Possible Risks and Hazards
HazardsControlsSlips, trips andfallswhilstwalkingonuneven surfaces andonhistoricsteps withinthe palace andits grounds. / Wear sensible shoes. Walkat reasonablepace.
Avoidrunningon historic surfaces. Adequatesupervision of groupby responsibleadults.
Falls from height, for example stretchingover themoat bridge at palaceentrance, climbingon trees, playinginformalgarden. / Hazardwarningsigns in place.
Provisionofedge protection whereappropriate. Adequate supervisionofgroupby responsibleadults.
Drowninginwater-containingfeatures, for example FountainCourt, theLongWater, theGreat Fountain. / Hazardwarningsigns in place.
Presenceof life throws whereappropriate. Somewater features protectedby barriers. Adequate supervisionofgroupby responsibleadults.
Burns from touchinghot surfaces, for example, light bulbs, candles intheChapel, openfirein Henry VIII’s kitchens. / Guards providedwherenecessary. Warders present to overseeactivity. Adequate supervisionofgroupby responsibleadults.
Diseases from touchingdeer, dogor geese faeces withinthe palace grounds. / Washroom facilities provided. Washhands prior to eating. Adequate supervisionofgroupby responsibleadults.
Collision withvehicles andcyclists along main driveandwithingrounds. / Speedlimits in place.
Hazardwarningsigns in place.
Presenceof security warders to maintain speed adherence.
Adequate supervisionofgroupby responsibleadults.
Contact withworkequipment. / Keys not leftinmobile equipment. Tools not left unattended. Unauthorisedareas locked shut. Adequate supervisionofgroupby responsibleadults.
Injuries from plannededucationalactivities. / Riskassessment ofactivity carriedout by HRP. Introductory talkat start ofactivity.
Contact with candles in the Chapel Royal / Adequate supervision of group by responsible person
Children with long hair to be tied back while lighting a candle
School Agreement form
Please complete this form and return it by post or email (see below for details) to the Schools and Communitiesteam in advance of your visit.
Name of School: ......
Date of Visit:......
Name of Lead Teacher:......
Booking Reservation Number:......
I, the undersigned, having capacity to sign on behalf of the visiting school, accept the following two clauses:
- I have read, understood and agree with the information and conditions given in the “Essential information for your visit” information pack.
- The visiting school/group has appropriate insurance to cover their visit to Hampton Court Palace
Print Name:......
Position in School:......
To find out more about how we collect and use personal data, please see Historic Royal Palaces' Privacy policy
Please return this form in advance of your visit by post or email to:
Operations Team - Administration Office
Schools and Communities
The CloreLearning Centre (based at)
Hampton Court Palace