Position: Local Short Term Expert- Support in the Inception Phase
Name of Expert:
Period of the Assignment: May – July 2015
Number man/days allocated:20 working days during the period of the assignment
The Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control 2008/1/EC (IPPC Directive) has the objective to achieve an integrated prevention and control of pollution rising from the activities listed in Annex I of IPPC in order to prevent or, where that is not practicable, to reduce emissions to the air, water and land from these activities, so as to achieve a high level of protection of the environment taken as a whole. The IPPC Directive was transposed into the legislation of the Republic of Serbia through the Law on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, adopted in December 2004 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 135/2004), and by-laws. The new Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), which the European Parliament adopted on October 25, 2010,has not still been transposed into the legislation of the Republic of Serbia, but it will be an obligation in the coming period. The IE Directive (of which IPPC now forms a part) once fully transposed will establish a stricter approach to Best Available Techniques (BAT) since it requires Emission Limit Values (ELVs) to be met within these integrated permits.
The competent for the issuance of integrated permits is divided between the IPPC Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Provincial Secretariat for Planning, Construction and Environment and Local Self-Governments (LSG); LSGs are considered as the Competent Authorities for installations included in the IPPC categories related to food production and intensive rearing.
Based on experience from previous projects and discussion with competent authorities, the most difficulties in issuing permits are at local level. Some Municipalities have already passed on applications to the Ministry or Provincial Secretariat, since they don’t have capacity and knowledge to analyse documentation and issue the permit.
The biggest number of non-submitted applications is coming from intensive rearing sector (23 installations) and most of submitted IPPC applications are poor quality, there is a lack of adequate knowledge regarding the BREF documents and assessment of the application of Best Available Techniques.
Poor quality IPPC applications will trigger the risk of poor quality IPPC permits. In this context it is in the interest of all stakeholders to upgrade the knowledge and skills in the permitting process, including industry (to prepare high quality and BAT based IPPC permit applications), competent authority for issuing permits (to issue quality permits) and environmental inspection (to monitor implementation of measures defined within permits).
General objective of the project is to support the Serbian Competent Authorities and operators in the adoption of a sustainable approach for the implementation of the IPPC/IE Directive in the intensive rearing of poultry and pigs, considering the connections with other Directives and the specificity of the involved installations. Enhance the approximation of Serbia to the transposition and implementation of IED and related Directives. This will be achieved through 3 main components of the Project and different activities that will involve all relevant stakeholders:
- Identification the connections between the IE Directive and other Directives that specifically apply to the intensive rearing and legal gaps in Serbian regulation
- Improving quality of submitted applications by operators from intensive rearing sector, improving quality of issued permits by Local self-Government and ensuring inspection according to IED
- Improving public participation and awareness on IPPC through visibility events and informative materials
With the proposed project the full chain from applications via permits to the needed inspections for the actual implementation is covered.
General objective
The general objective of this ToR is to support the project team in carrying out the activities related to the Inception phase of the project, as defined in the project document.
Specific objectives
The Expert will collect information on the current situation related to IPPC permitting process in the intensive rearing sector. This will be followed by the preparation of the Report describing status of the permit for each operator and competent authority. Based on the obtained results, the current IPPC list and project indicators will be revised.
According to the project plan, the project team will support 10 IPPC operators in the preparation of the documents required by the application form, in accordance with the existing Regulations. Also, the project will support 10 selected Competent Authoritis in the preparation of the administrative and technical part of the permit, setting the conditions and possible Emission Limit Values as well as the monitoring requirements. The expert will detail the criteria for selection of operators and Local Self Governments and he/she will support the project team in the selection process. The expert will perform regular meetings with the project team in order to discuss the outcomes of each step of the activity. The involvement of relevant stakeholders (public administration and operators) will be ensured by the organization of two meetings – in Belgrade and Novi Sad.
Requested services
The expert will support the project team in carrying out the following activities:
-Planning and organization of the meetings with the main stakeholders of the project – IPPC Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Provincial Secretariat for Planning, Construction and Environment, Local Self-Governments and operators;
-Collection and analysis of the outputs of closed and ongoing projects related to IPPC and farms;
-Analysis of the current status of the IPPC permits in the intensive rearing sector;
-Preparation of the criteria for the selection of 10 farms and support to the project team in the selection process;
-Preparation of the criteria for the selection of 10 Local Self Governments and support to the project team in the selection process
Belgrade and other towns, Serbia
The work of the selected Local Short Term Expert will be supervised by the project team, in close cooperation with the relevant stakeholders, who will provide guidelines and directions.
The selected Short Term Expert will provide the outputs as specified below:
- Preparation of the report on the current status related to IPPC permitting process in the intensive rearing sector, which will have to contain at least the following elements:
- List of the relevant stakeholders
- Plan and outcomes of the meetings with the relevant stakeholders
- List of related projects and correspondent outputs
- Description of the current status of the IPPC permits in the intensive rearing sector with the following information for each operator: competent authority, status of application, status of other documents and plans, necessary permits (water, usage permits), ownership, contact details etc
- Preparation of the report on the criteria for the selection of 10 farms and Local Self Governments
- Criteria for the selection of 10 operators that will be supported in the preparation of IPPC applications and other relevant documents
- Criteria for the selection of 10 LSGs and operators that will be supported in the preparation of draft IPPC permits
Location / Activity / Number of man/days allocated / Dates
Belgrade and other towns / Report on the status of the IPPC permits in the intensive rearing sector / 14 / May – June 2015
Belgrade and other towns / Report on the criteria for the selection of 10 farms and Local Self Governments / 6 / May – July 2015
Total / 20
Qualifications and Skills / A bachelor’s degree (where an university degree has been awarded on completion of three years study in a university or equivalent institution). A Master/PhD in a subject relevant to the assignment is an advantageAt least very good command of English (4 on a scale 1-5 where 5 is excellent)
General Professional Experience / Minimum 8 years but preferably 10 years of post-graduate professional experience in environmental management
Specific Professional Experience / At least 1 but preferably 3 professional experiences in one of the following thematic areas: Legal Transposition of the Environment Acquis, IPPC, Implementation of environmental regulation at local level