Post a New Assignment (Teacher)

Creating an assignment on Edmodo is easy. Assignment Posts will show up in the group members' Communication Stream, and will automatically be added to the group members' Planners. The group members can easily turn in the assignment right in Edmodo. To post a new Assignment to one or more groups, follow these instructions.

  1. Select the“Assignment”tab located in the post bubble at the top of your Edmodo Homepage.
  2. Fill out the followingdetailsfor theAssignment:
  3. Assignmenttitle
  4. Descriptionof the Assignment
  5. Duedate(set by clicking on the calendar icon)
  6. Check the "Lock this assignment after its due date" box to restrict students from turning in the assignment after the due date.
  7. Click “File”, “Link” or “Library” toattachany items to supplement the Assignment.
  8. Click in the "Send to" field to choose which groups to send the Assignment to.
  9. Click "Send"to send the Assignment right away.
  10. Click the "Schedule a Post" icon to send the post in the future.
  11. Send Now: will send the post immediately
  12. Scheduled: will automatically send the post at the chosen time (make sure the time zone settingsare the same for teachers and students).
  13. Click the“Send” button to post the Assignment.

Link Google Drive to Your Library (Teacher)

Do you have a lot of documents in your Google Drive? Do you want to share them with your classes more easily? Link your Google Drive Account to your Edmodo Account.

  1. Log in to yourEdmodoAccount.
  2. Click the "Library"icon from the top toolbar.
  3. SelectGoogle Driveon the left side panel.
  4. Click the“Connect with Google Drive”buttonand you will be prompted tosign into your Google Drive Account.
  5. Select the“Accept”buttonwhen prompted about Edmodo permission to access your Google Drive.



You can add any type of file (photo, video, document, etc.), in any format to your Library. You can also add web links to your Library.Your Library has unlimited storage space, however, the upload file size limit is 100MB. You can upload multiple files at once. If using Google Chrome, you can upload an entire folder from your computer, which will add all items in that folder to your Library, and create a Folder with the same name in your Library.

To add content to your library:

  1. Click the "Library"iconin the top toolbar.
  2. Select the“Add to Library”buttonat the top right corner of theLibrary page.
  3. Select the“Files”tab and then click "Upload Files"to add files from your computer, or select the“Link”tab to add a link or embed code to your Library.
  4. Click“Add.”


It's easy to get started creating Quizzes for your classes. Once you have created the Quiz, then you need to send the Quiz to your class so they can complete the Quiz.

  1. Select the“Quiz”tab located in the post bubble at the top of your Edmodo Homepage.
  2. Click“Create a Quiz”to create a new Quiz or follow these instructions if you are loading a previously loaded Quiz.
  3. Click the "+Add First Question" button.
  4. Fill in the followingdetails of your Quiz:
  5. Quiz Title- name your Quiz by completing the title field at the top
  6. Time Limit- set a time limit for students to complete the Quiz, maximum time limit is 1440 minutes or 24 hours
  7. Description- complete the “About this Quiz” field on the right panel to describe the Quiz
  8. Show Results- check this box under “Quiz Options” to show students their immediate Quiz results
  9. Randomize questions-check this box under “Quiz Options” to randomize questions for each student taking the Quiz
  10. Select thequestion typefrom the Type drop-down. Choose from multiple choice, true/false, short answer, fill in the blank, or matching. (You may also click the “Load” link on the left panel to load a previously created question from your question bank.)
  11. Type in the question in the“Question Prompt”field. (Below you will see the option to attach any links or files to the question).
  12. Addresponses. The response fields will vary depending on the type of question. (ForFill in the Blankuse ‘_’(underscores) to specify where you would like a blank to appear in the question. Complete the response options and mark the correct one by selecting the “Set As Correct Answer” link.) By default, you have two response fields, if you want to add more, click the"Add Response" button below the second response field, to add more responses.
  13. Change the“Point” fieldif you would like toweightthe question (the question is automatically set to 1 point, but you can set it to a higher number to give it more weight).
  14. Select the“+” buttonon the left side panel toadd a new question.You can go back andeditquestions, by selecting the question number from the left panel. Click the "Load" link next to the "+" button to load previously created questions.
  15. Select thequestion numberin the left side panel and click the “Remove Question” button from the top right corner to delete a question.
  16. Drag ‘n drop the question numbers on the left side panel toreorder the questions.
  17. Select the“Preview Quiz”link under the “Assign Quiz” button to preview the Quiz (just as a student would see it).
  18. Select the "Print" link to print a hard copy of the Quiz; you can give this to students to complete.
  19. Click the“Assign Quiz”button at the top right corner of the page to post the Quiz.
  20. Select a due dateby clicking in the due date field or on the "Edmodo Planner" icon.
  21. Check Add to Gradebookto automatically add it to your gradebook, if you forget this step you can add it to your gradebook later.
  22. Choose to Send Now or Scheduled:
  23. Send Now– will send the post immediately
  24. Scheduled -will automatically send the post at the chosen time (make sure thetimezone settingsare the same for teachers and students)
  25. Select“Send”to post the Quiz

Create and Send a Poll (Teacher)

Polls are a great way to get immediate feedback on an Assignment, reading, or current event. They can be used to activate background knowledge for students. They are easy to create and administer:

  1. Click on the "Poll" tab inthe "top toolbar."
  2. Click in the Question field and type your question.
  3. Type in answer choices in the fields for Answer #1 and Answer #2.
  4. Click "Add Answer" if you would like to add more answer choices.
  5. Click in the "Send to" field and choose a Group, student, or teacher to send the Poll to.
  6. Click on the "Schedule" icon below the "Send to" field to send it out in the future. If you don't click "Schedule", it will be sent out immediately.
  7. When finished, click the "Send" button.

DISCOVER – Following a Topic

Following a Topic (Teacher)

Following a topic lets other teachers and your connections know what you are teaching or planning on teaching. This is a great first step in collaborating with others and sharing and finding resources:

  1. Clickthe “Discover” icon on the top toolbar.
  2. Start typing in atopic(Math, Linear Equations, Mitosis, etc.) andselect a topicfrom dropdown list.
  3. Click“Follow Topic”in the left side panel.
  4. In order to stop following a topic, when on the topic page, click "Following" and it reverts back to Follow.

Note: Teachers can Follow as many topics as they would like to update what they are teaching and view different topics. Also see Related Topics, clicking on these brings you to new topic areas with more resources that may be related to your original search.

Post an Internet Link on Your Edmodo– Post


How to send a Note:

  1. Click on"Note"at the top of your center panel of your Edmodo Homepage.
  2. Type your message in the text box.
  3. Click the “Files,” “Links,” or “Library” link options to upload attachments to your post.(Any files or links you post will automatically be added to your Library, so be sure to provide a good description when posting these items).
  4. Choose to Send Now or Scheduled:
  5. Send Now:Clicking the "Send"buttonwill send the post immediately (posts will appear on the communication stream in the order they were sent).
  6. Scheduled:Clicking the "Scheduled"icon will automatically send the post at the chosen time at the top of the hour (make sure the timezone settings are the same for teachers and students).

5. Type thenameof a Group, student, teacher, or "Parents" into the“Send to” field.(Edmodo will provide auto suggestions as you begin to type).

How do I embed a video file?

Edmodo does not have a built-in video player. If you upload a video file, students will have to download the file to watch it on their device. We recommend embedding a video from a site such as YouTube, TeacherTube,or SchoolTube. Both sites have the embed link available. Copy and paste it into the “link” facebox in your post. All you need is the URL provided on the video sharing site you use and Edmodo will pull the video into your post. Since YouTube is often blocked at schools, TeacherTube or SchoolTube are good alternatives.