
Vocal Music Department

Chorus Handbook

for members of...

Elementary Chorus

Mrs. Katey Archer, Director

“Pride is a personal commitment.

It is an attitude which separates excellence from mediocrity.”


Rehearsal Expectations and Procedures

  1. Singers are expected to be on time for rehearsals. Remember that punctuality is part of your grade

each quarter.

  1. Singers are expected to put gum into the garbage can on the way into rehearsal. Absolutely no drinks

(except water) or food is permitted in the chorus room, unless there is a special occasion.

  1. Unless it is an emergency, singers will not be permitted to go to the restroom or anywhere else until the

last five minutes of class- please don’t ask.

  1. Singers are expected to conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen at all times. The student and parents

will be notified the thirdtime that a student needs to be reminded of proper behavior during rehearsal.

A disciplinary referral will be submitted to the office if the behavior does not improve.

  1. Each singer needs a pencil and their assigned folder for each rehearsal. PLEASE ONLY WRITE IN

YOUR MUSIC WITH PENCIL, NEVER PEN! In the event that a chorus folder is forgotten, the singer

is expected to see the chorus officer for an extra folder. The music and the other resources in their folder

are the tools to becoming musically literate. Please be responsible and prepared for rehearsals.

  1. If a singer is vocally unhealthy, please bring a note from a physician, a parent / guardian, or the school nurse.

Please understand that singers are still able to be and will be expected to be actively engaged in the rehearsal

even if they are unable to sing. No one will be permitted to “sit out” of a rehearsal.

Performance Procedures

  1. Singers are expected to report to the warm-up room on time to prepare for the performances. Times to

arrive will be announced in rehearsal and given in writing at least one week before the concert. The time

given is always the time warm-up will begin, NOT when you should arrive. Please remember that

punctuality is part of your grade.

  1. How we look as a group is an important part of performing. A unified look helps us to look professional.

Singers need to have a complete outfit for their performances, unless otherwise specified by Mrs. Archer.

Students will not be able to perform if dressed inappropriately. Please plan ahead. If you are unable to

providethese items, please contact Mrs. Archer as soon as possible.

Concert Clothes:

- Long black skirt (below knees) or black dress pants
- White blouse (please be sure shoulders, chest, back, and belly are covered)
- Black tights or black nylons (no bare legs)
- Black dress shoes (no crazy high heels or flip flops) / Gentlemen
- White dress shirt with a collar
- Black dress pants (no jeans, khakis, etc.)
- Black dress shoes
- Dark socks
- Long tie
  1. All performances and rehearsals scheduled outside of the school day that are not already on the school

calendar will be announced in rehearsal and given in writing at least two (2) weeks in advance. Chorus

members have an obligation to themselves and the rest of the ensemble. Attendance at all rehearsals and performances is required.


50 points–Class Grade

This grade will reflect the singer’s approach to chorus with regard to:

Attendance and Punctuality (10)

Proper Singing Technique -

Vocal Tone (10)

Singing Posture (10)

Solfege Hand Signs and Sight Reading (10)

Effort and Working Attitude (10)

15 points - Homework/Quiz grade

10 points – Folder grade

This grade will reflect if the music is in the condition that it was given, and if thedesignated marks have

been made to the music. This grade will also reflect how prepared the singer is for each rehearsal. Any damaged

orlost music will be the financial responsibility of the singer and a written notice will be sent home.

Each quarter, a point will be deducted for the third time that a folder is forgotten, and every time following.

Please be responsible and prepared for each rehearsal.

25 points–Concert Grade

This grade reflects concert attendance, concert dress, and punctuality.

Attendance at ALL performances is required.

Excused Absences:

  1. Absence from school due to illness.
  2. An emergency.
  3. Advance arrangements – If possible, please submit all advance requests in writing at least

TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE. Please feel free to call to discuss extenuating circumstances.

In the event of an emergency or illness, please send in a note with the student’s name,

the reason for the absence, a phone number, and a parent / guardian signature. If possible,

please call the chorus room 933-6000 ext. 1136 so that any necessary arrangements

can be made concert night.

* Students with excused absences, who submit a note on their return to school following the concert, will be assigned a project so that they have the opportunity to earn the 25 points for concert attendance.

2011-2012Elementary Chorus Dates

**Please mark these dates on your calendar**

September 11Music Booster Frozen Food Fundraiser Begins

September 28 (during rehearsal)Elementary Chorus picture in concert clothes

November 9Frozen Food Pick-Up

(* NOT Nov. 10 as listed on the school calendar)

November 14Music Dept. Poinsettia Sale Begins

December 13 – 7:00pmHoliday Concert- Elem Chorus and Band

JH Chorus and Band

December 19- 7:00pmSnow Date for Holiday Concerts

February 10, 11All -County at Randolph- Elem Chorus and Band

JH Band

February 27Music Booster Pizza Sale Fundraiser Begins

May 16 – 7:00pm Spring Concert – Elem Chorus and Elem Band

May 17Spring Music Assembly for Pre-K – 6

-Elem Chorus and Band

ElementaryChorus Contract

In order for your child to participate in all chorus performances and activities, it is necessary for this contract to be signed and returned to Mrs. Archer by Friday Sept. 16, 2011.

Students, this is your first homework assignment! It is worth 5 points.

**If you return this contract by Friday Sept. 9, you will receive 3 bonus points!!**

Date ______

My son /daughter ______is permitted to be a part of the PCS Vocal Music Department. I have read and support the information in the 2011-12Elementary Chorus Handbook regarding Rehearsals, Performances, and Grading Policies. I have received a schedule of 2011-12 concerts / events and understand that attendance at the performances is part of the course requirements.

______Parent / Guardian Signature

I have read and support the information in the 2011-12Elementary Chorus Handbook regarding Rehearsals, Performances, and Grading Policies. I have received a schedule of 2011-12 concerts / events and understand that attendance at the performances is part of the course requirements. I also understand that being part of this ensemble means that I will participate to the best of my ability and I will be responsible for my actions.

______Student Signature

If you would like me to contact you by email, please write your email address below.

I will also use email to send reminders and notices throughout the school year.


* If you have any questions or concerns regarding any items in this handbook,

please do not hesitate to call 933-6000, ext. 1136.


-Attend a PCS musical event in which you are not a performer or a musical event outside of school and complete

a concert review. Please be sure to attachthe program / ticket stub or show Mrs. Archer.

- Participate in All-County

- Audition for solos

- Submit a newspaper picture or article about a PCS student, faculty or staff member to add to the “Take Note Board”

-Donate a box of tissues to the chorus classroom



We need your help and ideas.

We meet the second Monday each month at 7:00 pm.

All are welcome to attend.

2011 - 2012 Music Booster Meetings:

September 19

October 17

November 14

December 12

January 9

February 13

March 12

*no meeting in April because of Spring Break

May 14

June 11 (at 6:30)