Post Graduate Scholars Program Logistics 2016-2017
Corvallis High School As of 4.6.16
Post Graduate Scholars Program Logistics Walk Through
*Items in red italics are specific to the Corvallis School District. Districts may elect to use the same criteria or determine their own.
Step 1: Establish an Eligible Post Graduate Scholar Program:
- Write a policy for program that is adopted by school board. The policy needs to:
- State goals of program including target high school graduation rates for underserved students
- Include a minimum GPA requirement
- 1.5
- Include a minimum attendance requirement
- No more than 4 absences per class per term
- Detail how you will meet the requirement for regular in person meetings between students andPost Graduate Scholar staff in order to monitor student progress. Meetings must occur a minimum of twice a month.
- Destination Graduation – meets weekly (first term only)
- Face to face with printout of registration to check classes before each term.
- Use this meeting to verify course requirements, credit hours and course placement and to answer any questions
- 4th week progress report
- Use this meeting to see how students are doing in their classes, talk about ways to be successful, how to advocate for themselves with instructors and determine tutoring needs
- 7th week progress report (no exemption)
- Use this meeting to check in on student progress, evaluate how interventions established at 4th week are working, talk about preparation for finals, remind about Book Buy Back
- Ticket from bookstore after participating in Book Buy Back
- Use this meeting to verify participation in Book Buy Back, determine if student needs the same books for courses the following term, confirm student has a plan for class registration, check in on finals and answer any questions, encourage student to complete a self-assessment on how the term went and what changes, if any, they want to make for the next term
- Detail how results will be measured and monitored
- Tracking of grades
- Tracking of plans after PGS program
- Include question about what plans would have been without PGS
- Track money spent per student
- Detail courses of study that are approved by school district –
- any degree or certificate program
- Have a written agreement with community college partner
- Have dedicated staff to provide support services to Post Graduate Scholars
- Program ensures that a majority of students from the school district meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Is not a Post Graduate Scholar
- Received a modified diploma, extended diploma or GED
- Was enrolled in an alternative high school program within the preceding 12 months
- Is, or will be, a first generation graduate of high school
- Is, or has been, a child in a foster home
- Is, or has been, placed in a facility or an education program by a court
- Is homeless
- Is a parent
- Was identified as eligible for free or reduced price lunches within the preceding 12 months
- Will collect demographic information as available
Step 2: Determine Who is Eligible to be a Post Graduate Scholar by SB 1537
Students are eligible for the PGS program if they:
- Have completed all graduation requirements including state testing and will be issued their standard diploma, modified diploma or GED certificate
- Submitted Oregon Promise application by deadline and were denied grant or
- Are not eligible for Oregon Promise because they do not meet 2.5 GPA requirement
- Submitted FAFSA AND,
- FAFSA grant money awarded is less than average cost of tuition and fees at community college
- *NOTE: Students MAY NOT accept federal grant money and participate in PGS
- *District is responsible for verifying that FAFSA was completed and award is not equal to or greater than cost of tuition and fees. Have students submit a copy of the EFC as part of the application.
- Retain legal residence within the boundaries of the school district through which student satisfied requirements of a high school diploma
Step 3: Determine Any Additional District Requirements for Eligibility:
Corvallis School District Additional Requirements Are:
Post Graduate Scholar Eligibility:
- Meets all requirements from SB 1537 AND
- Takes the Accuplacer placement tests for Math, Writing and Reading or submits a Smarter Balance score of a 3 or 4 in lieu of placement tests
- Note: placement test scores will be used to determine class placement – not as an admission benchmark
- Smarter Balance Equivalents:
- Math: 3 = MTH 111 or MTH 105
- Math: 4= MTH 112 or MTH 241
- Writing 3 or 4 = WR 121
- Completes an Ed Plan with the PGS Coordinator
- Has a minimum high school GPA of 1.5
- Remains in good academic standing with LBCC (GPA 2.0 or higher)
Step 4: How do Students Enroll as Post Graduate Scholar?
1. Determine eligibility for Oregon Promise (2.5 GPA)
- If GPA is 2.5 or greater apply for Oregon Promise and submit FAFSA. These students are not eligible for Post Graduate Scholars (unless they are denied a grant from Oregon Promise).
- Submit FAFSA – regardless of Oregon Promise eligibility
- If not eligible for Oregon Promise (GPA lower than 2.5)or denied grant money from Oregon Promise then:
- Complete PGS application (available at Harding Center or home high school). Application includes:
- PGS Program Agreements
- CSD application
- Campus High School Programs application
- LBCC full admission application (will get X number as part of full application)
- LBCC email
- Accuplacer tests at LBCC (Benton Center or Albany) or Smarter Balance scores of 3 or 4
- Transcript
- Proof of FAFSA submission (copy of EFC)
- Selection of program of study
- Return completed application with supporting documents to the Harding Center or home high school counseling office.
Step 5: Monitor Completion of Student Expectations and Registration Requirements During School Year
Student Expectations:
- Attend orientation at LBCC
- Check LBCC email daily
- Enroll in 12 credits each term
- 13 credits Fall term (one additional credit is for Destination Graduation), 12 Winter term and 12 Spring term.
- No on-line courses.
- Exceptions made for courses only offered online that are a requirement for chosen program of study. Must have coordinator approval.
- Must have coordinator approval to drop a course.
- During first week may drop classes without any financial responsibility.
- Attend all meetings with PGS staff (twice a month)
- Fines are student financial responsibility.
- Participate in Book Buy Back.
- Register for HD120 Destination Graduation.
- Complete 4th and 7th week progress reports.
- Attend tutoring for any class with a C at the 4th week.
- Maintain a good academic standing as outlined by LBCC(2.0 GPA)
- Model appropriate college behaviors as outlined in the LBCC Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook.
Registration Requirements
- Must take 12 credits per term to be counted as full time student
- Corvallis pays $1400 per term for tuition, $50 per term for fees and $500 per term for books. We do not know at this time if this will hold true for the 2016-2017 year as we are waiting for an answer from ODE. Amounts over this allowance will be the financial responsibility of the student.
- Must take math and writing each term until successfully complete Math 111 and Writing 121 unless enrolled in program of study or certificate program that has different requirements.
- Courses mustapply towardsprogram of study
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