Pop-up video[AK1]

When you link to a video from a link or image on a page of the site (not from the home page media block), the procedure is as follows:

Add the following code in HTML view. Do not switch from Visual to HTML mode when entering this code. The code makes the video play in a pop-up window over the page.

Linking from a photo and text:
<p<a href="VIDEO_ID?hl=en&amp;fs=1&amp;rel=0&amp;autoplay=1" rel="shadowbox;width=640;height=385;player=swf"<img src="PHOTO_PATH"</a</p>

<p<a href="VIDEO_ID?hl=en&amp;fs=1&amp;rel=0&amp;autoplay=1" rel="shadowbox;width=640;height=385;player=swf">Video &raquo;</a</p>


VIDEO_ID / Is the unique YouTube id number. To get this, play the video on YouTube. In the URL for the video, copy everything after v= and before the ampersand (&).
Example:On this page is a video of Linda Hagedorn. Click on the Watch button, and then click on the YouTube icon, so it plays in YouTube. Here is the URL: DLiRGrrYPW4&feature=player_embeddedThe bold part is the ID that you paste into the code.
PHOTO_PATH / Is the image URL from WordPress. It starts with “/wp-content” and ends with “.jpg” or .png.”
Example: Go to the Video Thumbnails gallery and locate the photo. Right-click on the photo and view image info. Look at the Location – it will look something like this: /wp-content/gallery/video-thumbnails/thumbs/thumbs_adult-good-company.jpg?1262866581 . The part you actually use is in bold.
Video » / You can replace this with whatever text you’d like, if necessary. (Our style is to use Video » after the name or summary text when you have a link that’s not in a list or in the context of the content. The code for the arrow is &raquo; -- you must use the code in the right column.

Example code: Photoand text(two links to the video)

<p<a href="OTq9V6Csm40?hl=en&amp;fs=1&amp;rel=0&amp;autoplay=1" rel="shadowbox;width=640;height=385;player=swf"<img src=""/<a/</p>

<p<a href="OTq9V6Csm40?hl=en&amp;fs=1&amp;rel=0&amp;autoplay=1" rel="shadowbox;width=640;height=385;player=swf">Video &raquo;</a</p>

Video not on YouTube (length > 10min. or soundslide with captions)

You must FTP the files to AFS. (See AFS notes.)

Uploading videos THIS EXAMPLE IS FOR A SOUNDSLIDE that couldn’t be uploaded to YouTube.

FTP the files in the Publish_to_web folder to our site under: Content > Multimedia > Upload > [name a new directory].

Multimedia application

Add the video to the multimedia page:

Normally I think adding something to the multimedia page is the responsibility of the video person, but if you’d like to learn this, here are my notes. You will need a 125 x 125 photo and the YouTube embed code before you do this. Let me know if you have any questions or if you’d like me to help.

YouTube login: isuchsvideo post9video

Add the video to the multimedia page:

  1. Go to multimedia/admin: userid - admin, password - !multimedia$
  1. Click Add a media.
  1. Add the title – use a format consistent with the others in that category.
  1. Add the description -- the summary that will go on the page.
  1. Select the category.
  1. For the URL:
  • If the video resides on our server, you use the full one: E.g.:
  • If the video resides on YouTube, use the embed code. E.g., <iframe width="640" height="360" src=" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen</iframe>
  1. Add the duration.
  1. Upload the thumbnail.

Home page media block—video photo only

Use this procedure when you want a video photo to go in the home page media block, but you don’t have a story.
  1. Upload the photo—it doesn’t have to be 312 x 209—just no smaller than those dimensions. Enter the caption—that will be what you see with the mouseover.
  1. Create a new post and add a title
  1. Click Set featured image.
  1. Click NexGen Gallery.
  1. Choose the Home Page Mediagallery and click Select.
  1. Find your photo and click Show.
  1. Click the Full size radio button and Use as Thumbnail.
  2. Check media block under Categories.
  3. Add the more tag.
  4. Put in the special video code that uses the You Tube id. Here’s an example:
[youtube video="twx5Tj4luk"]Keeley Hogan talks about why she chose a major with human interaction[/youtube]
The text is the caption—web visitors should never see it, so just put the subject’s name(s) or the name of the video.
  1. Check Hide Link box under News Information (so there’s no link to the story).
View the post to make sure the video works.
If an ID has more than one video, only the first one shows. / All of our videos are posted from YouTube. Our channel is ISUCHS.
The video’s id is in the url.

[AK1]These instructions on on WebHelp as content, not a word doc. The word doc has password information in it we don’t want to share.