Directions to CrokePark
CrokeParkis located on Jones's Road beside The Royal Canal. Car parking is available at both the Canal Car Park (for Hogan Stand) and the Cusack Stand for non-match day events. The Canal Car Park is located off the North Circular Road, via St. Margarets Avenue. The Cusack Stand car park is located inside the entrance to the stadium via St Josephs Avenue, off Clonliffe Road.
Directions to the Hogan Stand
Follow directions for the Cusack Stand to Clonliffe Road. From the top of Clonliffe Roadtake the third right onto Jones's Road at the traffic lights. CrokePark is on your left.
Via the N2, go straight through Finglas Road, continue along Prospect Road and turn left onto the North Circular Road. Continue straight on and at Russell Street turn left. Continue straight on and CrokePark is on your right.
A public bus from the Airport will take you to Drumcondra Road, two minutes walk from the stadium. Alternatively, taxis are the best option from door to door.
If travelling from the city centre, the following bus routes will take you to Drumcondra Road; No’s 6, 11, 13 and 41.
The nearest train station to the stadium is Drumcondra Station, on Drumcondra Road.
If travelling from the West of Ireland, follow the N4 straight through to Heuston Station and turn left over HeustonBridge. There are then two routes you can take, the first of which is more likely to be congested.
1)Turn right up Arran Quay and continue on straight, taking the left at the third bridge just before the Four Courts. Go straight up Church Street until you reach the North Circular Road; then turn right and continue straight on. When you reach Russell Street, turn left, cross The Royal Canal and CrokePark is on your right.
2)Turn left towards the PhoenixPark, then right just before the park. Continue up Infirmary Road, turn right at the North Circular Road, follow on this road until Russell Street where you turn left and cross The Royal Canal. CrokePark is on your right.
If travelling from Cork or Limerick, the N7 from Cork and Limerick will bring you to the Naas Road. Continue along the Naas Road through Inchicore to Heuston Station
From the South of Ireland, come off the N11 make your way to the M50. Continue straight on to Blanchardstown Crossroad. Turn right and take the Navan Road (N3) at the end. Turn left into Cabra Road (not the Old Cabra Road) and go straight until you reach the North Circular Road. Continue on along the road and when you reach Russell Street turn left, cross The Royal Canal and CrokePark is on your right.
CrokeParkCanal Car Park
The car park has 180 spaces and is located off the North Circular Road and accessed via St Margaret Avenue(first left after Gills Pub on the corner with Russell Street). There is pedestrian access from the car park onto Jones Road / Russell Street for the main entrance to the Hogan Stand.