Possible Funding Sources for Refugee Sector

AB Charitable Trust

A key group for support is Asylum seekers and Refugees, Grants (revenue, projects, salaries) for £5 to £7,500 (larger grants could be offered) Quarterly meetings (Jan etc,)

Dulverton Trust

Our needs are marginal to theirguidelines but they said they would look atan application under general welfare category. Usually one grants and sometimes for three years, based on merit. Apply anytime, considered Feb, June and October. . Minor grants (up to £5,000 restricted to NE England, Devon and Wales.

Henry Smith

Average grant size £79,000 covers revenue including staff costs over 3 years. Quarterly meetings Sept, Dec. March, June. Specific criteria includes Refugees and Asylum seekers advocacy, advice and support and promoting integration and also BME promoting integration to mainstream services.

Lloyds TSB

One to three year grants up to £50,000 including core, revenue and projects building on previous work. Favours work with disadvantaged, improving social and community involvement. Apply anytime.

Rayne Foundation

Less than 10% success rate. Have category of Social Welfare but we don’t fit into any area of special interest except the Rayne Fellowships for Refugees launched in 2009 and managed by Praxis Community Projects but can’t find on website.

Woodward Trust

Minority groups including refugees, gypsies and travellers. Projects that promote integration and community cohesion will be favoured including lessening isolation felt by refugees. Less than 15% of the applications received are successful. Max £5,000 small grants. Larger grants paid to charities known to the Trust (max 5 per annum).

Allen Lane

Funds work with Asylum seekers and Refugees to reduce stigma and isolation Up to £15,000 one off or £5,000 for 3 years. Can apply anytime. (income to be less than £250,000)


Esmee Fairbairn –

Tudor Trust –

BLF Reaching Communities

Project funding that improves the lives of people and communities. Up to 5 years funding, prefers partnerships. 2 stage application process.

Heritage Lottery

Would need to link to heritage e.g introduce asylum seekers to museums?

Paul Hamlyn

Asylum seeker and refugee fund now closed but Social Justice Open fund a possible, Anytime for applications and grant size variable an dculd support all costs for up to 6 years.

Comic Relief

List of other smaller funders

Garfield Weston Foundation

No specific priorities but high potential if can prove quality, commitment and good financial planning including other fundraising for the project.. 50% success rate. Will fund core costs and new projects. Could apply anytime under Welfare category. 4 months for decision.

Hilden Charitable Trust

Approx 30% of their recent funding has been for community projects supporting asylum seekers and refugees. They will only fund projects that fulfil a gap or offer something new that they have not funded before. (e.g. they already fund a media officer for JCWI ) but the average grant in 2011 was £5,000. Next deadline date early Dec

“The aim of the Fund is to address disadvantage, notably by supporting causes which are unlikely to raise funds from public subscription, known sometimes as 'unpopular causes.' Fund policy is directed largely at supporting work at a community level. Grants are rarely given to well funded national charities”

CHK Charities Ltd.

Not specifically for AS but said would consider supporting the Welcome Project for work in the West Midlands area. Up to £6000 and deadline in Sept and December.

The Bromley Trust

Have emailed and asked for guidance but one key focus for their funding is Human Rights. “.. to help those who have suffered . . and in some small way to offset man’s inhumanity to man. “ Applications all year and usually up to £15,000

The Barrow Cadbury Trust – Migration Programme

Aimed at the Black Country. Supports grassroots organisations working with vulnerable migrants including asylum seekers. Up to £100,000 apply anytime.

William Adlington Cadbury Charitable Trust

Small grants for vulnerable groups including AS. West Midlands only. Core costs and project funding - Limited number of Larger grant £10 to £20,000 and up to £50,000 if merits. May and November.

Other useful links

  • checking the free funding portal run by NCVOFunding Central
  • reading the advice published by theAssociation of Charitable Foundations
  • consulting theDirectory of Social Changewhich publishes a wide range of specialist guides for grant seekers. This organisation also runs subscription websites giving information abouttrust and foundation funding,government fundingandcompany giving.This short articleby the Directory of Social Change gives some sensible and simple tips for fundraising from trusts.
  • consulting theEuropa Gateway to the European Unionwebsite for information about European Union funding opportunities.
  • consulting theLottery Good Causeswebsite for information on National Lottery funding.

Links to sources of pro bono support
A number of organisations offer to provide expert volunteers to help charities with issues such as strategic planning and ICT. Click on the following links to find out more.

The Cranfield Trustprovides free management consultancy for charities and social enterprise groups involved in issues of poverty, disability or social exclusion.
The Worshipful Company of Information Technologistsset up the IT4Communities programme to help charities find volunteers to help with their IT needs.
The Worshipful Company of Management Consultantsprovides mentoring and consulting services to Chairs and Chief Executives of smaller charities.

CMolloy November 2013