My name:

FREN 1010, UNIT 4. Communicative Goals / “Can-Do” Checklist O’Neill (Sections 004-005).

• Please use this as a sort of checklist so you can keep track of your own progress for this unit.

• You should be able to understand (listening & reading) and use (speaking & writing) the items on the list.

Idea for using the list: For each item, mark it as

√ I can do this well always/almost always

? I can do it sometimes/partially

X I can’t really do this well yet

If you’re not able to do these things after you’ve done “preview, do, and review” activities online and in class, then

• try doing additional practice (the textbook, Supersite, etc.) on your own

• consider seeking out help from a tutor or classmate

• come see your teacher to ask questions or get additional help.

MONDAY, OCT. 31. p. 133-139. I can…

discuss places to go and activities to do in a city, in French

talk about being in or going to a place (for example, using à + article), in French

recognize and begin to gain accuracy pronouncing oral vowel sounds, in French

understand and use expressions to talk about plans, in French

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2. p. 140-145. I can…

recognize and use a few common words in verlan, in French

discuss pastimes & activities in France and other Francophone places, briefly in French AND in more detail in English

say where I or other people are going (for example, with aller and appropriate prepositions: à, etc.), in French

understand and begin to talk about future plans (for example, using aller + infinitive), in French

FRIDAY, NOV. 4. p. 146-151. I can…

understand and ask some basic information questions (qui, à quelle heure, etc.) in French

recognize and use an exclamation in French to talk about a person or thing (for example, with quel), in French

understand & discuss cultural info from an authentic video resource, briefly in French AND in more detail in English

MONDAY, NOV. 7. p. 152-157. I can…

talk about food and drinks in restaurants, in French

place a simple order for food or drinks, and understand and discuss prices, in French

recognize and begin to gain accuracy pronouncing French nasal vowel sounds ending in –m or –n, in French

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9. p. 158-163. I can…

talk about having/eating/buying/etc. some of something (for example, with the partitive du, etc.) in French

say what I and other people eat and drink using appropriate vocabulary (prendre, manger, boire), in French

tell people about what I am learning and what I understand (apprendre and comprendre), in French

discuss cafés and specialties in the Francophone world, briefly in French AND in more detail in English

FRIDAY, NOV. 11. p. 164-169. I can…

talk about activities I am doing or I usually do (for example, with regular –ir verbs), in French

tell people what I choose to do and what I’m finishing up (using choisir and finir), in French

use strategies (listen for the gist, summarize key information) to understand a basic conversation, in French

MONDAY, NOV. 14. p. 170-176. I can…

discuss sites, arts, food, and/or other info about Normandie & Bretagne, briefly in French AND in more detail in English

find specific information in a document by scanning text and visual elements, in French

discuss cybercafés and related information, briefly in French AND in more detail in English

communicate basic info in a note/message using information questions or making charts, in French