Possibleimprovementsto the EFA 2017 questionnaire
Collectionofcommentsreceivedfromcorrespondentsworking on the EFA 2016
1) Data transmission: the Task Forcedecidedtomaintain the same scheduleas for IEEAF, i.e. 18 months after the endof the referenceyear. For 2016, Eurostat sent out the newquestionnairetoolate, but for 2017, the deadlineshouldbe at the beginningofJuly 2017. As discussed in the Task Force, thisis due to the needsof national accounts.
2) Table B1 on economicaggregatesof the forestry and loggingindustry
2.1)Wereceived a commentfrom the UK about the terminology. The proposalistostayascloseto the JFSQ terminologyaspossible.
1.1.2 Wood in the rough (CPA 02.20.1) Logs(usedbecause the contentof the CPA is all aboutlogs) Fuel wood(CPA 02.20.14 & 02.20.15)
The proposalistohave
1.1.2 Wood in the rough (CPA 02.20.1) Industrial roundwood (i.e. anyotherwood in the roughexceptfuelwood*) Fuel wood (CPA 02.20.14 & 02.20.15)
* This isalreadyexplained in a footnote
Weproposetochange "Logs" to "Industrial roundwood". This change will also affectTables C1 a and C1b on supply and useofwood in the rough.
2.2)Hunting and fishingpermits
Wereceived a questionfrom LU: do hunting and fishingpermitsgointo
1.3 Other productsfromconnectedsecondaryactivities in the local KAU?
Weansweredthatit was safertoputtheminto
1.4 Other products
becausewethoughthatif the activitycanbeseparated, itshould not be in 1.3. For discussion.
3) Table B2 on outputof the forestry and loggingindustryby type
More than one countryaskedabout the definitionofmarketoutput.
Weansweredthatthisisdefined in ESA 2010, pp. 7-8:
NPISH are non-profit institutionsservinghouseholds.
Weproposetoadd an explanationto Table B2 as a footnote.
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