CTLW 2016 Registration Form

Please print two copies of this registration form, one for your records and one to mail in
with your $95 registration fee to:
Connecticut Department of Labor - CTLW
ATTN: Debra Barr, Office of Research
200 Folly Brook Blvd.
Wethersfield, CT 06109

Checks should be made payable to Connecticut Learns and Works.



Business Address:

Billing Address, if different:

City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Email Address:

Check Purchase Order* Transfer Invoice(CORE-CT) DOL Employee

If you are using a purchase order please enter PO# here:

*Please note that registrations paid via purchase order will not be accepted without a purchase order number being provided at the time of registration.

All checks for individuals must be received with registrations prior to event date. Spots will not be held without payment.

Is this registration part of a group (i.e., DOL, BRS, school) or individual registration?

Individual Group

Pick four workshop titles that you are most interested in attending, one from each session. All workshops will run for 50 minutes. (Please note, workshop time slots are subject to change.)

Session 1 / 10:00 - 10:50 a.m.
Labor Market Information / Financial Industry Opportunities in Connecticut / College Career Pathways / The Digital Badging Revolution
Session 2 / 11:00 - 11:50 a.m.
Women in STEM Careers: Realities, Resources and Road Maps / Manufacturing (Non-Traditional Students/Alternate Pathways in Higher Ed) /
College and University Honors/Scholars Program / Best Chance for a Second Chance
Session 3 / 1:00 - 1:50 p.m.
Women in STEM Careers: Realities, Resources and Road Maps / Manufacturing (Non-Traditional Students/Alternate Pathways in Higher Ed) / College Career Pathways / The Digital Badging Revolution
Session 4 / 2:00 - 2:50 p.m.
Latinos in Connecticut Schools / Financial Industry Opportunities in Connecticut /
College and University Honors/Scholars Program / Best Chance for a Second Chance


Effective July 1, 2012, continuing education units (CEUs) will not be required for applicants requesting continuation of the professional educator certificate. Section 36 of P.A. 12-116 eliminates the requirement for professional educator certificate holders to complete 9.0 CEUs (90 contact hours) during the five-year period for which the professional educator certificate was issued. Anyone applying on and after July 1, 2012, for a continuation of the professional educator certificate will no longer be required to provide verification of completion of CEUs. Form ED 179 Application for Continuation of Professional Educator Certificate has been revised to reflect this change.