Position: Classroom Teacher- Primary

Location: Ardlethan Central SchoolPeriod: Terms 1-4 2016

Position Details:

Expressions of interest are invited from applicants who would be interested in a temporary full-time Primary classroom teaching position at Ardlethan Central School for 2016 to commence Term 1.

Ardlethan Central School is a K-12 rural school in the Riverina Region, South Western NSW. Our aim is to deliver quality education that inspires all students to succeed. Students attain outstanding success in all areas, including cultural, sporting and academic pursuits.

There are currently approximately 88 students, with a current enrolment of 46 Primary children. The school has a strong focus on student welfare, community engagement and quality teaching and learning.The school is well resourced with a deeply committed and professional staff. The school has a strong reputation for supporting the needs of the whole student through intervention programs and support for individual learning needs.

Teacher Housing may be available. A rental subsidy and other locality benefits apply.

Amaximumtwo A4 page statementis required addressingthefollowingpositioncriteria:

  • Approval to teach K-6 and willingness to work in a K-12 central school learning environment.
  • Evidence of effective differentiation of curriculum delivery to personalise learning and caterforthe needsofstudentsin amulti-ageclassroom.
  • Demonstrated experience in using the Literacy and Numeracy Continuums and current data to inform the teaching and learning cycle.
  • Demonstrated ability to enhance student well-being and meet the welfare needs of all students, including a willingness to lead the School Student Representative Council.
  • Capacity to integrate electronic technologies into teaching and learning and demonstrate 21st century pedagogy.
  • Experience in, or willingness to participate in HOW2Learn.
  • Demonstrated well- developed communication and interpersonal skills with students, staff and the wider community and the capacity and commitment to work as part of a team.

Applicantsaretoprovideon the Expression of Interest formtheircurrentdetailsandcontactdetailsfor2 referees.Thefirstrefereemustbetheapplicant’scurrentsupervisor.

Applications should be submitted to Kerrilee Logan, Principal, Ardlethan Central School at by 5pm Monday 14thDecember 2015.
