ErithSchool Geography


Tutor Group:


Over the next six weeks, you are going to investigate where we get our energy from and what sources of energy we could use in the future. Unless told otherwise, do all this homework in your Geography homework book.

Homework 1 – Week beginning9September

The sun is the sources of all our energy, including electricity. Find out how the sun’s energy was trapped by plants and eventually turned into coal. Then find out how the energy is released again and turned into electricity. Show this as a series of drawings with captions underneath. Due in week beginning21October.

Homework 2 – Week beginning 16September

Do this homework on A4 paper. What is the National Grid? Find out and draw a poster, with drawings and photographs, to explain what it is and why it is important.Due in week beginning 21October.

Homework 3– Week beginning 23September

Choose one person you know with a car and find out how much it costs to run each year; including petrol, tax, motor insurance, MOT and servicing. Work out the total and show the results as a pie chart.Due in week beginning 21October.

Homework 4 – Week beginning 30September

Find out how many nuclear power stations there are in the UK? Where are they? Why do you think they are there? Due in week beginning 21October.

Homework 5 – Week beginning 7October

Design a questionnaire (with at least five questions) to find out people’s attitude to nuclear power. You could ask how much they know about it, how they feel about it, whether they think we should have more nuclear power stations, and so on. Carry out the survey and summarise the answers.Due in week beginning 21October.

Homework 6 – Week beginning 14October

It’s the year 2200. Where are we getting our energy from?Use your imagination to describe the types of transport people use, the houses they live in, how they cook etc. You can either write out your description or draw a large picture with annotations.Due in week beginning 21October.

Assessment of homework

These homeworks make up a project which is due in the week beginning21October. The completed project will be selfassessed using National Curriculum levels.

A detention will be set if the project is not attempted or it is not handed in on time.

Year 8Energy Homework Self Assessment

4 / You use a range of skills to research energy. You begin to come up with suitable geographical questions for your questionnaire. You show how energy choices can improve or damage the environment. You give reasons for your views about energy and show that you know other people have different views.
5 / You use appropriate skills to research energy. You choose appropriate geographical questions for your questionnaire. You show you know what sustainability is and whether energy is sustainable or not. You give reasons for different views about energy.
6 / You use skills well to research energy. You use relevant geographical questions for your questionnaire. You show how people’s different views about the environment can lead to different choices and priorities for sustainability and energy sources.
I think this is a level _____ because:
How I could get a level _____: