
  • Object Type: Document
  • Name: SmokeLayout
  • Order: 10
  • After saving the new layout, click “Build Layout” on the “Layout” console
  • Add Field

  • Field: Smoke Designation
  • Read Only: No
  • Display Type: Radio Button List
  • The rest can remain as default

Create a new “Markup Set”
  • Navigate to the “Markup Sets” tab
  • Click “New Markup Set”

  • Set the following fields:
  • Name: Smoke Markup Set
  • Order: 10
  • Redaction Text: Smoke Redaction Text
  • Click “Save”

Select the “Saved Searches” browser to create a Saved Search by clicking on the magnifying-glass icon and then clicking the “New Search” button

(The “Saved Searches” icon and “New Search” button)
Create a new “Saved Search”
  • Set the following fields:
  • Name: Smoke Search 1
  • Scope: Selected Folders - HernandezJuan
  • Fields (Required): Move “Has Images” and “Extracted Text” to the right
  • Click ”Save & Search”

Navigate to the Imaging Profiles tab and create a ”New Imaging Profile”
Use the following settings:
  • Name: SmokeImaging Profile
  • Basic Image Output Quality (DPI): 300
  • Basic Image Format: TIFF
  • Basic Image Size: OriginalSetting
  • Native Image Output Quality (DPI): 300
  • Native Image Format: JPEG
  • Paper size/orientation: OriginalSetting
  • Page order: OriginalSetting
  • Print area: OriginalSetting
  • Hide and page-break after __consecutive blank rows: 5
  • Show track changes in spreadsheet: No
  • Include row and column headings: OriginalSetting
  • Include headers and footers: OriginalSetting
  • Include comments: Yes
  • Include gridlines: OriginalSettings
  • Include borders: No
  • Unhide hidden worksheets: No
  • Orientation: Portrait
  • Resize images to fit page: Yes
  • Resize tables to fit page: Yes
  • Download images from internet: No
  • Clear indentations: Yes
  • Display SMTP: No
  • Show message type in header: Yes
  • Show track changes: OriginalSetting
  • Show speaker notes: No
  • Remove non-breaking space (NBSP) codes: Yes

We will now create an imaging set to test both forms of imaging
  • Navigate to the “ImagingSets” tab
  • New Imaging Set
  • Name: Smoke Imaging Set
  • Data Source: Smoke Search 1
  • Imaging Profile: Smoke Imaging Profile
  • Imaging method: Native and basic
  • Save

Image the documents using native imaging by clicking ”Image Documents” on the ”Imaging Set” console

  • Click ”Refresh Page” until the ”Status” is ”Completed”
  • Ensure the images were created by navigating to ”Smoke Search 1” and viewing each image
  • ”Mass Delete” all 4 images

Image the documents using basic imaging
  • Edit the ”Smoke Imaging Set”
  • Change Imaging method to Basic only
  • Click ”Image Documents” on the ”Imaging Set” console
  • Click ”Refresh Page” until the ”Status” is ”Completed”
  • Ensure the images were created by navigating to ”Smoke Search 1” and viewing each image

Navigate to the “Documents” tab and open up one of the documents that were imaged.
Redact the image using the ”Smoke Markup Set” markup set that was created earlier
  • Click the “Image” radio button to view the image of the document
  • Select the created markup set from the drop-down in the lower-left side of the document viewer, which looks similar to the image below

  • Click on the “Redact With Text Mode” button (shown in red below) and redact part of the document
  • Right-click within the redaction and change the redaction text to ”Smoke Redaction Text”
  • Click on the “Redact Mode” button (shown in green below) and redact another part of the document.

Print the image and include redactions. Ensure that redactions are printed correctly.
Code the document as responsive
  • Select the “Smoke Layout” layout
  • Edit the document and set ”Smoke Designation” to “Smoke Responsive”by using the Keyboard Shortcut <Ctrl>, <Alt>, “R”
  • Click ”Save”

Create a new Summary Report referencing the Smoke Designation field
  • Navigate to the “Summary Reports” tab
  • Click “New Summary Report”
  • Name: Smoke Summary Report
  • Report on Subfolders: Yes
  • Columns
  • Add Columns “Smoke Designation: (not set)” and “Smoke Designation: Smoke Responsive”
Verify that the Summary Report returns a count of 1 for the“Smoke Responsive” choice.
Create a new View to return Responsive documents
  • Create a new view using the “Views” tab, or if using the “Documents – Folder Browser”, click the “Create View” button highlighted in red below.

The button for adding a view shown highlighted in red
  • Name: Smoke Responsive Documents
  • Leave the rest as default and hit “Next”
  • Add “Edit”, “Doc ID Beg”,“Smoke Designation”, and “Group identifier” to the right-hand column.

An example of what the field-selection boxes look like
  • Click “Next”, and set the conditions as follows:
  • Field: Smoke Designation
  • Operator: any of these
  • Value: click the popup picker and add “Smoke Responsive”
  • Click “Save” in the upper right corner

Navigate to the “Documents – Folder Browser”, and select the folder “HernandezJuan”
Using the View drop-down menu (highlighted in red), change the view to “Smoke Responsive Documents”. Verify that the 1 coded document is returned.

Change the document item list to Include Family documents (highlighted in green below).
Verify that 3 more documents are returned.

Note: If no documents are returned, change the view back to default “Documents” view.
Select (check) the document that was coded as responsive and one additional document.
Select “Checked” in the lower left and select the mass operation “Replace” and hit “Go”.
When the box appears:
  • Select the relational field for Family (generally “Group Identifier”)
  • Action: Replace Entire Field
  • Update with: Text
  • Text: 123
Doing this will make these two relational (as they have the same Group Identifier).
If the suggestion in italics was necessary, perform the following steps to verify:
  • Switch the view to Smoke Responsive Documents and Include Family
  • Verify that the second document was returned along with the responsive document
Verify that Family documents are displayed in the related documents pane
  • View 1 of the documents.
  • Click the Family related documents icon (paper clip)
  • Four documents should be displayed

Create two new fixed length text fields:
  • Navigate to the “Fields” tab
  • Click the “New Field” button
  • Create a new field
  • Object Type: Document
  • Name: Smoke Beg Bates
  • Field Type: Fixed-Length Text
  • Leave the other field attributes as default
  • Click “Save and New” and repeat these steps for a new field named “Smoke End Bates”

Create a Production Set
  • Name: “Smoke Production Set”
  • Markup Set: Smoke Markup Set
  • Burn redactions: Yes
  • Add image placeholder: No
  • Warning/error alert flag: Production Errors
  • Production Numbering: Page level
  • Prefix: Smoke-
  • Begin Bates field: Smoke Beg Bates
  • End Bates field: Smoke End Bates
  • Left Header: Production Bates Number
  • Leave other fields as default
Save the production set and click “Preview Production”on the “Production” console to ensure that the preview looks correct
Navigate to the “Smoke Search 1” saved search
  • Check all 4 documents in the document item list
  • In the Mass Operation bar, select “Checked” and “Produce” and click “Go”
  • Files to Produce: Images and Natives
  • Name: Smoke Production Set
  • Click “Ok”

Navigate back to the “Smoke Production Set” and click“Run Production” on the “Production” console.
Click “OK” on the “Production Restrictions” popup window.
Click “OK” on the “Continue?” popup window.
Click “Refresh Page” on the “Production” console until the “Status” is “Produced”.
The “Production” console will also be entirely greyed-out.

Export production
  • Open the RDC and navigate to Tools -> Export -> Production Set…

Selecting to export a production
  • On the “Productions” drop-down, select “Smoke Production Set”
  • Add “Doc ID Beg” and “Extracted Text” to the Selected Columns
  • Switch to the “Destination Files” tab and set the following options”
  • Export Location: Choose a location to export your production to. Make sure you can find this location easily in order to verify the production.
  • Text and Native File Names
  • Named after: BeginProductionNumber
  • Image
  • Export Images: Checked
  • Data File Format: Opticon
  • File Type: Single-pageTIF/JPG
  • Metadata
  • Data File Format: Concordance (.dat)
  • Data File Encoding: Western European (Windows)
  • Export Text Field as Files: Checked
  • Text File Encoding: Western European (Windows)
  • Text Precedence: Extracted Text
  • All other fields can be left as default
  • Navigate to File -> Run to begin the export

After the export completes and the production has been verified, navigate back to the Production Sets tab and delete the production set

(Delete the production set by hitting the “Delete” button highlighted in orange)
Navigate to the “Smoke Search 1” and view the first document.
Verify that there is not a radio button for productions.

Check the document history (click on the clock icon) to verify that all previous actions were recorded. This is located in the lower-right corner of the document viewer.

(The “Document History” item list and its button highlighted in red)
Create an OCR Set
  • Navigate to the “Fields” tab
  • Create a new field:
  • Object Type: Document
  • Name: Smoke OCR Destination
  • Field Type: Long Text
  • Click “Save”
  • Navigate to the “OCR Sets” tab
  • Click the “New OCR Set” button
  • Enter the following attributes:
  • Name: Smoke OCR Set
  • Data Source: Smoke Search 1
  • OCR Profile: Standard OCR
  • Destination Field: Smoke OCR Destination
  • Click “Save”
  • Click “OCR Documents” on the “OCR Set” console

  • Click “Refresh Page” on the “Search Terms Report” console until the Status is “Completed”
  • Click on the first document link in the “Document (OCR Results)” item list
  • For the “Smoke Layout”, add the “Smoke OCR Destination” field to the layout

Navigate to “Document – Folder Browser” and select the folder “HernandezJuan”.
Enable Keyword Search.

In the search box, perform a Keyword Search for “)” (not including the quotation marks).

Verify that the search returns an error and that this error is also logged in the “Errors” tab, which is located in Admin mode.

(The error given after searching)