Post Brexit Referendum -

Change Management Framework

Toolkit V3

Factor / Considerations/Response / Impact Analysis / Take Action?
Hi, Med, Lo / Significance
Hi, Med, Lo / Timeframe
Short, Med, Long / Effect
Pos/Neg / Yes/No
What will stay the same (over what time horizon)?
What needs to be addressed immediately? What needs waiting time?
Where will your data/intelligence come from?
Something specific to my business……
Factor / Considerations/Response / Impact Analysis / Take Action?
Hi, Med, Lo / Significance
Hi, Med, Lo / Timeframe
Short, Med, Long / Effect
Pos/Neg / Yes/No
What do you expect to change? When?
What IP do you own? How might that be affected?
Something specific to my business…….
Factor / Considerations/Response / Impact Analysis / Take Action?
Hi, Med, Lo / Significance
Hi, Med, Lo / Timeframe
Short, Med, Long / Effect
Pos/Neg / Yes/No
People within your community might be concerned (staff, suppliers, owners, stakeholders etc.) - about their jobs, the position, their future etc.
What messages do you need to prepare and issue?
What do people need to hear from you as Leader right now?
What's the best way of communicating these?
What can you do to allow your people to ask the questions, voice their concerns?
Something specific to my business…….
Factor / Considerations/Response / Impact Analysis / Take Action?
Hi, Med, Lo / Significance
Hi, Med, Lo / Timeframe
Short, Med, Long / Effect
Pos/Neg / Yes/No
Will this have an effect on foreign passport holders employed (directly or indirectly) by the business? When might we know?
How this might affect skill availability/shortage?
How might this affect training plans?
Something specific to my business…….
Factor / Considerations/Response / Impact Analysis / Take Action?
Hi, Med, Lo / Significance
Hi, Med, Lo / Timeframe
Short, Med, Long / Effect
Pos/Neg / Yes/No
Interest rates up and interest rates down – how may this affect your business?
FX rates – if you’re importing or exporting (directly or indirectly) how does movement (up or down) affect your input costs/achievable selling price?
Is there a case to 'hurry-up' projects and investment?
Do you (or your customers or suppliers) receive any EU funding or support? How might this be replaced?
How dependent is the business on short-term bank finance? What alternatives are there?
Does the firm hold any investment or derive investment income? What are the sensitivities to these income streams?
Something specific to my business…….
Factor / Considerations/Response / Impact Analysis / Take Action?
Hi, Med, Lo / Significance
Hi, Med, Lo / Timeframe
Short, Med, Long / Effect
Pos/Neg / Yes/No
What effect might Brexit have on your customers?
Stress-test against sales falling?
Stress-test against customers’ projects being delayed?
Something specific to my business…….
Factor / Considerations/Response / Impact Analysis / Take Action?
Hi, Med, Lo / Significance
Hi, Med, Lo / Timeframe
Short, Med, Long / Effect
Pos/Neg / Yes/No
Supply Chain
What effect might there be on supply chain? When?
Something specific to my business…….
Factor / Considerations/Response / Impact Analysis / Take Action?
Hi, Med, Lo / Significance
Hi, Med, Lo / Timeframe
Short, Med, Long / Effect
Pos/Neg / Yes/No
What else? What could happen to trip-up your business?
Factor / Considerations/Response / Impact Analysis / Take Action?
Hi, Med, Lo / Significance
Hi, Med, Lo / Timeframe
Short, Med, Long / Effect
Pos/Neg / Yes/No
What new markets might open up? When?
What new markets can/should be pursued irrespective of Brexit?
Something specific to my business…….
Factor / Considerations/Response / Impact Analysis / Take Action?
Hi, Med, Lo / Significance
Hi, Med, Lo / Timeframe
Short, Med, Long / Effect
Pos/Neg / Yes/No
How might existing partnerships be affected?
What industry groups and associations can help? Who else is in the 'same boat'?
Anything Else
What else?

This is an exercise to understand what’s already changed and what hasn’t and to recognise that many things won’t change - or become clear - in the next couple of weeks (or even months)

However, you need to consider how much capacity your business has to be resilient to these stresses and risks and start to think about mitigating strategies

What else needs to become 'known' before action needs to be taken?

Irrespective of Brexit risks, does the stress-test throw out any unexpected results that need action now?

What actions do you need to take immediately?

1) ______

2) ______

3) ______

4) ______

5) ______