Position Description
Position Title: HPVC West N. America Head Judge
Reporting committee: Human Powered Vehicle Challenge (HPVC) Committee
Term of Position: 4 years
Start Date:September 2017
Term Start Date: June 2018
Term End Date: June 2021
Terms are 3 years with 1 year overlap to train the incoming head judge
Year 1 Head Judge in Training
Year 2 & 3 Head Judge
Year 4 Head Judge and training the incoming Head Judge
Position description:
Each year there will be 6 HPVC competitions held at the ASME Engineering Festivals (E-Fest)
- Asia Pacific
- Europe (tentatively starting in 2019)
- Latin America (currently suspended and tentatively starting in 2018)
- Middle East and North Africa (MENA) (tentatively starting in 2018)
- East N. America
- West N. America
Each competition is organized by an Event Director, Event Head Judge, ASME staff, and volunteers at the host school. There is one Event Director and one Event Head Judge per competition globally.
The Event Head Judge works under the direction of the HPVC Global Chief Judge.
Responsibilities of the Event Head Judge include:
●Work with the Global Chief Judge and ASME to ensure the safety of all HPVC participants and spectators at the HPVC events.
●Contributing to the revision and publication of the HPVC rules annually
●Modification of standard rules to match needs of particular event (where applicable outside of US)
●Answering questions about the rules from student teams
●Organizing and approving the course layouts with the host prior to the event
●Collect, organize, and distribute design and innovation reports to the appropriate people
●Staff and communicate with local judges for the event
●Organizing the event judging team to score reports and have responsibilities at the competition
●Compiling team scores and ensuring scoring fairness and accuracy
●Responsible for on-site administration of the event, ensuring safety and compliance with the rule
●Provide feedback throughout the event planning process including but not limited to the event budget and schedule
●Training of event judges and securing future event head judge with the assistance of the HPVC committee.
Role within Society Governance:
The HPVC Event Head Judges are voting members of the HPVC Committee. The HPVC Committee is a subcommittee of the Student Programs Committee within the Student and Early Career Development Sector of ASME.
Recommended Candidate Qualifications:
Prior HPVC judging experience is required for this position. Undergraduate students are not eligible for this position. Candidates preferably should have served in a leadership position within ASME or in other organizations. The candidate should possess excellent communication, teamwork and organizational skills.
Important Skills Necessary:
●Public speaking
●Conflict resolution
●Analytically minded
●Highly organized
●Clear communication
●Motivating and empowering others
●Volunteer leadership
Type and Frequency of Communication Necessary to Fulfill This Position:
Email (biweekly with the HPVC committee or event host)
Event support conference calls (as needed and varies with event host)
HPVC committee conference calls (1 hour per month)
Event attendance in person (1 event per year)
Travel Requirements:
Event: One HPVC event per year
Duration: Typically 3 days over a weekend (maybe more depending on the travel time to the event)
Location: Changes annually
Additional travel possible to other competitions to serve as a judge if the candidate desires
Additional Details:
Required Prerequisites and/or prior ASME service requirement? Yes
Is ASME membership required? Yes
Is there funding for volunteer travel? Yes
Website for further information:
Contact Information:
Name: Nathan Taylor
Title: HPVC Committee Chair
Application Deadline: August 1, 2017 11:59pm EST
Application Instructions:
Submit the following Candidate Proposal Form and your resume to the contact listed above before the application deadline.
Candidate Proposal Form
Human Powered Vehicle Challenge Committee
Position Applying For:
Today's Date:
Nominee Name:
Location of Residence:
Phone Number:
E-mail address:
Current ASME Membership Grade:
Employer and current Job Title / Tenured / Retired / Independent, etc:
Education / Degrees attained:
Qualifications (Insert additional typing space as needed)
- Describe and/or list your experiences and leadership positions which have prepared you for this position. Response:
- Describe and/or list your prior work with the HPVC and other programs for students. Response:
- Brief Biography of information you would like the selection committee to know. Response:
- What goals would you propose to achieve with the HPVC? Response:
- What other committee positions do you currently hold within ASME and what are the terms limits of the positions? Response:
Revised: 6/1/20171