COST 1402 Ageism from a Multi-National, Interdisciplinary Perspective
October5-6, 2017
Email to the group
Dear colleagues/friends,
It was very good to see you in Bucharest again and to meet some of you for the first time! We wish to thank Loredana once again for her generous hospitality. You have really made our stay in Bucharest great!
Here is a summary of our MC meeting:
- A meeting in Barcelona, Feb 1-2, 2018. This meeting will be limited to 40 people max. We will specifically select people who wish to contribute a TEDX talk. It is most likely that this talk will be based on the 2-3 main messages of the chapter people have contributed. If people have an interest in presenting something else- this should be fine as long as it is of high quality.
If you are interested, please email Liat at e following:
a)The title of your talk
b)A 250-word abstract on the topic you wish to discuss
c)Up to 3 bullet points of the main message you wish to deliver.
The deadline for this is Oct. 30th, 2017. We will review and get back to you by Nov. 10th, 2017.
In preparing your talk, please consider the following:
-The talk should be max. 5 minutes (we will time it!)
-Rule of thumb: It takes about a minute to read 100 words. Hence, if you write down your talk, try to use not more than 500 words. Then read it aloud and time it.
-The talk has to be in an excellent shape already for the meeting in Barcelona: Organized, interesting, appealing and well articulated.
-All talks will be given in English
-Please watch the following relevant talks for ideas (ours should be different but of similar qualities):
- A meeting in Bratislava in the end of June, 2017. This meeting will be dedicated to shooting the TEDX event. The first day will focus on preparation of the talks once again. The second day will be live shooting. Everyone is invited to the live shooting.
- A final meeting in Brussels in Oct., 2017. This will be a conference of policy stakeholders and researchers. We will present our ideas, achievements and work and will discuss them with other researchers and policy stakeholders. Everyone is invited to this final conference.
- There will be two small WG meetings in Feb., 2018 and April 2018 by invitation only.
- Please consider applying for the inclusiveness conference funding mechanism. This mechanism is specifically for early stage researchers from inclusiveness countries who wish to attend a scientific conference. Please see attached document for further information.
- Simon Evans will issue a new call for STSMs shortly- please stay tuned.
- To improve the visibility of our website- everyone is welcome to email Ariel directly all relevant publication:
- To improve our ability to connect with each other, please complete the following details using the link below. This information will replace current information about WG members on our website:
Hope to see you soon,
Liat & Clemens
Email to WG chairs
Hi everyone- It was good to see you in Bucharest. Thanks once again for your
leadership. Below is a summary of our talk regarding the meeting in Brussels:
- Date: Oct, 2018- not too close to GSA.
- Nena will help us to set a venue ASAP.
- Time: 9:30- 15:00
- The rest of the afternoon: celebrating (eating, drinking) and goodbyes.
- Purpose of the event:
-To show our achievements (to external guests and ourselves)
-To raise awareness (of external guests)
-To develop a dialogue with policy makers
-To communicate across WGs (internal dialogue)
-To celebrate the end of this COST Action and the beginning of exciting new things…
- Participants: all COST members who wish to attend. Policy stakeholders: politicians, members of the EU parliament, UNECE, WHO, AGE-EUROPE, Help-Age International, workers' organizations, and others. Each WG is responsible for identifying and inviting relevant attendees
- Plan:
- Liat will briefly introduce the Action and its activities 7 min max.
- WHO will briefly summarize the results of the systematic reviews 10 min.
- Each WG will present a topic of importance focusing on the main message using a TEDX format 5-7 min max.
- Each WG will identify relevant stakeholders and invite them to comment/discuss/provide an additional perspective on the topic. Each WG is responsible for inviting these stakeholders. Max. time allocated per WG- 30 min. (This already includes Q&A).
- We will conclude with a short movie and a discussion by a movie director- WG on communication is responsible for this.
- We will consult with AGE and with WHO re a recommended paid moderator for this event.
- We will produce a one-page poster which outlines our major achievements.
- During the break, we will show on TV screens the TEDX talks we produced.
- We will present the book and the special issue as well as other relevant collaborative publication.
- There will be an invitation to present up to 4 posters per WG- max. 20 posters all together.
- Potential time table:
- 09:30-09:45 Greetings and welcome
- 09:45-10:00 A summary of systematic reviews conducted by WHO
- 10:00-11:00 WG4Workforce and WG1 Healthcare.
- 11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
- 11:30-12:30 WG2 Judicial-legal systems and WG5 Internalized
- 12:30-13:15 Lunch
- 13:15-13:45 WG3 Media
- 13:45-14:45 Movie and Roundtable