APHG Population Investigation Activity

Learning questions: Howdo population statistics help evaluate development? How can geographers use population data to help predict and plan for future growth?

Step 1 –Comparing Countries:

Click on the link, go to the data chart beginning on p. 6.

*You will notice that the statistics are organized according to the vocabulary (indicators).

Fill in your data table on the back of this sheet.

Looking at the data tables, compare the statistics in the above categoriesand any other demographics relating to population that you think are important for the countries listed. (You may want to notice the projected categories.) Use the table provided to record your findings (table is a second link on the blog post). (*The website does not tell you the stage of the DTM, you have to infer this after analyzing the data) In addition to filling out the table, write out the answers to the following questions.

1. Make three comparative observations about the five countries listed.

Step 2: Using GIS to map population.

On the details pane click the button “Show Contents of Map (left side, small middle button.) Click OFF on the layer “world population” and click ON the layer “population density”. Click the button “Basemap” and select “National Geographic.” Click on the following countries to answer the questions below: Argentina, Bangladesh, Belgium, and Russia.

2. Rank the 4 countries in order of population density from lowest to highest.

3. What geographic factors influence the countries with the highest densities… in other words, why are they so high?

Unclick the density layer, and click the TFR layer.Click on Japan, Germany, Somalia, and Niger for the popup info.

4. Rank the four countries in order of TFR from lowest to highest.

5. What is the % growth difference between Japan and Somalia in 2013?

6. What is the % growth difference between Germany and Niger in 2013?

Step 3: Summary of Issues :

Go to the World in Balance website. In the middle column titled “interactive”,work your way through all four activities following directions.

7. As you play each interactive, make a list of the population issues facing the world today and comment briefly on the future outlook for each issue.

Step 4: Gapminder. Go to

First click on the “Teach” link at the top if you need to watch the “how to video” again or if you need printed instructions. Next, you to “Gapminder World” and create a graph for your Adopted Country that shows both the change in “Heath and Wealth” in your ADC from 1960 to 2014 (or most recent data available). Once you have done this and set your graph into motion for your ADC answer the following:

8. Write the name of your ADC and then describe in detail what you see with regard to the population, the health, and the wealth of your ADC over time.

9. Make a future prediction about the population, health, and wealth of your ADC.

Step 5: Adopted Country Project Population Pyramids (to go in project NOT handed in with this): click on Data from top menu, then choose data base, then select your country select a year, then select population pyramids – this site gives you a wealth of current information about your country, THEN….

adopted country. For your adopted country project, you will want to print out the pyramids for 2014(or most recent), 2025 or2050, and one from an earlier date like 1995. You will want to print this in color, or add color with colored pencils.


You have completed this assignment when you have:

1. Completed the data table on the back of this sheet.

2. Answered the 9 questions on notebook paper.

3. Completed the population pyramid portion of your Adopted Country Project