[Project name]
Post-implementation report—public component
The Auditor-General’s Report 20/2009 on the approval of funding for public works found a need for agencies to undertake post-implementation reviews of project. The Public Works Committee Manual also requires agencies to provide a post-implementation review report to it.
The Committee resolved that this table be completed and made publicly available. The term ‘original’ refers to information provided during the inquiry (for example, in submissions or hearings). This is usually also replicated in the Committee’s report.
Please consider the language used in explanations – avoid ‘contract’ language and where possible, phrase in layman terms. Write acronyms in full.
Ensure that any detail provided in the Public Component is clearly defined and discussed in the Confidential Component.
Ensure all discussion is limited to works completed up to ‘Construction Completion’. The report does not encompass works raised and completed during the Defects Liability Period.
*Should issues be raised during DLP that significantly impact the cost of the project (Real Cost Increase to Government approved budget), Defence may elect to provide an update to the Committee/Finance, separate to the PIR process.
Details regarding the Project as referred and updates provided to the PWC have been tracked by Executive Support via the Major Projects Master-list.
PROJECT NAMEProponent agency
Date referred to the Committee
Committee report/s (eg. 1/2013)
Date of expediency (House of Representatives)
Original cost estimate
Final cost of project
Reasons for cost changes
Original estimate of commencement and completion of works
Actual date of commencement and completion of works
Reasons for time changes
Did the project deliver the original scope? Y/N
If no, was the scope increased or decreased?
Details of scope changes
Reasons for scope changes
[Project name]
Post-implementation report—confidential component
The Auditor-General’s Report 20/2009 on the approval of funding for public works, found a need for agencies to undertake post-implementation reviews of project. The Public Works Committee Manual also requires agencies to provide a post-implementation review report to it. This template provides guidance on the key areas of information required by the Committee.
Information regarding when the project was referred to the Committee and approved by the House of Representatives and at what cost, any follow-up engagement with the Committee (i.e. scope, cost changes) and estimated completion date at time of referral.
2.Project objective
The need as stated in the original project referral.
A breakdown of the project scope and status is provided below.
Outline the breakdown of the project scope and status.
Item / StatusEg. Construction of new buildings, including office buildings and a fitness centre / Eg. Completed 1 January 2010
Eg. Temporary facilities to accommodate building works. / Eg. Completed and removed after use. Site remediated.
Eg. Civil works including construction upgrade to sewerage, electrical, stormwater services / Eg. Completed 1 January 2010.
4.Response to Public Works Committee recommendations
If relevant, list any recommendations and implementation of responses (refer to Annual Report to PWC to view responses to Recommendations)
No. / Recommendation / Implementation/agency response5.Budget
A summary of the project’s estimated budget, actual expenditure and reason for any variation is provided at Attachment A.
Complete the Attachment A template. Base your descriptions on Attachment 1 of your Confidential Cost Estimate, eg multi-site = project element per site. Include fees and Defence contingency / single-site = work element, eg fencing / electrical services etc. Include fees and Defence contingency regardless of whether it’s a multi or single site project.
If price variations do exist between the estimate and actual expenditure, state why and how this occurred. Also outline when the Public Works Committee was notified of significant budget variations (include the reference number of that notification).
State the project schedule as realised and any variations to that advised to the Public Works Committee, including reasons for delays if relevant.
7.Effectiveness of the buildings and infrastructure in meeting the stated purpose and need of the project
Outline how the buildings and infrastructure have met the stated purpose and need of the project.
8.User and/or client satisfaction with the delivered project
Are users/clients satisfied with the final project and if not, why.
9.Effectiveness of the contracting strategy
Outline what contracting strategy was used and why, eg contract type (Head / Managing Contractor contract) andhow effective this strategy. Outline lessons learned from your contract strategy. Using the table below, also summarise the employment opportunities provided by the Project (for the heading in the second column, source the SoE registered number and date from this PWC website:
The table below outlines theemployment opportunities provided by the project.
Description / Estimate in Statement of Evidence (SoE #, dated ddmmyyyy) / Actual Numbers / Reason for VarianceTotal number employed
Total Sub-contract Packages
Total Sub-contracts Let to Locals
Lessons Learnt (contracting strategy):
10.Management of key risks
Identify key risks and how they were managed. These risks should have already been identified in the confidential submission provided to the Committee.
eg. Risk 1: disruption to operations
For example…
11.Consultation issues
Outline who the agency consulted with throughout the project and any impact this consultation had on the project delivery.
12.Key lessons learned during the project
Identify key lessonslearned on the project and how this impacted on project delivery (these should be separate to the contracting strategy lessons learns addressed at Para 9).
13.Actions taken to improve the agency’s business or project management processes
As a direct result of this project, what actions has the agency undertaken to improve future project management and/or contracting.
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Attachment A to AFxxxxxx
Project Expenditure Summary
Project Title
DescriptionBase your description on Attachment 1 of your Confidential Cost Estimate:
Multi-site = project element per site. Include fees and Defence contingency.
Single-site = work element. Eg fencing / electrical services etc. Include fees and Defence contingency. / Confidential Cost Estimate Amount
Use Confidential Cost Estimate table / Actual Costs
List actual costs / Reason for Variance
If relevant state reasons for budget variations, including when the Public Works Committee was notified of significant budget variations.
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