
Special Education 517

Positioning/Handling/Body Mechanics Activity


Students with sensory and motor disabilities often require specialized positioning to be able to maintain alignment and comfort in sitting, standing, and laying positions. Many specialized devices, pads/wedges, and simple positioning materials (such as pillows, bean bags, etc.) are available to help to maintain proper positioning.

  1. List at least 3 important points to consider when positioning persons with severe disabilities:

HANDLING: Special handling techniques can help a student with severe disabilities to feel more safe and secure. These techniques can also influence muscle tone and movement characteristics; therefore it is essential to understand the sensory and motor characteristics of movement to utilize good handling techniques.

  1. Based on what you see in this picture, what three parts of the body would be most important to control when handling a student with severe disabilities (a.k.a. Key Points of Control)?

BODY MECHANICS: It is very important for teachers, parents, and caregivers to utilize good posture and body mechanics when working with individuals with severe disabilities. It is not only important for general safety, but is ensures that the individual can trust the caregiver during positioning, handling, and transferring.

  1. What should the spine look like when proper posture is being used?

LIFTING AND TRANSFERRING: When lifting and/or transferring individuals with severe disabilities, it is very important that proper posture and body mechanics are used at all times. There are also several different types of techniques that can be used, depending of the size and weight of the individual and their level of physical ability.

  1. What would be the most important points to consider when attempting to lift or transfer an individual with severe disabilities?

TECHNIQUES: Depending on the size and ability factors, there are several techniques that can be used. Teachers, parents, and caregivers need to be aware of the different options available and determine the most safe and efficient methods to use on a day-to-day basis.

One-person lift:

Hold close to center of gravity, use arms, and hold key points of control.

  1. When lifting a small child with severe disabilities, what special factors should be considered?

Two-person lift:

When weight exceeds 50 pounds or when mobility of individual significantly impacts the safety of the lift, it is recommend to have a second person assist. One person should assume the lead and both persons should work together to ensure safety and efficiency.

  1. When using a second person to assist in a lift, what types of precautions should be used?

Standing pivot transfer: When an individual can assist in bearing their weight, a pivot transfer may be appropriate. Be sure that distance between seating is minimal, the individual is assisting as able, and you are using proper posture and body mechanics. A gait belt is recommended to increase safety and control in transfer.

  1. A standing pivot transfer can be potentially hazardous. What precautions should be taken?

Two-person side-to-side transfer: When using the side-to-side transfer, it is helpful if both helpers are similar in size. This technique may also be most efficient if space is limited. A gait belt is recommended for both persons to hold onto behind the individuals back.

  1. What might be a safety concern when using a two-person side-to-side transfer?

Two-person top-bottom transfer: This technique is best when one person is stronger or when size/height is not similar. Again, one person should take the lead to ensure safety and control throughout transfer. A gait belt is recommended for the person behind the back to avoid pulling under the shoulders.

  1. Describe the special handling techniques that would be necessary when using a two-person top-bottom transfer.

Other options: Lifting and transferring aids are available if help is not readily available or if safety would be compromised with hands-on techniques. Pivot boards, sliding board transfers, or mechanical lifts are available for these conditions.

  1. Search the internet for at least three different types of mechanical aids that can be used for students with severe disabilities, including pictures.