St Anne’s, Buxton

Minutes of PPC Meeting

29April 2010


  • Fr Dennis Higgins, Anne Cleary, Esther King, Mary Rooney, Sue Hardman,Mike Monaghan, Sandy Ochojna, Gareth Littlewood
  1. Welcome and opening prayer
  • Sandy chaired the meeting and Fr Dennis opened the meeting with a prayer that the meeting would be of benefit to the young, middle-aged and elderly of the Parish.
  1. Apologies
  • Lesley Crowther, James Piercy, Josie Muncaster
  1. Previous minutes, and Matters arising
  • Sandy asked that all on the committee give comments on the article which Anne Cleary wrote on the history of the Parish (attached).
  1. Matters arising
  • None.
  1. Group reports


  • Sue reported that the choir will be quite busy over the next few weeks including singing at the following: On Saturday 1st May, the choir will be singing at Buxton festival of Music at the Methodist church at 11am (youth choir singing at 10.30am); at the Confirmation service on the 27th May; at the Pentecost service (Churches together); and at the Pavilion Gardens for the Rotary Charity Fair in June.


  • The social committee were asked to provide tea/coffee for the ‘Day of Renewal’ for Eucharistic Ministers on 8th May and also for the Pentecost service on 23rd May at 6pm.
  • Esther said that the confirmation group were organising a race evening to raise money on the 15th May.


  • See Anne’s report.
  • In addition, more volunteers are needed for the Welcome Committee and for the Visiting group. More details on level of commitment expected of volunteers would be helpful. Anne to ask Marie.

Justice and Peace

  • Mike brought the latest edition of Cafod’s ‘Side-by-side’ magazine which reports on the situation in Haiti. This will be used as a source of information when we want to organise an event/s for this cause later in the year.
  • Mike is going to find a speaker from the Notts branch of Cafod to talk at the church in the autumn.
  • There is a Cafod ‘who is your neighbour’ petition which people are invited to sign expressing their desire to see the next government tackle the issue of global poverty. Mike to distribute.
  • Mike has some envelopes which can be used to send old mobile phones to be recycled; each phone sent gives £3 to Cafod. Mike to put these envelopes in the church.
  1. AGM
  • To be held on 6th June at 12pm in the Centre.
  • A note to be put in the bulletin asking for people to nominate themselves for the committee (Gareth to email Angela Duffy).
  • James to prepare a welcome presentation.
  • Each Group to produce an information board to display at the AGM showing the activities during the year.
  1. 150 year anniversary
  • Progress update needed on the following:
  • Have the schools been approached? (James)
  • Has the Bishop been approached? (James)
  • Well dressing? (James)
  • Carnival: would the Brownies, Rainbows, Guides like to make the theme of their float the 150 years of St Anne’s? (To be raised with Lesley at the next meeting).
  • The choir to take part in the Blessing of the Well ceremony?
  • Ideas for a Parish gift. Mike and Sandy suggested we think of something local and also something for those far from Buxton too.
  • Sandy said we should think of a ‘strap line’ for the 150 year events which would be memorable. Ideas raised so far were that it must mention the 150 years and it must relate to the church building. More ideas needed.
  1. Pure Buxton
  • We still need pictures of the church for the article. Sue suggested we get one from the county council website ‘pictures of the past’.
  • Ask Rob Aldous to take a photo of people outside the church one Sunday after Mass. Sandy to ask Rob.
  1. Yearbook
  • This is due our shortly after the AGM which will be in May. Each Group needs to send an update to James so he can put the book together in advance of the AGM when photos of the new committee can be taken and put in.

Action: MM, AC, EK, JM, SH, PS

  1. Ideas for integrating the Parish
  • Gareth suggested we have a Parish walk for all Parishioners and families sometime in the summer. Ideas were Corbar Cross or the shrine of Our Lady on Long Hill.
  • The walk to Corbar Cross was thought to be most practical and will be organised for Sunday 13th June after the 11am Mass leaving from the church. People to bring a picnic lunch, and those not able to walk all the way could park near the Corbar Road and walk the final section.
  • Kazia to be contacted for the Polish community (notice to be read at Polish Mass) and Edith to be contacted for the Pilipino community.

Action: GL

  1. Outreach to Schools

James to mention distribution the Parish newsletter at the schools for pupils to take home to their parents when he sees the heads to discuss the 150 year anniversary events.

Action: JP

  1. AOB
  • None
  1. Next meeting
  • The AGM will be on the Sunday 6th June at 12pm in the Centre following Mass.
  • Next PPC meeting to be held on Thursday 8th July 2010 at 7.30pm in the Centre.