Post Implementation Review of the Merchant Shipping (Passenger Ships on Domestic Voyages) Regulations 2000, implementing Directive 2009/45/EC on Safety Rules and Standards for Passenger Ships.

  1. The Regulations have been subject to regular amendments since their publication in 2000 in order to transpose amendments to the passenger ship Directive. With regards to the amendments to the Regulations:
  1. What were the business costs of familiarisation with the changes brought about by the Directive?

☐Less than £100k☐£100k to 500k ☐£500k to £1million

☐More than £1million☐Other, Please specify:

  1. How could the process of familiarisation be made easier by the MCA?
  1. A major aim of Directive 2009/45/EC on passenger ship standards was the removal of barriers to trade and movement.
  1. As a result of the transposition of the Directive into UK law have you operated, or do you intend operating, a UK seagoing domestic passenger ship from, and to, ports and in the waters of any other EU Member States?

☐Yes☐No☐Don’t Know

  1. Do you know of any seagoing domestic passenger ships from other EU Member States operating on domestic voyages within the UK?

☐ Yes☐No☐Don’t Know

Additional comments.

  1. Has the lack of flexibility for Member State Administrations (such as MCA) to interpret Directive 2009/45/EC on passenger ship standards put you and your ships at a disadvantage?

☐ Yes☐No☐Don’t Know

If you feel that the lack of flexibility to interpret the Directive for the UK has put you at a disadvantage please supply details.

  1. Directive 2009/45/EC sets the parameters used to define sea areas A, B, C and D, and these parameters are transposed in the Passenger Ships on Domestic Voyages Regulations. The UK implementation of sea areas can be found here
  1. Has the inclusion of ‘significant wave height’ in the definitions of EU sea areas C and D materially disadvantaged you as an owner/operator of UK Ships?

☐ Yes☐No☐Don’t Know

  1. Have these sea area definitions been effective otherwise?

☐ Yes☐No☐Don’t Know

  1. Has the corresponding EU passenger ship classification system (i.e. Class A, B, C and D) been effective?

☐ Yes☐No☐Don’t Know

Additional Comments.

  1. Have you noted a change in the number and type of incidents involving seagoing domestic passenger ships since the introduction of the Passenger Ships on Domestic Voyages regulations, transposing the passenger ship directive in 2000?

☐ Yes☐No☐Don’t Know

If so, how have they changed and what sort of incident has increased/decreased?

  1. The passenger ship directive aims to provide a harmonised standard for seagoing domestic passenger ships across all EU Member States includingthe UK.
  1. Have your ships been put at a competitive disadvantage since the implementation of the Passenger Ships on Domestic Voyages Regulations 2000, transposing the EU passenger ship directive?

☐ Yes☐No☐Don’t Know

  1. Is so, please explain how?
  1. Has the inclusion of Aluminium as equivalent to steel, where adequately insulated,caused any issues when applying the passenger ship directive?

☐ Yes☐No☐Not Applicable

If so please supply details.

  1. The UK negotiated an equivalency arrangement when the Passenger ship Directive was implemented. Further details can be found in MSN 1811(M) here:

This equivalency allows UK seagoing domestic passenger ships constructed before 1 July 1998 to continue to utilise the legacy UK ship classes and associated regulations.

  1. Do you utilise the UK equivalency arrangement for existing UK Seagoing Domestic Passenger Ships?

☐ Yes☐No☐Don’t Know

  1. If so how many vessels do you operate under this arrangement and what are their classes?

Based on your experience of following the requirements of the Merchant Shipping (Passenger Ships on Domestic Voyages) Regulations 2000 and the technical standards within Directive 2009/45/EC as amended, we would value your views on the wider impacts highlighted below.

  1. Are the safety standards in the Directive still viable and effective?

☐ Yes☐No☐Don’t Know

Are there ways they could be improved for UK Seagoing Domestic Passenger Ships? If so please provide details of how.

  1. Have there been any unintended effects on passenger ship construction or operation due to the requirements of the Directive? If there have been please supply details or examples.

☐ Yes☐No☐Don’t Know

Additional comments.

  1. Have there been any unexpected costs due to the implementation of the requirements within the passenger ship directive or its amendments? If so please supply details or examples.

☐ Yes☐No☐Don’t Know

Additional comments.

  1. Have you identified any unexpected specific costs or benefits due to the introduction of the Passenger Ships on Domestic Voyages Regulations and the Passenger Ship Directive? If so please provide details.